Community Service Placements 2024
I am directly affected by this as have not received my community service placement for 2024 as a diagnostic radiographerShaaista Motlekar (Cape Town, 2023-11-28)
I am signing this petition because I am 4th year student who is waiting for the placement for comserve have not receive any communication regarding on the cause of delay.Yaleka Maria Hlathi (Capetown, 2023-11-28)
ICSP nor the NDOH have communicated with us about placements and it's almost the end of NovemberLayyah Hassen (Johannesburg, 2023-11-28)
We need to know our placement to arrange accommodations on time its already late nowT MBINGELELI (CAPE TOWN, 2023-11-28)
2nd year intern awaiting community service placement.Adrian van Niekerk (Port Elizabeth, 2023-11-29)
AffectedWilana Hattingh (Pretoria, 2023-11-29)
Agree wirh statements madeJaques Coetzer (Gauteng, 2023-11-29)
I’m an intern awaiting community service placement, I need to know my placement by the 30th November 2023.thalitha bali (Wellington, 2023-11-29)
Undue delay in an annual process that has never worked as it should.J Edmund (Cape town, 2023-11-29)
I am a current medical intern awaiting community service placements. I still need to find accommodation in the province I am placed in, I need to move my belongings, notify my landlord if I will be leaving- all in 30 days or less- while working throughout December.Shashmika Bridgmohan (PMB, 2023-11-29)
I want to get my postJaniel Du toit (East london, 2023-11-29)
I am a current second year intern & would like a resolutionMikail Amod (Johannesburg, 2023-11-29)
I’m tired of the incompetence of the Dept of HealthNajma Aboobaker (Durban North, 2023-11-29)
No official communication from the NDOH or ICSP and deadlines get disregarded with no communication.Amy Van der Merwe (Cape Town, 2023-11-29)
I am going to be a physiotherapy Com Serv next year but still haven't heard where I will be placed. Would like for more information and transparency about the delay.Peta Leigh Venter (Pretoria, 2023-11-29)
Im currently finishing my internship and government made it mandatory to do community service before we can be independent practitioners therefore they are obligated to give us all jobs until we complete our community service.Bandile Dlamini (Port shepstone, 2023-11-29)
I am a physiotherapy student still waiting my com serve placement for next year. This process has been frustrating and has made me constantly anxious. This kind of thing is the reason people will consider working over seas. If the budget is an issue then they need to find a solution because it is their ruling that we will not be fully qualified health care professionals until we have completed our mandatory com serve year.Charlotte Smit (Pretoria, 2023-11-29)
This is unfair and we are constantly in limbo about our future. We want to be our best selves but it’s a bit difficult when you have to pack up and move in 2 days. There’s no communication, even to say things are delayed.Thandeka Malange (Port Elizabeth, 2023-11-29)
I think it is outrageous that the doctors of SA has to suffer due to ill planning and proper management. This is their future on the line and it forms a ripple effect that ultimately affect the patients in need of care.Marius de Beer (Bloemfontein, 2023-11-29)
I am a mom to a 1 year old and a wife of 8 years. I finished my internship earlier this year and desperately need a community service placement for next year. I need the job for the income and I need to know where I’m going soon in order for my husband to find work, for us to find somewhere to live and for me to apply for a school for my little boy. I am pleading for the department of health and ICSP to communicate with us and either find us placements or scrap our community service year so that we can go find jobs elsewhere!Annabel Du Preez (Durban, 2023-11-29)
I have not received my community service placement as of 29/11/2023. I have a lease and internship contract ending in December, without anywhere to go and financial obligations (e.g. student loans).Schalk van der Merwe (Durban, 2023-11-29)
I stand in solidarity with the medical interns of 2023Cheri Laudien (Cape Town, 2023-11-29)
I am signing this petition because I am a final year Dietetics student who has not yet received placement.Ncumisa Maxengana (Cape Town, 2023-11-29)
With only 1 day left before the mandated NDoH deadline, we still have not received community service placements. Since applications closed on 23 October 2023, we have received no official communication from the National Department of Health or ICSP. The delays in this process have left our year group feeling hopeless and frustrated with no assurance about our employment for 2024. Community service is mandatory for doctors to complete in order to practice medicine in South Africa, meaning that without allocated posts we are unable to work as medical doctors despite seven/eight years of studying and training. South African people. We have been working tirelessly for two years, in conditions that are often arduous and detrimental to our own mental and physical health, but we do it because we care. And despite all of this, we have been given no assurance of our employment next year with no communication and no transparency as to what is currently delaying the placements.We plead with the NDoH and ICSP to expedite the process and to release placements by 30 November 2023 as previously mandated by NDoH and ICSP so that we are allocated enough time to make the necessary moving arrangements in order to start work 01 January 2024.
