The University of Jyväskylä must continue offering Spanish as a minor

The University of Jyväskylä is planning to stop offering basic and intermediate studies in Spanish. These elective studies provide useful in-depth language and cultural knowledge for future professionals in many fields and are particularly valuable for teacher students, as the studies provide the qualification to teach Spanish. Spanish is a very popular optional language throughout Finland and it is clear that Spanish teachers are needed in the future. Through this decision, the University of Jyväskylä would run a great risk of losing some of its attractiveness in the eyes of future language students. The decision is short-sighted and does not take into account the growing popularity of Spanish. If we want to ensure that Finns continue to have a wide range of language skills, we need to train teachers in optional languages, including Spanish. We, who have signed the petition, demand that the University of Jyväskylä continue to offer high-quality Spanish teaching that provides teacher qualification.