Branford Residents Please Support the Stony Creek Brewery

As a current resident of Branford, father of three young children, volunteer in many community organizations, I am extremely frustrated that a small minority of Branford residents are causing so many issues in our town. Many of the same people who opposed the new athletic fields at the middle school are now targeting a popular establishment known as the Stony Creek Brewery. I am 38 years old, have been a Branford resident for almost all of my life and want to see our town grow and prosper. The Stony Creek Brewery not only brings in tax revenue, employment but is a wonderful place for my family to enjoy. Here are the people causing these issues:
John Hartwell group (turn it down!) Started a targeted , discriminating , harassment and slander campaign against the Stony Creek Brewery and Crowley family as far back as December 2022. Most of the complaints are arising from the Stoney Creek concerts. Stony Creek Brewery had 8 concerts with 0 noise complaints for first 8 concerts. Then John and his 4 followers (Pat Dugan, Steve Carlson, Jeannette Redensek and Martha Bradshaw) had a meeting and planned their aggressive attack. Now they have tried to stop renewals of Stony Creek Brewery’s liquor, spirits and manufacturing permits with the state of CT - this would have eliminated 50 jobs in district 5! This is the same district Hartwell represents. He would risk 50 people losing their jobs over 2-3 shows a year and a few sound decibels. Hartwell lives 2,775 feet from the brewery stage (9.25 football fields away).
I was present at the most recent concert and it was fantastic. 75% of residents from other CT towns came to Branford that night with ages ranging from young to old.
The night of the recent concert (Aug 1st), Pat Dugan even came on the premises and disrupted the police officer on duty -demanding the show be stopped and wanted to talk to the sound engineer. She embarrassed herself amongst our residents as well as our neighbors. It was a classless move. The email sent to the town from Dugan has emails to all the noise leaders and also the Petition they signed has everyone of the people against the brewery claiming the noise —- a lot on the north side of 95! Dugan opposed a project at the Old Paul’s Wire and Rope. She has continued to target - discriminate - Harrass- slander Crowley and his business that has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Charitable groups in Branford and CT.
A few contributions the Brewery and Crowley family have made to Branford:
- Largest payback of restaurant proceeds to the community dining
- Donated Jaws of life to fire department (saved lives by this state of the art equipment)
- When the brewery was built, the brewery agreed to allow the driveway along side of building to be used as a emergency way out of Indian neck
- On many occasions rented space free of charge to school district events
Let’s not forget to mention Branford has a lot of noise generators: Marinas many across the street from Dugan, Festivals, Duck hunters, Fireworks, Hammer muster, Green music, St pats music, Yacht clubs, Tree cutting,
Garbage trucks, septic tanks go over the Indian neck bridge, porta Jon’s , fire trucks, House parties, Fireworks, Pickle ball (the loudest sport in America. Right next door to Hartwell house)- Distance from scb stage Hartwell 9 1/2 football fields and Dugan 3.1 football fields
The majority of Branford residents love the brewery. John Harwell and his 4 followers need to get a life or just go away 4x a year when a concert goes on at the brewery. You are hurting our town and adding 0 value. Similar to Hartwell holding up the building of athletic fields, it is time for residents to stand up to him and his gang of 4.

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