Calling all residents and friends of Weston-super-Mare:  Please join with us in signing this petition, to protect our town, gardens and historic pier from unethical development:

"We call on the planning & conservation authorities to limit the height of any redevelopment of the Royal Pier Hotel site to that of the former hotel building lost to fire"

Background to this petition:  The developer CNM Estates wants to put an 8-storey tower block on the site of the former 3-storey Royal Pier Hotel that burnt down in 2010. This 8-storey wall of windows would dominate Prince Consort Gardens and ruin the views to the sea and Brean Down - forever.

The below images compare the current open view from Prince Consort Gardens with the developer's artist impression of its proposed 8 storey development.
The developer says that its proposed building: “preserves the setting of heritage assets and existing views, including those from Prince Consort Gardens”.  Do you agree?

The developer's proposal is twice the height of the old Hotel and would tower over the Gardens.

English Heritage said of the developer’s previous application: "its uncompromising approach towards providing a statement building at the end of Anchor Head will ultimately undermine the significance of the conservation area and its jewel asset Birnbeck Pier"... “we regard the impact of this proposal as uncompromisingly harsh from the increase in its height upon the setting of the pier”

The developer claims its proposal will bring economic regeneration to the area.  But the truth is that a sympathetic low-rise development could equally achieve the same end – and without despoiling the beautiful landscape & seascape which is itself an economic asset to Weston.

This is the same developer that has meanwhile left Birnbeck Pier to further deteriorate, after it acquired the iconic Pier in 2014 with promises of regeneration.

Please sign the petition before it's too late, and please ask friends & neighbours to sign it too!Before_and_after.jpgBCG Privacy Policy:  Birnbeck Conservation Group (BCG) may contact you from time to time about this petition and with updates on their activities.  You can opt-out at any time.  When you sign the petition, your email address and (optional) telephone number or postal address are not visible online.
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