Support Building the Market Common Indoor Pool Project

Indoor_Swimming.1_.jpgAs part of the Myrtle Beach Air Force Base realignment the City of Myrtle Beach envisioned an Indoor Swimming Pool complex on City land near the Crabtree Memorial Gym. It is time for the City of Myrtle Beach to build the Indoor Swimming Pool complex at the MCA.

Why is this important to all of us? The Market Common Area (MCA) has grown dramatically over the past 3 to 5 years. Residents from the MCA, wishing to use a City indoor pool facility, must drive to the either the Mary C. Canty Rec. center on Canal Street, Pepper Geddings Rec. Center on N. Oak Street, or Join the YMCA in Grande Dunes. If you happen to use one of those two Rec. Centers, you most likely have experienced how crowded the pool areas, and parking, can be. 

Note: Only residents' of the City of Myrtle Beach should sign this petition.

Carolyn Milliron and Bill McClure    Contact the author of the petition

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