Stop HRM from permanently restricting right hand turns onto George Dauphinee



Because this is an access point I use daily. Turning across Chebucto Road is dangerous, especially during rush hour with rotary traffic. Access to this neighbourhood is limited and awkward as is, we cannot lose the right hand turn. Not only will our residents be impacted but also parents getting to the school and anyone trying to access us of the bicentennial.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I’m signing as we have low access to Westmount. If this access is permanently closed it will have significant effects to residential and school traffic flow.

(Hifax, 2019-12-14)


I'm wondering how HRM is going to deal with the two right turning lanes coming out of the HSC onto Bayers Road, especially if they want to turn right onto Connaught Ave. Ridiculous having one 20 meter bus only lane over the length of 300 -400 meters

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I live on the corner of Almon and George Dauphinee -these changes impact access to my street on one end and severely increase the number of cars turning in front of my house making getting into and out of my driveway very dangerous!! Almon Street cannot be the only direct route into a busy school district and highly populated neighborhood.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I feel that our subdivision is going to suffer from the current plan to close George Dauphinee toninciming right turns off of bayers road

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I agree with all the points raised in the petition . Sums up thing very well.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


The bus lane does not need to go along the right lane & entrance at George Dauphinee... buses should move to the centre lane at east perimeter road entrance & proceed through the intersection using the middle lane. There are NO bus routes that require a bus to turn right on Connaught & no bus stops along that stretch. This would allow cars to continue using this much needed entrance to an already limited-access neighbourhood. Redirecting traffic to Connaught & Almon would force residents to an intersection that has already been flagged as dangerous. The only other entrance to the neighbourhood is to turn left across 3 lanes of traffic on Chebucto Road. The elimination of the right turn on George Dauphinee is a significant safety concern, not just an inconvenience.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I visit my friends and family regularly and this is a major inconvenience. This would be the second entrance to the subdivision that would be blocked. Change the location of the bus stop away from the lights going on to Bayers Road.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


Proposed changes are too restrictive and will shift accidents from Connaught/Almon to William Hunt/Chebucto. Better alternative is to install a green flashing traffic light at Connaught/Almon (where there have been several accidents/near misses) and perhaps restricting traffic onto George Dauphinee during peak hours (which would allow for bikers to access this route during peak hours).

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


It’s hard enough to get into the neighbourhood as it is, please do not block the entrance from Bayers Road to George Dauphinee!!
PLEASE!!! Come see the children being dropped off and picked up at Westmount school. A child will be hit with all the cars backing out of people’s driveways to turn around. PLEASE don’t block the only safe entrance into our neighbourhood.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I grew up on GeoDauphinee. My mother, sister, and cousin all own houses and live there. Further restrictions on entering this neighbourhood are burdensome and reactionary.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I travel this road a lot.

(Creignish, 2019-12-14)


It is increasingly difficult to access Westmount neighbourhood safely. A series of changes appear to be taking place in the interest of commuters on Chebucto, Connaught and Bayer’s. Changes do not appear well thought out and fail to take into consideration the needs of Westmount residents and children attending school at Westmount to access the neighbourhood safely.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I am signing this because as a resident of the West End, my only options to drop my children off at school are to either take them up and safely make the right hand turn onto George Dauphinee, or make the left hand turn across three lanes of traffic off of Chebucto onto William Hunt, which is at times, unsafe. It is a waste of time and fuel to have to make almost a complete circle around the neighbourhood in order to access it.
This restriction makes no sense, especially considering that it’s during peak times that people need to enter here.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


Totally idiotic plan
What about the people who live in the house between the HSC and George Dauphnie Ave

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


Accessing Westmount safely by car is becoming very limiting/impossible.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I am concerned about safe access to my home. Two of the three entrances to Westmount are not what I would call easy entrances. I do not mind the street being a bicycle route or having speed humps, but I resent the proposed restriction and believe that HRM has not given enough thought to the residents of Westmount.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


Ed. Arab already blocked off to Mumford Rd, Almon N Connaught accidents tie up traffic flow, any new restrictions to traffic flow would be very dangerous to people who live in Westmount Subdivision if Emergency vehicles to access our area!
I have live here 4 forty years n a retired police officer! I believe any more traffic flow restrictions would cause serious consequences 4 Westmount citizens!

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


Fix pot holes, not right hand turns.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I’am signing this form because I am strongly against loosing vital access to George Dauphinee Ave.

(Halifax, 2019-12-14)


I want my neighborhood to have safe accessibility

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


Need the right turn from Bayer’s

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


I am signing because I believe the city transit “group” who is handing this decision down to the residents, via an “information session “ is acting unilaterally against the residents of a high tax paying subdivision in the interest of a theoretical future bicycling commuter and bus riding group, in accordance with their self appointed “transit priority” initiative. This so called initiative is extremely punitive to the residents of Westmount subdivision and moreover makes no common sense vis a vis bus routing.

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


Accesses to this neighbourhood is becoming increasingly challenging and this will eliminate one of our safest options.

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


There are too many restrictions for getting into the subdivision. I use theGeo. Dauphanee entrance regularly.

