We demand that St Martin-in-the-Fields reverse outrageous decision to cast out loyal musicians

For 30 years our orchestras and choirs have brought joy to thousands of people and raised millions of pounds to support the work of St Martin-in-the-Fields and the homeless. Now in the midst of a global pandemic with no consultation we have been informed by email, by the Director of Music at St Martin-in-the-Fields, that our concerts will end and that evening concerts will be mainly in-house. We have effectively been summarily dismissed.

We call on people of all faiths and none to support our appeal to senior management at St Martin's to immediately reverse this decision, which will cause severe hardship for hundreds of our musicians in numerous orchestras and choirs, who have served and supported St Martin's faithfully, building a concert series from virtually nothing over three decades, creating the commercially and artistically successful concert series we see today.

This abrupt and dismissive action is callous and un-Christian behaviour. It will reduce the viability of hundreds of our musicians' freelance work and put many professional orchestras out of business.

Belmont Ensemble of London

Feinstein Ensemble

London Musical Arts Ensemble

Trafalgar Sinfonia

London Octave

English Chamber Choir

Locrian Ensemble

Stephen Ellery and London Gala Orchestra

Thames Chamber Orchestra

London Concertante

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