Teachers! Please protect children by opposing the introduction of masks in primary schools.

In an e-newsletter circulated to INTO members on 19/10/21, the top article claimed that "The INTO is calling for..." the upscaling of a number of public-health measures, including:

"An urgent review of the age restriction on the use of face coverings" and

"The commencement of the school's pilot scheme for antigen testing, recommended in April 2021."

We are a group of teachers who believe that the above claim is untrue and that it was made without any meaningful consultation of INTO members who pay the salaries of the people who published this article.

With this in mind, the teachers who sign this petition are informing the Central Executive Committee of the INTO that:

-we actively oppose the introduction of masks for primary-school age children as we believe the risks of such a measure far outweigh any perceived benefits and

-we consider antigen testing (of either staff or children) in primary schools to be an abhorrent measure and would not support it under any circumstances.

Please take the time to sign this petition today in the interest of protecting all children in Ireland. It is time to call the CEC to accountability.



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