STOP the Permanent Closure of Stoke Green junction with Binley Road


Permanent Road closure at Stoke Green junction with Binley Road  

We the undernamed/signed support this petition and object to the permanent closure of Binley Road junction with Stoke Green, for the following reasons including but not limited to: 

1)    We were not provided with required written notice in accordance with the correct protocol/procedures by the Local Authority/the Highways Agency. 

2)    We were not given the opportunity to object or participate in any consultation process in accordance with the correct protocol/procedures by the Local Authority/the Highways Agency. 

3)    We first became aware of this matter by way of a hand delivered letter on or around 16th May 2022, however the letter was backdated to 10 April 2022, which is inadequate notice in any event. 

4)    We believe that the remaining roads junctions/access routes (Bolingbrook Road, Hollis Road and Hugh Road) do not provide safe and/or adequate infrastructure to allow passage to enter or exit our homes, businesses or place of work. 

5)    We believe that if the junction is closed, the present infrastructure of Stoke Green will not support large vehicles such as Fire Engines, Ambulances, Bin Collection Tucks, lorries and delivery vehicles to turn. 

6)    We believe that lorry access/exit to/from the Stoke Green Park, for the traditional annual carnival/funfair/fete, from this junction will no longer be possible and is a set-back for the local community.  

7)    We believe that there is a legal codicil/restriction which prohibits the access/junction between the two roads from being closed, particularly relating to the horse troth and former water pool. 

8)    We will face detriment and inconvenience in the following ways:  

(a)   We believe that emergency vehicles, more specifically Ambulances, and Fire Engines will be restricted from accessing the road in a timely manner, which is detrimental to the elderly population/residents of Stoke Green and the surrounding roads, including the Nursing Homes.  

(b)   We will be deprived of the convenience of the present access/exit, and the closure will add significant time to our daily journeys which has an environmental impact and far outweighs any argument for closure of the access/junction.  

(c)   We believe the environmental footprint of our daily journeys will be far greater than the present position, therefore the closure of the junction will be in direct conflict with the environmental benefit it had intended to serve.  

(d)   We believe the closure of the junction will affect local businesses, surrounding areas and the general public at large.

 (e)   The costs benefit analysis indicates that road closures on balance would have an extreme and detrimental effect upon the residents and the populous around the area.   

We believe that the above matters are not exhaustive, therefore we reserve the right to amend this petition.

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