Swanscombe Street Lighting



Sign this Petition if you were NOT consulted re the Street Lighting Switch off and want Immediate reversal re the trial scheme.

Apparently 75% of residents were in favour of the street light switch off scheme, however the majority of residents declare they were NOT even consulted.

The Town Council say that they feel by listing the info on their website (which some do not even have access to, with no internet/PC and the majority were unaware even existed) was fair publishing re the planned scheme.

You can view the map of the planned streetlight switch off using the link at the top (hope it works)

With the ever increasing crime in Swanscombe, switching the lights off from midnight-5.30 am is just INSANE!



This Petition will be printed and presented to KCC (who planned the scheme and are responsible for the street lights) and Swanscombe Town Council (who were fully aware of the scheme and failed to inform it's residents) - Date to be confirmed.


Please also all email any or ALL of the below with your complaint:

county.hall@kent.gov.uk -   behdad.haratbar@kent.gov.uk - peter.harman@kent.gov.uk - stevejdoran@gmail.com


You can also contact Ian Grigor on 01622 798388