Mride Program for UM-Dearborn Students

The main University of Michigan has an Mride program that provides free rides on any AAATA fixed scheduled bus route to students with a valid Mcard. This petition proposes that Univerity of Michigan at Dearborn implement a program for students similar to the Ann Arbor campus's Mride program. 

As a self-professed "commuter school", UM-Dearborn denies access to public transit options and solutions for students that cannot drive or afford the costs of transit. Within a short distance from the school are several transit hubs, where SMART and DDOT buses depart for areas around Dearborn, Detroit, and the southeastern area of the state. These include a stop at Henry Ford College, one on Evergreen just outside the South entrance to campus, and several at Fairlane Town Center. 

Students at UMD come from all over the area, from Ann Arbor to Warren and everywhere inbetween. For those who take public transit, the travel time and daily cost is an issue. Luckily, there is already a partnership between SMART and DDOT to allow free transfers from one service to the other. 

This petition will be sent to the Chancellor's office, the Center for Social Justice & Inclusion, and the Office of Student Life. 

Cyrus Paris, UM-Dearborn student (CASL)    Contact the author of the petition

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