The Union of the Condor, The Quetzal, and the Eagle





Global digital gathering around the world, December 22 the Day That Shall Not be Followed by Night 2020.


We speak as one, guided by the sacred teachings and spiritual traditions of the Four Directions that uplift, guide, protect, warn, inspire and challenge the entire human family to live in ways that sustain and enhance human life and the lives of all who dwell on Mother Earth, and hereby dedicate our lives and energies to healing and developing ourselves, the web of relationships that make our world, and the way we live with Mother Earth.


Starting from within, working in a circle, in a sacred manner, we heal ourselves, our relationships, and our world.


Development Comes From Within

The process of healing and development unfolds from within each person, relationship, family, community, or nation. 


The vision of who we can become is like a magnet drawing us to our potential. Where there is no vision, there can be no development. 

Culturally Based

Healing and development must be rooted in the wisdom, knowledge, and living processes of our cultures.


Because everything is connected to everything else, any aspect of our healing and development is related to all the others (personal, social, cultural, economic, etc.). When we work on any part, the whole circle is affected.


Growth and healing for the Individual, the Family, and the Community must go hand in hand.

Working at one level without attending to the other is not enough. Personal and social development as well as top-down and bottom-up approaches must be balanced. 


We need the love, support, and caring of others to heal and develop ourselves. Unity is the starting point for development. No unity, no development. 


People have to be actively engaged in the process of their own healing and development. Without participation, there can be no development. 


Every person must be treated with respect as a human being and a child of the Creator, regardless of gender, race, culture, religion, or any other reason. Everyone should be accorded the opportunity to fully participate in the processes of healing and development, and to receive a share of the benefits. 



Spirituality is at the center of healing and development. Connection with the Creator brings life, unity, love, and purpose to the process, and is expressed through a heart-centered approach to all that we do. 

Harmonizing with Natural Law

Growth is a process of uncovering who we truly are as human beings in harmony with the natural laws of the Universe. 

Walking in Balance

Code of morality, ethics, and protocol teach us how to walk the road of life in a good way. Violating moral and ethical boundaries destroy the process of healing and development. 

Working from Principle

Our plans and actions are founded on our deepest understanding of the principles that describe how the universe is ordered and how healing and development unfold.



Learning to live in ways that promote life and health is the essence of our development. Our primary strategy is therefore the promotion of this type of learning.


When we take actions to improve our lives or the lives of others, it is critical to avoid undermining the natural systems upon which all life depends and to work in ways that enhance the capacity of people to continue in the path of their own healing and development.

Move to the Positive

Solving the critical problems in our lives and communities is best approached by visualizing and moving into the positive alternative that we wish to create, and building on the strength we already have, rather than giving away our energy fighting the negative. 

Be the Change You Want to See

In all of our actions, we seek to be living examples of the change we wish to see in the world. By walking the path, we make the path visible. 

Utilizing these guiding principles for building a sustainable, harmonious, peaceful, just, and unified world for all members of the human family and, with full respect for those international covenants, treaties, conventions, laws, and agreements that uplift, guide, empower, unify, support, and enhance all life within, above and upon our Beloved Mother Earth, with all the sincerity and commitment of our hearts and minds, we agree to work together to promote the cultural, educational, social, economic and healthy development of our Indigenous peoples everywhere

This collective work includes: 

Respect and promote the Four Worlds Model for Human and Community Development and other models based on culture and spirituality for human and community transformation and for economic development which is in harmony with the guiding principles.

Translate the “Sacred Tree” into indigenous languages ​​and enrich, expand and deepen the sacred understanding with contributions, insights, ideas, and sentiments drawn from the infinite spiritual and cultural treasures of our indigenous peoples everywhere.

It establishes the Institute of interactive education of the nationalities and indigenous peoples of Ecuador for Human and Community Development in all our indigenous communities in harmony, respect, and unity with all those research and development initiatives in our respective countries.

The Institute and College will be based in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. The Institute will be administered and directed by the nationalities and indigenous peoples of Ecuador in a way that encourages and strengthens the participation of all those interested. The Institute will have its own legal personality.


Objectives of the Institute will be:

1.  Promote the development and strengthening of the identity, education, sciences, cultures, languages ​​of our indigenous knowledge.

1.1  Prepare strategies and undertake actions for the recovery of the cultural, spiritual, social, and material values ​​of the nationalities and indigenous peoples of Ecuador and the first Indigenous Nations of the world.

1.2  Prepare programs and projects to promote the sciences and arts of Indigenous First Nations:

1.2.1  Human Development; and

1.2.2  Community Development;

1.2.3  Personal Growth, Alternative Medicine and Healing;

1.2.4  Human relations;

1.2.5. Learning Facilitation;

1.2.6  Leadership Development focused on Service;

1.2.7  Facilitation of Personal and Community Well-being;

1.2.8  Relations;

1.2.9  Sustainable Program Development.

1.2.10  Community Development Issues;

1.2.11  Cultural Bases; and,

1.2.12  Comprehensive Practices.

2.  Work together in the preparation and realization of an integrated vision and action program for the collective human and community development and the economic development of indigenous peoples at the international, regional, and community levels.

