Obesity levels are at an all time high! Even worse now , after a year of lockdowns and covid.

As a Slimming World consultant,  running our safe, informative and supportive classes are the back bone to our members success.

It's a huge part of a person's weight loss recovery and success 

Not being able to have our classes running as they should be (with safety measures in place to protect everyone from covid ) is having a huge impact on our businesses and the communities health and mental health.


We want to be able to run our classes in our physical setting with all covid safety measures in place. Not just a "weigh and go" setting.


We would be able to welcome members but ensure there are masks worn, hand sanitising stations, risk assessments, booking system for track snd trace, spaced seating and anything else we would need to do just as long as we can get our classes open. Just like the UK can! 

Help us. Help our community.  Help our country 

Health minister Stephen Donnelly, Irish Government    Contact the author of the petition

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