Make Masks & Vaccines A CHOICE!



I'm signing this because forcing my child to wear a mask is ridiculous.

Caitlyn Nickole (Clinton, 2021-08-28)


No mandate on health related issues is ethical because everyone is different and any mandate is unhealthy for some.

Karla Belew (Clinton, 2021-08-28)


I believe it is taking a freedom from our children, putting their health at risk by restricting their oxygen, hurting their ability to communicate and learn, and hurting their ability socialize and recognize people.

Samantha Roberts (Clinton, 2021-08-28)


I’m singing because I believe it should be a choice not required to get an education!

Melinda Winegarner (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I want to protect the rights of all parents and kids.

Timothy Payne (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I don't believe in compliance without question, and I believe that we are living in America where we have rights, and free will. We the people still have the freedom of choice to decide whether, or not we want to wear mask. It's our lives, so we the people can decide if we want to take the risk! I also disagree, because this is another attempt to try to take all of our rights away from us, and make us compliant, grooming us for the New World Order.

tiffany tate (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I'm signing this petition because I have 2 children in the Clinton School District. As a parent it is my obligation to protect my children and wearing a mask for hours on end put them at a serious health risk and is our decision as a parent and child to decide what what is best for my child.

Chad Preston (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I believe wearing a mask should be a choice not a demand. As citizens we have the right to choose unless this country is no longer a democracy.

Cindy Gibson (Easton, 2021-08-29)


Everyone has a right to their own choice

Brentney Humphreys (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


My childern have asthma and can not wear them

Thunder Wolfenbarger (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I want masks to be option for Clinton Missouri school students

Josiah Town (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I don't want to be Australia! Compliance isn't a choice!

Darrel Elliott (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


This petition clearly states many reasons why masks should NOT be mandatory. Masks (and vaccines) are highly controversial issues. Those in power can not just listen to one side and make a law.

Gloria Sherman (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I'm signing this because I believe it's all right to make the decisions on rather our children are masked or not should not be up to the school board to make that decision

Sondra Chipley (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I believe all children have rights too. They want to choose for themselves and we should allow them too as parents. As long as the parents are okay with it. Masks are dangerous to humans because you can't breathe in clean air like you need too. There are many resaons i am singing this. This is just a few

Cassandra Sudduth (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


Standing for no govt intervention. this is personal choice issue

Connie Dirks (nevada, 2021-08-29)


Mask & shots should be optional. Our bodies our choice.

Tammy Evans (Montrose, 2021-08-29)


This is out of hand already. The temp masks don't do anything but cause problems and it doesn't protect you.

Angie Vowels (Osceola, 2021-08-29)


I'm signing because I am in the k-12 group and I strongly think it should be optional we have voices in this as well because we have to suffer it just as much as the adults

Kendra Scott (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


Freedom to the American People!

Derek Jones (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


This school board may be held personally liable for any harm or death caused by the unconstitutional requirement of mandating face masks be worn by students and faculty opposed to this tyranny.
Furthermore, you may be held personally responsible for Supporting CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

Loretta Snider (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I don't think mask should be mandatory!!!! They should be a CHOICE!!!

PatrickandAmber Dittmer (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


My son has to wear one at preschool. He is 4. He sucks on it all day. He is speech delayed.

Angela Moore (Calhoun, 2021-08-29)


i believe everyone should have the right to choose what they think is best for their health, and others.

Hailey Snyder (Clinton Missouri, 2021-08-29)


If you think a mask is going to save anyone you are ignorant. Sincerely Monty Anspaugh.

Monty Anspaugh (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


Destiny said too

Jayden Lindsay (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I feel it is the right of every American to choose for themselves if they wear a mask or not.

Kaylene Kline (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


Masks in school should be up to the childs parents. Medical Freedom is essential to America

Kelli Hoover (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I’m signing because my children should have a choice!

Carley Ross (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


I believe it should be a choice between the students and their families. Kids have a hard time leaving it alone and they are not effective

Samantha Vance (Clinton, 2021-08-29)


Parents and individuals still have constitutionally protected rights.

Adam Enger (Minneapolis, 2021-08-30)


I'm signing because I wouldn't want my child forced to wear something over their face and breathe in what should be being breathed out of our body. We still have a choice!!

