Ban the Box (Planter Boxes - Mapua 'Streets for People' Project

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TDC Announce boxes are to be removed

2024-06-06 20:43:34

"Work begins on Monday 10 June and should take about two weeks.

Planter boxes and plastic bollards are being removed, the on-street shared path will be converted to a single-direction cycle lane toward the wharf, with the footpath returning to pedestrians only."

Sally Hargraves

They're gone! (or will be soon anyway)

2024-05-06 21:49:22

A further update to announce that TDC have, in their infinite wisdom, decided to remove the Planter Boxes from Mapua's streets! I hesitate to suggest that it was as a result of this petition, but it certainly can't have hurt - so thank you all for supporting this!!

Really appreciated.


Sally Hargraves

Mapua - Ban the Box

2024-04-06 01:27:53

A quick update to let you know that I presented the petition to TDC Steering Committee last Thursday, in my allocated 5 min slot, with no time for questions or debate (eye roll).  I guesss we just have to wait and see what (if anything) happens next.

Thanks for your continued support.

Sally Hargraves

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