There is no reason to get it right and send it out.

Yang Chang-seop took the mound as a relief pitcher in Game 8 of the season against SSG Landers of the 2023 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO League at Incheon SSG Landers Field on the 24th.

With SSG, who scored six points in the bottom of the seventh inning alone, running 13-7, Yang Chang-seop threw three and four pitches toward his body in Choi Jung's at-bat with one out and runners on first and third base. The third ball went straight into the catcher's mitt, but Choi Jeong was hit by Yang Chang-seop's fourth ball in the ball count 2-1, and headed to first base. 스포츠토토탑

When Choi Jung arrived at first base, Yang Chang-seop took off his hat and apologized, but commentator Oh Jae-won, who watched the situation, had a different opinion. Commissioner Oh said, "This is a blatant hit. I'm glad I brushed against my clothes. "I hate this situation the most," he said, adding, "There is no need to apologize. I tried to move on because it was weird from the previous study, but I hit it openly. "There is no way that Choi Jung doesn't know, but he can't move on like that from a winning position," he said, suspecting an empty ball pitch.

Even after the end of the game, baseball fans continued to argue for a while, and Yang Chang-seop, the party to the case, showed signs of discomfort after hearing Oh's commentary. He posted on his SNS, "Fish is always caught in the mouth. He posted a picture with Talmud's phrase, "Human beings also get caught with their mouths."

Then, about three hours later, Oh, like Yang Chang-seop, quoted Talmud on his SNS, saying, "The foolish tell what they heard and the wise tell what they saw."

In other words, he once again expressed confidence in his commentary that Yang Chang-seop's pitch was an empty ball.

In response, a Samsung team official said in a telephone interview with Expos News on the 25th, "Yang Chang-seop just went up and the catcher's body sign came out with a bad control, and our team's attack was two innings left and there was a runner with one out in the batting match." There was no reason to get it right and send it out," he explained the situation at the time.

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