DaRinda Foster (Kearney, 2021-08-30)


I am signing because children have very little risk from Covid but a great deal of risk from germ filled masks. (I got pneumonia from wearing a non-serialized cloth mask.)

Lamar Mathews (Houston, 2021-08-30)


Most if not all masks currently in use do not stop the virus from the intended host. To be effective you would need an N95 or similar mask. To those who are not familiar with them they are extremely claustrophobic!

Kenneth Williams (Houston, 2021-08-30)


Fear never comes before freedom

Nicholas Turner (Montrose, 2021-08-30)


You are infringing on the rights of these children, their ability to learn and forcing them to comply to your unconstitutional mandate, which should have been presented to the community in a town hall or a meeting to discuss with the parents of the district what your plans were and what options are available, but instead you choose to alienate them from what your actions were to be and have caused yet another rift between you and the parents of your districts students. The Clinton school board and administrators have a history of using the children as pawns to get what they want and nothing will stand in their way. You wanted a new school built via a tax levy that failed on numerous occasions and when they failed you no longer provided busing for children within a certain radius from the school once again forcing parents to succumb to your ways by taking away their means of getting their children to school by taking away transportation of them to school. When will you realize that people are fed up with your nonsense? You are turning children away from their right to an education because of your selfishness, what impression are you leaving them. You talk of wanting what’s best for them, but you still allow bullying and have become the bully, you want them to stand up for themselves and to be independent, but you have taken their independence, you want them to think for themselves yet you are denying them their right to attend school. You say you are doing this to keep them safe, but you are endangering them, it has been a tough time for them, they have missed a year of what should be some of the best times in their lives, but you are taking that away from them. Stop this mandate and give the children of this community a bit of normalcy in their school lives. You are wrong in everything you are doing. What are you teaching them by doing this? Why don’t you give them a voice instead of trying to silence them, to conform is to give up. If you want them to be a functional part of society then be one yourself. Don’t give in parents continue to fight for what is right and for the rights of your children.

Ben Stoltman (Clinton, 2021-08-31)


Fuck joe biden

Ryan Covington (Clinton, 2021-08-31)


I’m signing this because I don’t believe that a mask will stop the risk of getting covid and our children should not live in fear by wearing them.

Katrina Carter (Clinton, 2021-08-31)


They are our children.!!!! Got it. ??? Garbage crap. Who do you think you are to force masks on our children???

Gabriel Whitcher (Medical Lake, 2021-08-31)


It’s our God given right to have The choice to choose to wear or not wear a mask it is our body our choice not the government not the school!

Isaac Sanchez (Bakersfield, 2021-08-31)


Because it’s what’s best for our children’s health, freedom and future.

Pamela Wright (Osceola, 2021-08-31)


I am signing because this insanity has to stop. This entire mask mandate is not based on science or for the health of our children. It is all about control of the American people. Somebody has to stand up to tyranny.

Brandon Steward (Clinton, 2021-08-31)


Our civil rights are being threatened. Parents need and deserve the right to make decisions for their family and what is in the best interest of them. Each and every parent has that right.

Michele Mantonya (Clinton, 2021-09-01)


Because children should not be forced to wear a mask if it causes trauma to them. And furthermore, you do not make a child put his mask back on after he has vomited in it.

Angela Littlejohn (Clinton, Missouri, 2021-09-01)


This mask doesn’t stop the spread of covid. They should be optional. Or at the parents discretion. No one is covering my childs face without my permission. Especially if it effects them from learning by reading lips or breathing carbon monoxide into their body therefore harming their delicate lungs.

Kathy Dealy (Deepwater, 2021-09-01)


Its a choice, not to be forced.

Gina Lawson (Clinton, 2021-09-01)


I personally have a son that is having anxiety over wearing a mask for the entire day. I am being forced because of his anxiety with these masks to put him in virtual. He also has dyslexia and needs in person learning. But I've had to make the choice between his education and his mental well being. We have discussed it with the vice principal and his IEP team and the only accomodations they would come to is to force him to wear his mask for one period for him to get his IEP class done in person then return home for virtual.
We have all had a horrible case of covid in the Feb prior to the lockdown. We have immunity. This is ridiculous. What happened to our country. I woke up in china!

Donald Underhill (Independence, 2021-09-01)


These are developing children. They have enough to worry about without these authoritan policies.