2.1 Protection of the Environment and Biodiversity, and planning for the sustainable development of our indigenous regions in harmony with all forms of life.

2.2  Business Administration, Indigenous Marketing, and the development of economic and social associations within the indigenous world and with other businesses and economic development agencies in our respective countries and internationally.

2.3  Academic and Cultural Exchange that includes the development of Traditional Education and Training in Indigenous Languages ​​and Literature.

2.4  Use and benefit of traditional and contemporary media, multimedia, and videoconferences.

2.5  Recovery of traditional technologies that benefit the natural wealth of life.

2.6  Strengthening and integration of traditional medicine and spiritual health practices, where they coincide with the Western medicine model.

2.7  Promote research, investment, and job creation.

2.8  Creation of economic enterprises for Indigenous women and youth.

2.9  Develop the Institute for Interactive Education of Indigenous Nationalities and Peoples and the University System in all Indigenous regions of Ecuador in collaboration with other national and international agencies and institutions.

2.10  Improve and strengthen the intercultural bilingual education systems in the areas of pre-school, primary, secondary, and higher education in the indigenous regions of Ecuador based on culture and complete scope that allows our communities to participate fully in this information age.

3.  Other related initiatives will be:

3.1  Develop sources of sustainable, non-polluting energy for our communities.

3.2  Recover and clean our rivers, lakes, and springs that have been contaminated with industrial garbage and dirty water from cities.

3.3  Carry out information campaigns in relation to the need to take care of water, air, and our mother Earth.

3.4  To recover the traditional technologies that do not pollute our Mother Earth, as well as to investigate and use other new technologies that improve the harmonious development of life.

3.5  Do housework and create traditional art using nature.

3.6  Support a traditional housing program with natural materials from each Indigenous region that replace plastics, concrete, metal, and other non-biodegradable materials wherever possible.

3.7  Promote a program of food, nutrition, agriculture, and full use of edible plants in the region to fight malnutrition and the recovery of Indigenous gastronomy.

3.8  Prepare a program for the provision of human rights that does not pollute the environment.

3.10  Use the energy of the sun, water, and wind. Develop our herbal knowledge and sustainable health resources.

3.11  Promote academic and cultural exchange, through a permanent scholarship program for indigenous youth from our corresponding countries.

3.12  Promote Indigenous education and language, promoting cosmology and spirituality, to children, youth, and members of the community in general.

3.13  Prepare teaching materials, such as dictionaries, song collections, stories, music, and literature.

3.14  Recover our traditional medicines and plants.

3.15  Build healing and treatment houses.

3.16  Develop alternative strategies and marketing for the sale and exchange of products and services of the indigenous peoples of our respective countries.

3.17  Promote productive projects for the creation of jobs and income to families, such as textile and craft art, fishing, floriculture, horticulture, livestock, tourism, ecological-educational and culture, floriculture, agriculture (corn, beans, potatoes, broad bean, pumpkin, vegetables, etc.), research and manufacture of natural medicine, production of packaged food, carpentry, cutting and making of traditional clothing or clothing, manufacture of footwear and musical instruments, pottery and ceramics.

4.  We agreed to prepare a Human Resources Development Plan for international development at the community, regional, national, and international levels.

4.1  Promote the organization, training, and professional preparation of our indigenous peoples in all areas of sustainable development that is in harmony with all forms of life.

4.2  Update traditional financial organizations, institutions, and systems.

4.3  Train Indigenous personnel in the areas of business administration, human and community development, and justice and government systems that are in harmony with our cultural and spiritual foundations.

4.4  Develop language immersion programs to teach English and Spanish to our indigenous communities with the purpose of continuing to develop understanding, friendship, and social and economic exchange among our Indigenous peoples.

4.5  Support the creation of economic enterprises developed and managed by indigenous youth.

4.6  Support the creation of economic enterprises developed and managed by indigenous women.

4.7  Strengthen the school for leadership training and political participation.

4.8  Develop training programs in soil management and sustainable development.

4.9  Implement alternative programs, sustainable development of crop recovery.

4.10  Rescue and diffusion of handicrafts to the local, national and international markets.


The Agreement of the "Condor and the Eagle'' in November 2000 is due to the fact that the peoples of the South (whose spiritual symbol is the Condor) and the peoples of the North (whose spiritual symbol is the Eagle), were brought together through ceremonies sacred places and the forging of a modern trade and development agreement. This meeting took place after more than five (5) centuries of separation as a consequence of the systematic disruption of indigenous networks, governments, trade links, knowledge systems, and collaborative societies that existed throughout the Americas for thousands of years prior to the arrivals of Europeans.

The agreement "The Meeting of the Condor and the Eagle" will be signed by CONAIE on behalf of the nationalities and indigenous peoples of Ecuador representing more than 45% of the Ecuadorian population. Representatives of Four International Directions, the Four Worlds International Institute, and international cooperation organizations that are interested in this agreement will also sign.


According to the prophecies, in which it was predicted that the indigenous peoples of the Americas would be separated during a period of intense suffering and trials, but that one day the “Condor and the Eagle” would be formally reunited. It was also predicted that this gathering would be the beginning of great prosperity and spiritual upheaval for all people.

