Stop punishing the Hair and Beauty industry for keeping people safe !

To our Government,

The hair and beauty industry have been nothing but compliant and safe, we have taken our responsibility to the wellbeing of ourselves and others to the highest level at emence cost .

there have been little or no cases tracked to our industry.

we should not be punished for the lack of responsibility of others .

Do you not realize ,if you punish us for being so good you will lose the respect of all of those you are trying to motivate to act and be safe .

we should be rewarded and recognized for our efforts in the war against Covid. 
not punished ! 

we will continue to be responsible and we will always put the safety of our customers first,

we will continue to make people feel good, and we will continue to be a good example to our youth! 
why ? Because we get it ! We know how much good can come from doing something for the greater good and most of all because we love and care for our Ireland and the Irish people... 

do you ? 
it honestly doesn't really look like you put a lot of thought into it , 

At the very least we deserved an explanation!

let us go back to work we have a job to do and bills to pay . 
it's Christmas, 

do you know what this means to us and our lives..?? 
let us have Christmas 

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