0410033A-2A44-480E-95D4-01FFA7075D8D.jpegWe usually ignore the pitisome cries of the caged birds assuming they are singing or talking to us🙄 Can we also forego the self-mutilation these depressed creatures undergo due to boredom? Won’t that be called “in-human” of us!!
Not only is keeping these intelligent and sensitive animals in cages cruel, it is also illegal. The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 and the amendment added to it in 1991 ban the capture and trade of all 1,200 varieties of indigenous birds found in India. However, in spite of this, 300 species of birds are openly sold in town and city markets. Watching Munias, Mynas, Parrots, Owls, Hawks, Peacocks, Parakeets and other species within a cage is very common sight these days. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species restricts the trade of foreign birds, but most markets still have foreign birds such as Australian lovebirds, African parrots, Macau and finches for sale.
They are caught in the most horrifying ways, crammed into boxes and then transported across cities. The birds reach their destination wounded, frightened and starved, if not dead. For every bird who makes his way to the market, two die on the way.
I urge you to SIGN THE PETITION & PLEDGE to never buy birds and also discourage others from buying them. If you want an animal-friend, go to your nearest animal shelter and adopt a cat or dog and treat them as a family member; not as an entertainer. If you know anyone who has a caged bird, tell him or her how cruel caging birds is. Never, ever set a bird free on your own. Birds who have been imprisoned for a long time do not know how to defend themselves in nature, and they may not even be capable of flying. Contact your local wildlife authorities and ask them to direct you to the nearest rehabilitation centre.
This WORLD WILDLIFE DAYobserved on _3rd of March_ let us “BE-aWARE” of illegal _TRAPPING-CAGING-TRADING_ of every kind of bird be it indigenous or exotic. Let us PLEDGE to “Sustain All Life On Earth” by helping our bird-mates to live life independently. Help them engage in social activities such as taking sand baths, playing hide-and-seek, dancing, building nests with their mates and nurturing their young. Our flying petals need a free-life just like we yearn to live post-COVID19!! 

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