The allowance of BENCH PARK

336D52BF-B7DA-4C99-BB2D-01092AE36026.jpegThis petition is for the allowance and construction of benches here at HINEMOA PARK CENTRAL HAMILTON. Hello my name is Simon Sullivan I had the idea of putting some benches in this park on the corner of tristem st and mill st central Hamilton. The reason behind this is because I am a 35yr old man who loves to ride his skate board and have been in this skateboard for 23yrs. I go down to new skateparks that Hamilton City Council has offered and a big THANK YOU ! To them for it but. I struggle to enjoy my self at these parks as I have trouble to get a turn at them. The reason for this is because of the little kids (who are aloud to be there) but they don't know the WAY OF THE PARK where you must watch out for everyone and share the place. These little kids don't know this and I spend half my time there watching them before I get my turn just so I know I wont crash in to them. This doesn't always go to plan and crashes happen then it leaves me feeling bad crashing with a 5yr old girls riding her bike. So the reason why I've made these benches is so that me and my friends and skateboarders a like who are a bit feed up of kids at the skate park. Can have a place where we don't have to worry about them and be around people who can watch out for 1 another. I plan of make these benches my self here as a donation to the area no ramps just benches. This park is never used for anything only a minor passage for people going to and from work. I would like council to get involved in this as we would only require 1 thing from them and that's the installation of rubbish bins so we can keep it tidy. We plan on making signs saying that this is a shared zone for public and skateboarders where skateboarders must give way to public as they pass by. Thank you for reading to the end signing the petition                    Simon

Simon Sullivan of skateboarding hamil    Contact the author of the petition

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