The movement of factories from river environments

Rivers since the dawn of time have played a major role in the development of humans. Rivers had initially been places for people to settle due to the rich and fertile land in those areas. There was also a period of time that people worshipped rivers and thanked God for such a beneficial resource. Although today many rivers are not given the same respect and love as they once were given, a great example would be the Musi river in Hyderabad. Musi river or locally known as Musinuru is a tributary of the Krishna river of the Deccan plateau. The mouth of the Musi river is in the Krishna river which is in the state of Maharashtra and the source of the river is in the Ananthagiri hills. The Musi river starts in the Ananthagiri hills in Andhra Pradesh India, passes through the city of Hyderabad, and finally enters the state of Maharashtra. As we know, there are three stages in a river: Youth, Mature, and old. For this river, we can find: the youth stage at its source which is in Andhra Pradesh, the mature state which is in Hyderabad Telangana, and finally, the old stage is at the mouth in Maharashtra. Two hundred and forty kilometers in length the Musi river was Hyderabad's mightiest river as it was almost the only river for the whole population of Hyderabad. Notice how the term “was” was used? Today the Musi river is nothing but sewage for the old city of Hyderabad. Why is this the case? The misfortune of the river can be blamed on urbanization, not enough resources provided by GHMC, and obviously lack of town planning.“The chemical waste which enters the river from industries seeps into the ground and contaminates groundwater. The same water is consumed by people and adversely affects their health,” says Jasveen, co-convener of civic group Save Our Urban Lakes (SOUL). The same water that is “infected” is the same water used to grow food grains and vegetables which are consumed by city residents.As a citizen of Hyderabad myself living near the old city and seeing the Musi river very occasionally makes me feel extremely sad as a river so marvelous is now infused with chemicals and toxins from different industrial factories. What should the government do to solve this issue? Well to start off the government should give enough funding and resources to clean this river

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