The human cultural dimension consists of culturally based views, values, principles, and traditional knowledge that the agreement promotes, and that will determine the way in which business relationships will be carried out, partnerships will be formed and development processes will be implemented, within a sustainable social and environmental framework and in which justice and fairness are promoted for all.


The four areas to be developed are the following:

1.  Support the creation of joint economic companies that will benefit the communities in which they are created, as well as the investments and business partners who will participate in said companies.

2.  Ensure that indigenous women and youth participate as fellow beneficiaries in all economic and social development enterprises.

3.  Update the formal education of indigenous children (pre-school, primary, and secondary) in such a way that education is holistic and culturally based as well as providing an adequate platform for participation in the information age.

4.  Undertake a variety of sustainable environmental projects such as cleaning and restoration of canals and rivers, the introduction of non-polluting energy sources, restoration of traditional technology to replace plastics, metal, cardboard, and other non-biodegradable materials, the introduction of technologies non - polluting for the disposal of human waste and the recovery and application of traditional knowledge in relation to herbal medicine, healing, and holistic health. 


The initiative for the Meeting of the Condor and El Aguila combines the part of non-profit work, with businesses and investment companies. The general concept is that these two branches should work together like the wings of the Condor or the Eagle; each part is necessary and vitally contributes to the progress of the bird's flight. These two branches of work will be carried out by the International Institute of Four Worlds for Human and Community Development (the non-profit arm) and Four International Directions (the commercial arm), together with Contigo Internacional and other interested entities in Canada and Ecuador. who wish to be part of the agreement. The intention is to promote sustainable human prosperity and well-being for indigenous people.


The initiative of the Meeting of the Cóndor and El Aguila is based on the vision, values​​, and action guidelines described in the sixteen (16) principles for the construction of a sustainable world, and the strong cultural bases of the indigenous communities of Canada and Ecuador.


1.  Humans can transform their world

The network of relationships with other human beings and with our natural world, which has been the cause of the problems humanity faces today, can be changed.

2.  Development comes from within.

The process of human and community development develops from each individual, relationship, family, organization, community, nationality, town, or nation.

3.  Healing is a necessary part of development.

Healing the past, closing the wounds, and learning healthy habits of thought and action that replace dysfunctional thinking and negative patterns in human relationships is a necessary part of the sustainable development process.

4.  Justice

Every person (regardless of gender, race, culture, religion) should have an equal opportunity to participate in the healing and development process and to receive their fair share of the benefits.

5.  Without vision there is no development

A vision of who we can be, and what a sustainable world would be like, works as a powerful magnet, drawing us to our potential.

6.  Authentic development is based on culture.

The healing and development must be based on wisdom, knowledge, and life processes based on the culture of the people.

7.  Interconnected. 

Everything is connected to everything else. Therefore, any aspect of healing and development is related to all other aspects (personal, social, cultural, political, economic, etc.). When we work on any of the parts, we affect the circle.

8.  Without unity there is no development.

Unity in diversity means being one as human beings. Without unity, the sense of unity that makes individual human beings (apparently) form a "community" is impossible. Disunity is the main disease of the community.

9.  Without participation, there is no development. 

Participation is actively engaging with minds, hearts, and energy in their healing and development process.

10.  The pain of one is the pain of all; the honor of one is the honor of all.

The fundamental fact of our unity as a human family means that the development of some in exchange for sacrifices for the welfare of others is not acceptable or sustainable.

11.  Spirit Human beings are both material and spiritual in nature.

It is therefore inconceivable that human communities can be complete and sustainable without balancing our lives with the requirements of our spiritual nature.

12.  Morales and Ethics.

To obtain sustainable human and community development requires a few moral bases. When these moral foundations disappear and ethical principles are violated, development stops.

13.  Learning

Human beings are beings of learning. We begin to learn even when we are in our mother's womb, and unless something happens to turn off our minds and paralyze our abilities, we continue to learn throughout our lives. Learning is the central part of healing and development.

14. Sustainable

Holding something means that we enable it to continue for a long period of time. Authentic development doesn't underestimate what you need to continue.

15. Positivism

Solving critical problems in our lives and communities is achieved primarily by visualizing and shifting toward positive alternatives that we want to create, and by building on our existing strengths, rather than expanding our energies fighting the negative aspects.

16.  Visualize the change you want to see

The most powerful strategies for change always involve positive modeling and creating living examples of the solutions we are proposing. By walking this path, we make the path possible.


Utilizing these guiding principles for building a sustainable, harmonious, peaceful, just, and unified world for all members of the human family and, with full respect for those international covenants, treaties, conventions, laws, and agreements that uplift, guide, empower, unify, support, and enhance all life within, above and upon our Beloved Mother Earth, with all the sincerity and commitment of our hearts and minds, we agree to work together to promote the cultural, educational, social, economic and healthy development of our Indigenous peoples everywhere. 




Reaffirmed and Witnessed by Indigenous Leaders of all the Americas and Allies of our human family around the world on December 22, The Day That Will Not Be Followed By The Night of 2020.



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