Support the Canadian economy by boycotting American businesses

We all love Canada 🇨🇦 and it's a beautiful and lovely country to be in. With Trump's new 25% Tariffs on Canadian goods, things are going to get more expensive in Canada affecting all of us Canadians. These 25% tariffs are not fair to any of us Canadians and we need too stand up against it as one voice will not do anything but all of our voices as Canadians in one will make a difference. We are all proud to be Canadian 🇨🇦 so let's all stand together as one united force and be strong and boycott American products by supporting and buying Canadian made products instead. This also involves visiting and encouraging Canadian businesses whether they are small or whatever size to flourish which will toughen and strengthen our Canadian economy. We need to love our home Canada 🇨🇦 and be proud of being Canadian and ensure it is not taken away from us one step at a time!



Karim El-Sarji from DreamLife Design + Build Inc.    Contact the author of the petition

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