STOP 5G in WATFORD, Hertfordshire


5G is being introduced in Watford. There were a few 5G monopole masts that were granted planning permission by Watford Borough Council and Hertsmere Borough Council in November and December 2019. The purpose is to provide better connectivity though this technology.​ There are very serious concerns over the safety of 5G. A 2017 appeal by 240 doctors and scientists has been sent to the EU to prevent the roll out of 5G due to health concerns. As of May 8, 2020, 372 scientists and medical doctors have signed the appeal. Checkout, for more info.​ 

Here's an NTD News Video (2min49sec) on 4th June 2019 of Doctors calling for delaying the deployment of 5G due to health risks. ​

There has not been sufficient research on the cumulative or long term effect of this technology. Many scientists consider it has the potential to cause serious harm to all animals, humans and the environment. Children are particularly vulnerable to these effects.

Although governments and industry are following international safety guidelines, scientists are saying these are outdated and incorrect and need to be reviewed urgently. There is much peer-reviewed evidence to show that 4G and WIFI may already be causing harm at a deep cellular level and 5G will be much worse. 

"At a time when environmental health scientists tackle serious global issues such as climate change and chemical toxicants in public health, there is an urgent need to address so-called electrosmog. A genuine evidence-based approach to the risk assessment and regulation of anthropogenic electromagnetic fields will help the health of us all, as well as that of our planetary home. Some government health authorities have recently taken steps to reduce public exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation by regulating use of wireless devices by children and recommending preferential use of wired communication devices in general, but this ought to be a coordinated international effort." -The Lancet. Dec 2018 

5G will be launched in addition to 4G and it will use a higher frequency bandwidth. As this higher frequency radiation doesn't travel so far, there will be mini antennae placed in our streets, homes, offices, hospitals and schools which will increase our exposure to radiation massively. Although 5G will initially be launched in the lower bandwidths (close to 4G), it will gradually move up into higher bandwidths (including ones that the military use as a weapon) as the lower ones get crowded. 

“We do not consent to new wireless technology that has not been proven to be biologically safe, and that uses millimeter wave frequencies the same as military grade weapons used by the U.S. Department of Defense in crowd control weapons called Active Denial Systems. 5G, along with smart meters, threaten our basic human rights with technology that further removes our privacy through antennas that track our every move and make us vulnerable to biological attacks at any time. Existing radiation levels have already been proven to be dangerous in thousands of peer reviewed papers. Adding 5G is great cause for concern, and we will do everything we can to protect our families including children – who are especially vulnerable to wireless technology’s health hazards.” said Carolina Lavayen. Source: Hallandale Beach Florida Passes 5G Small Cell Tower Resolution

I and the Watford residents who signed this pettion are submitting a group complaint about the three (3) 5G monopole masts which were granted planning permissions at Ashfields, Leavesden Green, Watford, Hertfordshire WD25 7AA (see planning applications & documents here: 5G Mast 15G Mast 2)​,  and at the Telecommunications Equipment On (Lamp Post) LP 1160 To The Front Of Costco, Elton Way, Watford, Hertfordshire (see planning application & documents here: 5G Mast 3). If there are any other 5G monopole masts that were granted planning permissions in Watford, that we are not aware of and are not yet available for public access, we are complaining about them as well and would like to know about them. 

We do not consent to this new wireless technology, 5G, being installed in our community without proof that it is biologically safe by an independent study/research. We do not consent to being test subjects to this new wireless technology that uses millimeter wave frequencies the same as military grade weapons used by the U.S. Department of Defense in crowd control weapons called Active Denial Systems. We do not consent to being microwaved.

Nuremberg code prohibits experimentation without consent. We 

have the legal right not to be experimented on.


We ask Ben Martin (Heaf of Planning,WBC), Adrien Waite (Head of Planning , HBC), and other decision makers who granted planning permissions to install 5G monopole masts in Watford -  to STOP the 5G rollout in our community in Watford; to apply the 'Precautionary Principle' that the lovely people in Watford deserves, in whom you have a duty to serve and protect with honor and integrity. We are sending them a NOTICE OF LIABILITY for any damages caused by 5G microwave radiation on the residents in Watford and the environment.


We, the residents of Watford, need to fight for the safety of our families and our community which 5G Wireless Technology threatens. We shouldn't risk our health and the health of our children, the future generation, for faster internet capability, if it's not proven safe. There needs to be an independent research/study made and completed proving the safety of long term use of 5G technology before installing them in our community. 

We need to apply the 'Precautionary Principle' for the love of our people and our community in Watford. Please help us protect our family and our community by signing this petition (please confirm your email address to make your vote count ; if you login via facebook, make sure, your location was indicated in your facebook profile as Watford,UK). 

5G rollout has already been delayed/stopped in many towns/cities in the UK, Europe and the US including Brussels, Geneva, Switzerland, Rome, Portland (Oregon) and parts of California due to safety concerns. In fact a planning permission of 5G mast has been denied in Bushey in December 2019 (see news link here), a neighboring town to Watford, with over 500 Bushey residents who petitioned to STOP 5G in Bushey. See their petition link here. ​

There are already many UK Local Councils that delayed/stopped 5G rollout until independent study of it's safety to humans and environment are provided. ​Please read until the end to know them (9) and their reasons for their decision.


