Stop Abortion Buffer Zones

We the undersigned object to Buffer Zones criminalising acts of witness, prayer or counselling around abortion facilities.

Background: (1) In the five local authority buffer zones already installed in England, words found in hundreds of verses of the Holy Bible are banned, words like 'soul', 'hell', 'kill' and 'baby'. Yet the same Bible is part of the British Constitution!

(2) The Christian Voice National Director was convicted of infringing Ealing Council's Buffer Zone around the Marie Stopes abortion centre in Mattock Lane on 1st February 2024 by Uxbridge Magistrates. His appeal against conviction will be heard at Isleworth Crown Court 29th & 30th October 2024. 

(3) On 31st October 2024, 150m buffer zones will come in around all 365 abortion premises in England and Wales. They are already in place in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

(4) Standing up for the vulnerable is at the heart of the Gospel. The Bible says: Prov 31:8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

(5) Watch our video:

(6) See the details: 

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