
This petition is being circulated to demand Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz stop his aggressive move to steal Bills football season tickets from lifelong fans and to stop other fans from attending home games at “Poloncarz Stadium” under the guise of public health.

If his segregation efforts succeed, Poloncarz Stadium will only allow vaccinated fans to attend Buffalo Bills home games. Fans who had the virus in the past, people with even stronger natural immunities, will not be able to attend. Nobody without a vaccine at all.

There are many other Covid countermeasures which could have mitigated possible viral spread at Poloncarz Stadium. Random testing; required recent test results. Poloncarz Stadium could have provided low-cost antibodies test to assure previously infected fans are respected.

How about special sections for the unvaccinated? That’s not ideal, but if Poloncarz Stadium wants segregation a temporary measure like this is better than banning loyal fans entirely.

Many of these tactics would have been acceptable to lifelong loyal Buffalo Bills football fans. But Mark Poloncarz could not be bothered with fairness, he went right to segregation. Now that Governor Cuomo is gone, Poloncarz wants to step in and replace him to dictate the lives of Western New Yorkers and loyal sports team fans. Not only is the County Executive denying entrance to Bills fans who have survived Covid and earned strong immunity to the virus and other fans with strong, healthy immune systems - those who live healthy, watch their weight, and have confidence in their immunities - but Poloncarz Stadium is also denying seats and seniority into the future for season ticket holders who ask for a refund!

Join us in standing against Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz’s aggressive segregation efforts. Join us in standing up for our team and for the fans we sit next to at every home game, the fans we cheer with, the fans who have paid their hard-earned dollars to go to home games, to high five every great play! Enough!

Please sign our petition. Thank you!

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