Stop the Atco EnPower Craig Lake/Huber Dam Wind Project


  • The Craig Lake/Huber Dam Wind Project is a threat to several key species in the local County of Paintearth ecosystem. Examples include various raptor species, ruffed and sharp tailed grouse, songbirds like the meadowlark, bats, and native/domestic bees.
  • The presence of the proposed wind turbines also threatens the health and well being local residents due to their production of auditory, visual and electromagnetic interference.
  • Furthermore, because each of these 43 proposed wind turbines will be roughly the height of the Calgary Tower, the vistas and viewscapes of the Battle River Watershed that Paintearth Country Residents, visiting tourists, and campers at Huber Dam enjoy are also threatened by this project.

If you agree with any or all of these three points, please sign our petition.


Thank You!




Eric Neilson, Cabin on the Coulee Farm    Contact the author of the petition

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