We demand the withdrawal of NATO from Libya
Ground force invasion of Libya confirmed by military sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTfaBFZzpqM&feature=player_embedded#at=134
US Congress votes against Libyan rebel funding: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hFtsR7ij3rVqBIAIxljLnUdIidug?docId=CNG.ee00cd993c4221a5ac150a9aab17ca0b.561
Nous exigeons le retrait de l'OTAN dela Libye
Exigimos la retirada de la OTANdesde Libia
نحن نطالب بانسحاب منظمة حلف شمال الأطلسيمن ليبيا
ہم نےلیبیا کی طرف سے نیٹو کی واپسی کامطالبہ
This war has nothing to do about "protection of civilians" this war is in clear violation of other countries sovereignty, this war has been 4 months now and has done nothing but divide Libya even more and while the NTC is signing deals and getting recognition the aim has become clear it is interest driven and manipulation of another countries resources.
5 reasons why NATO is in Libya and its all about money, currency and interest.
1. Gaddafi has risen the price of Libya's oil at OPEC which is not in the likes of America and Britain who want cheap oil
2. Gaddafi has told OPEC that he wants gold for oil not cash
3. Gaddafi has told America's business in Libya that they must employ 30% of the Libyan population to work in their companies
4. New oil discoveries were made by America and it use to take 90% of the oil, Gaddafi has told them that 90% should go to the Libyan people
5. Gaddafi has formed an African Union and is in the process of forming an African currency such as the US dollar, Euro and that wasn't like by America.
Protecting civilians or western oil companies?http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25255 read this
5 أسباب تتعلق السبب في حلف الناتو في ليبيا و على كل ما يتعلق العملةوالمال والفائدة.
1. قد ارتفع القذافي سعر النفط في ليبيا في أوبك التي ليست في أمثال أمريكاوبريطانيا الذين يريدون النفط الرخيص
2. وقال القذافي انه يريد أوبك بالذهب عن النفط ليس نقدية
3. وقد صرح القذافي التجارية الأمريكية في ليبيا أنه يجب عليها أن توظف30 ٪ من سكان ليبيا للعمل في شركاتهم
4. تم جعل اكتشافات نفطية جديدة بين أمريكا و أن يستخدم على اتخاذ 90 ٪من النفط، وقال القذافي ان 90 ٪ منهم يجب ان تذهب الى الشعب الليبي
5. وقد شكل القذافى على الاتحاد الأفريقي وذلك في عملية تشكيل عملة افريقية مثل الدولار واليورو والتي لم تكن ترغب من قبل أمريكا.
Sign the petition so I can forward our voices to the US Congress and International Criminal Court, these criminals can't get away by attacking sovereign countries under their fake pretext of "humanitarian" Let the people's power speak.
Let your voice be heard! Fight for justice and a peaceful solution to the crisis.http://www.fightbacknews.org/sites/default/files/Libya-protest(2).jpg
Sons Of Hope Contact the author of the petition
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