Widen Austin Road

This petition will be sent to the Whangarei District Council in an effort to prioritise the widening of parts of Austin Road, Maunu, Whangarei.  It also requests that a centre line and edge lines are painted on the entire length of the road, as currently there are portions of the road that have no lines.

This petition originated from residents who are concerned that the road should be safer given the volume of traffic increasing with the ongoing subdivision activity in recent years.  The stretches of Austin Road between Belle and Fieldstone Lanes and near Caitlins Lane are of primary concern.

Your signing of this petition will lend weight to the priority of this work.

The email address, phone number and residential address information that you enter will be visible only to me, the initiator of this petition.  


Matt Trubshaw (on behalf of Heritage Way residents)

16 Heritage Way (off Austin Road)


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