Proposed development @ 801 York Mills Rd and 1855 Leslie St.




Please join us in opposing the application for Zoning By-law Amendment at 801 York Mills Road and 1855 Leslie Street.  

First Capital Realty has proposed a major redevelopment of the property on the south east quadrant of York Mills Road and Leslie Street.  

It includes the buildings currently housing Windfield’s Restaurant and Swiss Chalet. It also includes the property on Leslie where Browns Veterinary clinic was.  It does not include the property at the corner containing a strip plaza with the Big Smoke Burger restaurant and Sleep Country.  

Our issues for opposition include:  

1.  HEIGHT.   Current plans include two 21-storey towers at 74 meters in height and a 9-storey building at 32 meters in height contrary to the allowable 11 metre height by-law. 

2.  DENSITY.  Drastic increase in population.  

3.  EXCESSIVE TRAFFIC.  Over an additional 500 cars on the roads around the intersection of York Mills Rd. and Leslie St.  This will greatly impact commute times, pollution, and safety of pedestrians on main and residential sidestreets.

4.  CROWDED SCHOOLS.  Lack of space in local schools to accommodate residents’ children which may require them to be bussed to other further schools.

5.  TOO CLOSE to established low-rise residential homes, contradicting City by-law of 45° angular plane (see photo above), causing overlook and loss of privacy to existing residents.

6.  A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT for all of Banbury-Don Mills, and York Mills communities.  Changing current zoning by-laws in our neighbourhood will have a permanent and devastating negative impact on our neighbourhoods, our safety, our quality of life as well as our property values.

7. The disappearance of mature trees from our neighbourhoods with over 40 trees set to be destroyed, and five mature and healthy trees to be injured.   

This development complex is inappropriate for this location and will negatively impact the infrastructure, integrity and character of our established neighbourhoods!  

Thank you.


 Details of the application for Zoning By-law Amendment by First Capital Realty are available at:

Type in address "801 york mills" or "1855 leslie".  Once the pop up window comes up, click on “Application Details” at the bottom and there you can also find “Supporting Documentation”.


North York District Community Planning Preliminary Report – 801 York Mills Road and 1855 Leslie Street – Zoning Amendment Application    


Letter of Objection to proposed Rezoning for 801 York Mills Rd. and 1855 Leslie St.



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Don Mills Residents Association Inc.

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York Mills Neighbours Association

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