Important Actions to Help STOP 5G in Watford (and the UK)

1. It is important to email two (2) complaints to the Head of Planning of both Watford Borough Council and Hertsmere Borough Council about the 5G masts that were granted planning permissions and inform them that you are part of our group complaint and petition. You may edit the sample email below:

A. Email complaint to Ben Martin (, Head of Planning, Watford Borough Council.

" I am a resident of Watford with postal code, (postcode). I would like to make a complaint about the two (2) 5G monopole masts that were granted planning permission at Ashfields, Leavesden Green, Watford, Hertfordshire WD25 7AA (see planning applications & documents here: 5G Mast 15G Mast 2)​. I am part of the group complaint that Lani Lou Clark, a fellow Watford resident, has started. Please check our group complaint here: Group Complaint t& Petition to WBC. Lani Lou Clark, will be sending you the information on the people involved in our group complaint.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

(Your Full Name and Postcode/address)"

B. Email complaint to  Adrien Waite (, ​Head of Planning & Economic Development, Hertsmere Borough Council.

"I am a resident of Watford with postal code, (postcode). I would like to make a complaint about the 5G monopole mast that was granted planning permission at the Telecommunications Equipment On (Lamp Post) LP 1160 To The Front Of Costco, Elton Way, Watford, Hertfordshire (see planning application & documents here: 5G Mast 3). I am part of the group complaint that Lani Lou Clark, a fellow Watford resident, has started. Please check our group complaint here: Group Complaint & Petition to HBC. Lani Lou Clark, will be sending you the information on the people involved in our group complaint.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

(Your Full Name and Postcode/address)"


I encourage you to fight for your family and our community in Watford. We do not deserve to be test subjects to this untested and experimental 5G wireless technology. 

Please also connect with me or message me on facebook or join our Watford STOP 5G facebook group, in case this petition gets removed. My other Watford STOP 5G petition has been deleted at Change(.)orgbecause they've been removing petitions to STOP 5G. Lets persevere for the love of our families and our community.

2. Please share this with your neighbors and friends (residing in Watford). Lets target to reach 1000 signatures.

3. Please sign another petition in parliament to DELAY 5G in the UK until there's been an independent investigation.


The following UK Local Councils delayed/stopped 5G rollout until independent study of it's safety to humans and environment are provided. 

1. Glastonbury Town Council

Glastonbury Town Opposes 5G: Glastonbury Town Councillors opposed the introduction of 5th Generation (5G) technology in Glastonbury until further information has been obtained on the health effects on residents. At the Glastonbury Town Council meeting on Tuesday 11th June a motion proposed by Cllr Mike Smyth and seconded by Cllr Jon Cousins read as follows:

“This council has a social responsibility to protect the public and environment from exposure to harm, albeit unpredictable in the current state of scientific knowledge, and therefore opposes the roll-out of 5G in the Parish of Glastonbury – based on the precautionary principle – until further information is revealed from a newly convened 5G advisory committee (working group)…..”-Town Council challenges 5G, June 2019

2. Frome Town Council

The Councillors agreed the following recommendation: Frome Town council has a moral responsibility to protect public health and the local environment. Until there is more independent scientific consensus that 5G wireless radiation is harmless to humans and the environment, FTC adopts the precautionary principle and will not endorse the roll out of 5G. Source: Frome Town Council website

3. Totnes, Devon

Totnes mayor Jacqi Hodgson, a Green Party county councillor, said: ‘Our concern is that there will be a much higher blanket of radiation all around us.’ Source: Town’s war with 5G: Devonshire officials 'ban' installation of new high-speed network after campaigners demand further research into its effects on health

4. Shepton Mallet

Councillor Matthew Harrison said: "We are concerned about possible health concerns and looking for evidence to confirm or allay these fears.

"The council gave a unanimous vote for the Precautionary Principle."

"It is important to recognise it is an emotive issue but we need to be clear about the evidence.

"The Council’s Town Development and Planning Committee is absolutely not against rolling out 5G forever more. Councillors recognise the economic benefits of 5G could be huge.

"But we need to see solid evidence that it is safe first. We have already been contacted by the government’s 5G delivery group (‘Mobile UK’) and we have requested further information. Source: Somerset Local News, Somerset council blocks 5G roll out until 'Government can prove its safe'

5. Well City Council, Somerset

“This Council has a responsibility to protect the public and environment from exposure to harm, albeit unpredictable in the current state of scientific knowledge, and therefore opposes the roll-out of 5G in the Parish of Wells City Council – based on the ‘Precautionary Principle’ – until further information is revealed.” –Minutes of Wells City Council Meeting 

6. Wicklow County Council

Councillors voted in favour of a notice of motion opposing the roll-out of 5G at Monday's meeting of Wicklow County Council.

5G is the fifth-generation cellular network technology that promises to replace the current 4G network used by most smartphones.

The notice of motion was in the name of Councillors Tom Fortune and Mary Kavanagh and said that the county council has 'a social responsibility to serve, inform and protect the public and the environment from exposure to harm, and therefore it opposes the roll-out of unregulated 5G in the County of Wicklow based on the "precautionary principle" pending the enactment of Dail Eireann of protective legislation.' They also proposed setting up a 5G Advisory Council Committee or working group (including independent representatives) who would be mandated to report back to the council on the potential harmful effects of wireless EMF on the environment and in particular on carbon footprint.

Source: Councillors Vote to Oppose 5G

6. Brighton

7. Hove

8. Lampeter Town Council (Wales)

“Lampeter Town Council has agreed to ‘draw a line in the sand’ and refuse to endorse the rollout of 5G technology pending more scientific research on any potential harmful effects”–Town council takes stand against 5G – Cambrian News, 20th November 2019

9. Kingsbridge Devon


Please help us protect our families and our community in Watford.

-A concerned resident

A Concerned resident - Lane Kent    Contact the author of the petition

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