Steve Tshwete Local Municipality up normal rates hikes

As Law abiding citizens of Steve tshwete local municipality.


And as residents of Steve Tshwete, Our rates have sky rocketed in a number of Months dating back to 2024. Something doesn't add up, most residence saw their rates go from R500 to R18000, and when we enquire with the municipality, we are told that there's a leakage, told hire plumbers and do inspections, after the municipal plumbers have already diagnosed absence of leakages...

So far those who have hired P/plumbers have not diagnosed any error, and the municipality does not carry that financial burden.


This has turn into a continuous monthly epidemic as rates sky rocket, something needs to be done and this should be investigated because every resident of Mhluzi middelburg are complaining about the samething, the worst part of all this is that it even affects the elderly... I am one of them, my rates went from R1600 to R3000 in one month and was told there's a leakage that was never there. Others are seeing worse.


When we go make arrangements to buy electricity in efforts to remedy these high bills, you're give 10% of electricity from the funds you have with you.


Where should people from mhluzi get these funds as majority is unemployed and depending on grants...


We call for 500-1000 signatures...we call upon the immediate response from STLM, stating how the issue will be fixed within this month, if this petition recieves 500 signatures, we will meet and set up a date to March to the STLM offices and demand immediate removal of these hikes, or the immediate removal of officials voted into office through a vote of no confidence.

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