Tell the Whole Story: Include Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, and Black Feminism in the AP African American History Course

We, the undersigned, decry the decision of the College Board to erase Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, and Black Feminism from its AP African American History course, and we demand that these essential theories, movements, and works of thinkers, such as Kimberlé Crenshaw, bell hooks, and Ta-Nehisi Coates, be reinstated in the curriculum. While we agree that it is certainly fair to include a unit on Black conservatism, as reported in the New York Times,  it is a violation of free speech and free thought to exclude scholarship that has sought to expose the deep, systemic, and endemic nature of anti-Black racism in U.S. history, culture, and society. The rich history of African Americans has been ignored by the College Board and in general in U.S. curricula for far too long. To whitewash it according to the whims of politicians and governments whose actions fly in the face of the First Amendment is nothing short of unconscionable. Until the College Board reverses this disastrous decision, we, the undersigned, will encourage our institutions to boycott the College Board and our colleagues to refuse to be readers of AP exams. 

Dr. Alice A. Miano    Contact the author of the petition

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