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


I visit this neighborhood often and the other two entrances are terrifying!

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


I live in this neighbourhood

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


The right turn from Bayers Road to George Dauphinee is a safe and easy way to enter Westmount neighbourhood and should not be restricted.

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


Placing the restriction during morning rush hour only is a reasonable compromise and accomplishes almost everything the city is trying to make happen while freeing up safe access to our neighborhood during other times.

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


I think the Inbound restriction of 7-9 am M-F ONLy is a good compromise for all involved.

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


I’m signing because I use this entrance daily and will go out of my way at times to go to this entrance instead of the Chebucto Rd entrance.

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


Other access points to Westmount neighbourhood is very difficult to access and loads of accidents on Almon and Connaught

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


The proposed change of restricting full-time right hand turns from Bayers Road to George Dauphinee Avenue will force residents of the Westmount Community to use two alternate and somewhat dangerous routes to access our neighborhood. The proposal will also negatively affect the traffic flows and parking concerns related to drop offs and pick ups of students at the Westmount Elementary.

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


I'm signing because I do not want to see my neighbourhood access restricted to the most dangerous accesses we have. Restricting right hand turns from Bayers onto George Dauphinee will only increase traffic to the Connaught and will not benefit the residents of Westmount or public transit users in the area

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


I'm signing because a time of day restricted turn can resolve any concerns. a Turning ban is not necessary. Also, HRM is well aware of the traffic problems at Almon and Connaught Avenue, and has not made this intersection safe. To add more traffic to this intersection is irresponsible.

(Halifax, 2019-12-15)


This proposed change is ridiculous. If we cannot turn onto George Dauphinee then that only leaves us with Almon entrance and Chebucto. Do you know how hard it is to get into this subdivision from Chebucto? It is very dangerous. That leaves Almon street, which is limited at certain times during the day. That is not good enough. NOT happy about this .

(Halifax, 2019-12-16)


I’m concerned about the safety of children, my family, and my neighbours with this proposal.

(Halifax, 2019-12-20)


I have lived on George Dauphinee Ave for over 50 years. If there weren't already significant restrictions to accessing Westmount I would not be overly upset about the Bayers Road restriction. But with the existing restrictions I oppose this new plan vehemently. Unless one owns their own helicopter it is becoming very difficult to get home in timely and safe manner.

(Halifax, 2019-12-20)


My daughter goes to school at Westmount, and that is how I enter the subdivision to drop her off in the mornings.

(Halifax, 2019-12-20)


Closure will restrict safe access into Westmount subdivision.
1. Would place further pressures on entry at William Hunt, heading east on Chebucto Rd.. This is already a very dangerous entry point and as it it so close to the lights at Mumford Rd, it does not give vehicles travelling behind you ample time to move into another lane, therefore tying up traffic there. 2. It would bring more traffic to the Almon/Connaught intersection, which has been well documented to be a very scary intersection to enter and lighting at that intersection still requires an major overhaul.

(Halifax, 2019-12-20)


The city can prioritize transit, bikes and residents of the peninsula together. This does not have to pit commuters against high tax paying residents of the peninsula. Surely a solution can be met for all HRM residents.

(Halifax, 2019-12-20)


It does not seem well thought out. Mumford has dedicated bike lanes and right hand turns without lights. We should be able to do the same on Bayers.

(Halifax, 2019-12-20)


I’m signing because I truly believe restricting the entrance to the Westmount subdivision to Connaught&Almon and Chebucto&William Hunt is not only very causing greater traffic problems for residents ; it is also increasing the likelihood of continued car accidents entering and exiting the subdivision. More explanation can be provided merely by looking at the # of accidents recorded at Almon&Connaught.

(Halifax, 2019-12-21)


I feel the turn restrictions proposed by HRM are both unnecessary and unfair to residents of the Westmount subdivision.

(Halifax, 2019-12-21)


I'm signing this because it's totally stupid. This area need more than one way to get in and out and furthermore, the fact that would be from Chebuct Rd is ludicrous. Who the heck came up with such a hairbrain idea?? why should access to a persneighbourhood be severely restricted just to accommodate the transit.

(Halifax, 2019-12-21)


Westmount needs access from Bayers Road.

(Halifax, 2019-12-22)


I am a resident of a Westmount subdivision. I support right turn restrictions onto George Dauphinee during peak hours, and I am strongly opposed to to having a 7 x 24 ban. This is a huge inconvenience to all residents to satisfy modest gain for cyclists over other alternatives. A hard built transition for cyclists at the cost of residents is not balanced, fair or justified.

(Halifax, 2019-12-22)


I regularly access Westmount as I have family in the area and grew up in Westmount myself. I am well aware of the safety issues and access issues for Westmount residents/visitors and attendees of both Westmount and St. Agnes School getting dropped off. Restricting access to the area is not a responsible or reasonable choice.

(Halifax, 2019-12-28)


I live in westmount and this makes it almost impossible to get home other then crossing an already difficult area. Chebucto is not an option it is dangerous on a good idea

(Halifax, 2019-12-28)