Hutchison 3G has applied to Hillingdon Council to erect a phone mast in the Copsewood Estate, at the junction of Linksway and Copsewood Way.

Such an erection would be completely out of character of the surrounding area which is primarly a residential area of natural beauty where a large number of trees are protected to retain the character of the area.

There are other locations not far from the chosen site which would be equally if not more conducive to such an erection, and these should be considered first before this lovely area of Northwood is ruined permanently.

In addition, the jury is still out on the health risks of such masts - in the past people have suffered ill health immediately after such masts have been erected, whilst others have become well again once they have been removed. In some cases, health issues like cancer have not been reversible.

We, the residents of Northwood hereby petition the London Borough of Hillingdon to refuse planning for the erection for reasons stated above.

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