Alex Austin (Clinton, 2021-09-01)


I’m signing this because I don’t co parent with the government. It’s my right as a parent to decide what is best for my children.

Cindy Robinson (Clinton, 2021-09-01)


I’m signing because the cdc has done 6 studies regarding mask wearing, all can be found in the National Health Library, all state in laymen terms they do not stop small particles such as viruses, and they also show they disrupt our blood gas levels. The blind incompetence is scary from this administration. We are truly thankful for only having 1 child left in the school district. 85% of our patients are vaccinated patients because their immune systems have been disrupted by this experimental vaccine. You will see the damage it has caused over the next few years.

Jason Goth (Deepwater, 2021-09-01)


I’m signing because I believe in freedom

Siena Rosiere (Clinton, 2021-09-02)


Mandatory masking is unconstitutional, illogical, and hinders health.

Nalissa Payne (Clinton, 2021-09-02)


I feel it is unfair to have the children masked up. I feel it hinders their learning. They are in school to get an education .

Lesa Callahan (Clinton, 2021-09-02)


Masking children is wrong.

Jerri Grable Mullis (Deepwater, 2021-09-02)


Mandates are not laws. Recommendations from Agencies are not laws. If there is no law, they are violating the Constitution!

Tracy Mosley (Kansas City, 2021-09-02)


Masks should never be mandatory! Infringing on my rights

Kim Hembree (Appleton, 2021-09-02)


Masking should be a choice by the parent and student.

Joel Coffey (Clinton, 2021-09-02)


Masks shouldn’t be mandated. Especially for children. It’s ritual satanic abuse.

Jill Medina (Urich, 2021-09-04)


It should be a personal choice. My son has asthma and simply can not breathe with a mask on. And this is why we live in AMERICA. FREEDOM!

Lester Price (Clinton, 2021-09-04)


Mask wearing should be optional, based on parental decision. Not mandated by school board or administrators.

Michael Sowers (Clinton, 2021-09-04)


masks don't work. That's why 90% of adults don't wear them when not "mandated" to

Jack Belew (Clinton, 2021-09-05)


Federal government protects the citizens from national security threats. They don't control the citizens.

Roland Sanchez (Seattle, 2021-09-06)


It’s my right

Cyndi Kelgard (Deepwater Missouri, 2021-09-07)


I believe in freedom. I do not believe that mask do anything to prevent the spread of any virus. I’m sick of giving up our freedom to apiece ignorant snowflake sheep that fall for anything the lying liberal media pushes.

Troy Bohannan (Clinton, 2021-09-08)


I’m signing this petition because there is abundant proof that masks cannot provide a barrier to virus particles. Furthermore, I am signing this petition because I believe that every American has the right to decide their own healthcare and that of their children. Lastly, I am signing this petition because I believe in the freedoms this country was founded upon and that no one has the right to force me or my children to comply with such a mandate.

Roy Payne (Clinton, 2021-09-09)


Masks should be a choice! Not forced upon students to put their health at risk!

Alexander Magana (Clinton, 2021-09-09)


They should be optional!

Lou Redford (Clinton, 2021-09-10)


No make

Karen Hinkle (Clinton, 2021-09-10)



Chelsea Town (Clinton, 2021-09-13)


Because it should be the parents decision if they want their child to put on a mask.

Michael Rosiere (Clinton, 2021-09-16)


My son has blood clots in his lungs still from having covid. The masks the school supplies are 3 layers of cotton which is ridiculous. Free the children!!! Let them breathe!!!! Let them have a face!!!!

Yolanda Cole (Clinton, 2021-09-16)


I’m signing this petition because I am a student that goes to Clinton high school, the Clinton school district, and was kicked out and given OSS twice on the first two days of school for not wearing a mask. I chose not to because that’s my right and because I didn’t “comply” I was not given an education and was not allowed on school grounds for the rest of each of the two days. I should have the right not to wear one and I will stand by that.

London Rosiere (Clinton, 2021-09-18)


I believe in freedom of choice

Tonya Robertson (Clinton, 2021-09-21)


I am signing because I took an oath to do no harm to people as a Health Care worker and can not promote nor can I accept the lethal adverse effects of wearing a mask and taking a vaccine that has not been proven safe for decades.

Cathy McFarland (Abingdon, 2021-09-23)

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