Stop the emerging Wolwespruit informal settlement!

IMG-20200725-WA00161.jpgScreenshot_20200718_113835.jpgPlease assist us by lending your voice, in bringing the emerging Wolwespruit informal settlement to the attention of the Administrator.

This informal settlement is located on City of Tshwane property (Cnr Solomon Mahlangu Dr and Delmas Rd).  The area is actually an ecologically sensitive wetland, where the Wolwespruit originates.  The informal settelment is causing untold harm to what should be a protected area.

We call on the Administrator to take action and relocate the informal settlement to a more suitable location. Not only will this protect the environment, it will simultaneously provide the informal settlers with basic care and services, rather than the inhumane conditions under which they currently live.  

Francois Bekker (DA Representative Ward 83)    Contact the author of the petition

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