Stop Constant Power Outages in Alberton

As the residents of Alberton, we have had enough of constant power outages in our area. These power outages have had a negative impact on the livelihoods of residents as well as local businesses. As residents and business owners in Alberton we demand the following from the Executive Mayor, Cllr Mzwandile Masina. 

  • To have a meeting with the Engineers and Mayor to look at a way forward regarding the power outages
  • Surveillance cameras to ensure the security of cables that are constantly being stolen.
  • As the residents and business owners, be given an update on what the Energy Champions have done since being appointed.
  • The Mayor to admit that there is a constant problem with power outages in the City of Ekurhuleni.
  • Council must accept claims from residents and businesses for outages that take more than 24 hours to be attended to.

Malcolm Maifala-Masebe    Contact the author of the petition

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