Danyca Shadé Breedt (Durban, 2023-11-29)
Unfortunately, the South African government is showing more and more how it is failing in its duties to its people, no less to the few of its own employees who are still committed to serving the greater South African public.It should be an embarrassment to the ICSP and NDoH that the only forthcoming information to junior healthcare professionals regarding their (government mandated) futures is coming from these same junior doctors desperately eking out information from unofficial sources. So too should the dysfunctional regulatory and representative bodies such as SAMA, JUDASA and HPCSA be embarrassed at their lack of support for their constituents.
It is no surprise that we are witnessing the exponentially-accelerating decline of our healthcare system when a lack of foresight for such a simple process is laid so bare year after year.
Stewart Steenkamp (Cape Town, 2023-11-29)
As a professional body, dealing with the placement of professionals, the treatment of Community Service Healthcare Professionals by the NDOH is completely unprofessional.It is now nearly 1 month past the stipulated deadline for allocations. Working professionals are expected to relocate (with costs), accommodate for arrangements of their own personal lives, as well as simultaneously continue to provide excellence as Healthcare Professionals in a crumbling system.
Firstly, with the supposed budget cuts, hundreds of Healthcare Professionals will be left jobless, and unable to continue practice elsewhere since completion of Community Service is mandatory before one can practice independently.
Aside from this, the people of South Africa can expect even further prolonged waiting times for, at times, emergency healthcare as there are to be even fewer Healthcare Professionals allocated. The people of South Africa can also expect diminished standards of care due to burnout and fatigue as Healthcare Professionals are expected to provide services to increasing patient demand with a dwindling workforce due to supposed budget cuts.
Worse still, Community Service Healthcare Professionals are by and large allocated to rural areas. This means that our most vulnerable populations in South Africa will be suffering the consequences of said budget cuts/reduced staffing.
This is not a Community Service Healthcare Professional problem. This is a Nationwide problem that should be a concern to all public healthcare users.
There are hundreds if not, thousands of Healthcare Workers ready to serve the people of South Africa. Let us do our jobs. Allocate us.
Yudhika Naidoo (Durban, 2023-11-29)
Im concerned with the delay of community placement and would like for it to be expeditedAndrew Lucas (Durban, 2023-11-29)
Unacceptable on how long we’ve been made to wait. We have families and commitments to consider. The prospect of moving across the country with no time is daunting.Mikaeel Moola (Johannesburg, 2023-11-29)
Community service is compulsory. We cannot work if we do not get placed and we have families and our own livelihoods to support. We have given so much time to the service of others and we will be doing so until the very end of December. We NEED time to uproot our whole lives to move provinces and we cannot do that in a matter of weeks, all while still working during this time. It’s is completely unfair and unrealistic.Tayler Poole (Johannesburg, 2023-11-29)
These doctors have trained for at least 8 years!The government makes it mandatory that they do community service to be able to practice as a doctor in South Africa.
But the DOH does not have enough money or places for these doctors to all work in community service posts. But the doctors cannot fully register with the HPCSA or work unless they do the year! No wonder they want to leave the country!
Also, they expect to tell the doctors at the last minute where they must work on the 1st January 2024.
The doctors may be married with children at school and have partners with jobs. They will have less than a month to find new jobs, schools and accommodation in a new province. Is that how you treat your health care professionals whom you have trained for 8 years!!
The whole community service thing is ridiculous if it cannot be run properly…it sounds like a good thing but it is a lottery and circus every year!!
If the DOH cannot run it effectively… then they must scrap it!
Tina Bultitude (Durban, 2023-11-29)
I am a nursing student awaiting community service placements and it is ridiculous that more that week after it was formally communicated that we will receive our placements, we still have not. People have families that need to be accommodated and living arrangements should be made rather earlier than a few days before we have to start working.Esca Neethling (Potchefstroom, 2023-11-29)
I’m meant to start my compulsory community service doctor time in January 2024 and I have not been placed. We have now also been told that they do not have enough posts for all of us for this service that they have made compulsoryHalima Patel (Cape Town, 2023-11-29)
I'm signing because the DOH is incompetent. They have one job to focus on and can't even get that right. I am sick and tired of how useless these people are. We were promised placements on the 20th of November. It's now the 29th and no one seems to know what's going on. We want our placements now and we'd like our starting date for work to be moved later than the 2nd of Jan.Irfaan Seedat (Johannesburg, 2023-11-29)
I am a Com Serve awaiting placement and fully agree with what is stated in this petition.Yolandi Meyer (Pretoria, 2023-11-29)
It's extremely stressful to be waiting this long and this late in the year to receive placement.Ammara Khan (Pretoria, 2023-11-29)
This delay and possibillity of no community service posts affects me directlyChristiaan Kleynhans (East London, 2023-11-29)
I am signing because I want to complete my com serve timeously in order to fulfill my goal of specialisingHamzah-Ahmad Ebrahim (Johannesburg, 2023-11-29)
Still awaiting medical comserv placement for 2024Muhamad Razak (Cape Town, 2023-11-29)