Support Dorchester Dream Park Site Approval in Parking Lot

The Dorchester Inclusive Community Park Committee is currently seeking location approval for the Dorchester Dream Park (pilot project name). Our vision is to build a community hub that is intentionally designed to be inclusive for all community members; safety being one of our highest priorities. The Dorchester Dream Park will prove to be a gathering location for recreation and socialization opportunities. It will include an all-ages, inclusive playground, with equipment that provides side-by-side play regardless of abilities. The concept would also include a multi-sport play surface that allows for basketball, street hockey and maybe even an outdoor skating rink in the winter. 

The Dorchester Inclusive Community Park Committee has invested a significant amount of time in identifiying the best location to build the Dorchester Dream Park.  We focused our research on answering these 3 questions: Can I get there? Can I Play? Can I Stay? 

All our research directs us to the Baseball Diamond Parking Lot on Dorchester Road. This location already has accessible bathrooms, access from a main sidewalk that is maintained during the winter, and accessible parking. 

The parking lot location not only answers all 3 of the key questions for intentional design of an inclusive park, but it will enhance the overall feel and look of the area. The unique design will not only draw day toursim, benefitting local businesses, but it will provide a better quality of life. Families with special needs or disabled familiy members, including seniors will no longer need to travel out of town or relocate to provide daily recreation and socialization. 

Dorchester Dream park will only take up approx 1/5th of the entire space.  Currently the parking lot lacks efficiency. It is just one big open area. If the remaining portion of the parking lot was paved, parking spots clearly marked allowing for more efficient parking, then the impact of the space used for the Dorchester Dream Park would not be as impactful. The Inclusive Park portion would be used daily by local residents and would be utilized by visiting baseball players' families as well. It is a win, win for everyone and serves our community for the greater good. 

Please sign this petition to help us get this location approved. An Email will be sent to you to confirm. For your reference, below is a first draft rendering of the location we are requesting along with possible equipment we could have in our park.  ***Important to note that the rendering is only an idea and not our final design, nor is it to scale.***Screen_Shot_2021-10-03_at_6.39_.11_PM_.pngScreen_Shot_2021-10-03_at_6.39_.03_PM_.png



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