Keep Mr. Hulsbosch



I'm signing this because Mr. Hulsbosch is a great teacher. His lessons are interesting. The people that complained are the ones that show no respect what so ever for this man. He should NOT be suspended for making a few jokes and doing an excellent job as a teacher.

(Hostert, 2018-02-19)


Mr hulsbosch is a great teacher!

(Rodange, 2018-02-19)


I’m signing this petition, because Mr. Hulsbosch is a great teacher and I find that the accusations are all taken out of context. He does not deserve to lose his work, because of some jokes.

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-19)


I’m signing this because the accusations are completely out of context. He has never done anything to offend anyone.

(Grevenmacher, 2018-02-19)



(Goeblange, 2018-02-19)


He’s the best history teacher I’ve ever had. He teaches us not just history but also life lessons

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-19)


I'm signing this petition because Mr. Hulsbosch is one of the best teacher in LML. Losing him would be of great disadvantage to LML.
Sincerely and Respectfully
Suprita Golay

(Bettembourg, 2018-02-19)


Mr.Hulsbosch is one of the best teacher in LML.

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-19)


I sign because mr Hulsbosch is a good teacher and explains the things in a good way and really tests your knowledge, which is good

(Remerschen, 2018-02-19)


I‘m signing this because I believe Mr. Hulsbosch is a valuable teacher in our school. He was my history teacher for 2 years and made the course highly interesting.

(Echternach, 2018-02-19)


Mr. Hulsbosch is a competent and efficient teacher. He loves teaching history and we need him to successfully prepare us for our upcoming exams.

(Bridel, 2018-02-19)


He was a good teacher

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-19)


Mr Hulsbosch is a great teacher. He teaches his subject well, and thanks to him I’ve improved my grade massively. I haven’t had such experience with teachers before. He shows dedication towards his subject and much care to his students.

(Belair, 2018-02-19)


The whole matter is blown out of context. And his à really great teacher

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-19)


Im signing because he’s a great teacher, he’s close to his student and his way of teaching, which makes history easier and more funny. Simply he’s one of the best in the school.

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-19)


I want him to stay he's a cool guy

(Bonnevoie, 2018-02-19)


I'm signing beause he's a great teacher, he teaches history with passion and in a fun way so students don't get bored.

(Wasserbillig, 2018-02-19)


Only because he is honest, most importantly an individual and because somebody doesn't like him you can’t take him out! He is a teacher and he has his way of teaching, he doesn’t only teach history but he also teaches us LIFE! Something that school doesn’t teach us because of YOUR decisions! School shouldn’t be a square where everybody is the same,... Hulsbosh is probably the only teacher who is different to others and this makes him so much more special!

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-19)


Mr. Hulsbosch is an extremely good teacher and he's most definitely one of the reasons why I'm enjoying history as much as I am. However, I think that changing his attitude towards some students is a step that he has to take, in order to avoid future complaints, because from my point of view, it would be an absolute shame if he lost his job just because he's too cocky to shut up when it's convenient. He shouldn't get fired.

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-19)


I believe in a teacher that can make jokes to ease the class because the main perk of a teacher is being able to enjoy the class and I believe students enjoy his class because of his jokes, the rest shouldn’t be such little bitches

(Hamm, 2018-02-19)


Hulsbosch bäschten gars

(Soleuvre, 2018-02-19)


It's a good teacher

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-19)


Wieseu sollt een eseu een proff net wellen? Sein Kuer ass witzeg an entertainment puer an eseu vill spass beim leieren huet en selten bei proffen!

(Mersch, 2018-02-19)


Mr Hulsboch is the reason my brother, Luc Palmer, did so well in his history A-level and is now in University.

(Berg, 2018-02-19)


He's a good guy, just too harsh sometimes, but you must know how to understand his behaviour (what is quite hard sometimes) anyway he has a good heart and only wants the best for his students
Forgive him, he's from Wiltz.. and thinks Simon beer is good, what definitely shows his disability to see what is okey and what is not (Little joke)
Thank you for giving Mr Hulsbosh another chance, so he can show you what a kind heart he has and that he is a good teacher!

Berrend Odin

(Vianden, 2018-02-19)


Hien ass en gudden Proff mat engem bessen mei speziellen Humor, den meechtens op Ironie oder sougue Sarkasmus opgebaut ass. Wou meechtens am Kuer bei sozialkriteschen Themen benotzt geht. Des ironech Witzer sinn net beis gemengt an sollten all Schüler zum Iwerlehen brengen. Wann verschidden Schüler dest net verstinn an direkt beit Directioun ginn, well se sech ugegraff fillen oder vielleicht sougue gemobbt fillen, dann sollt een sech eichter d Fro stellen op den Schüler , desen op Kritik baseierten Cours, iwerhapt verarbechten kann.
Dem Herr Hulsbosch sein Cours ass eigentlech durch seng Wuertwitzer an der benotztener Ironie reicht wirklech interessant well et net nemen vun der Tafel ofschreiwen ass, wou bei een deitlech manner leiert.
Bei Froen iwert Comoco kann en mat engem gudden Allgemengwessen op dei meschten Froen entferten an dat am Detail, wat Qualiteiten sinn dei net all Proff huet. Also firwat soll een den Herr Hulsbosch erausgeheien? Well un dem wat een bei him leieren kann, wann een mam Geescht komplett dabei ass, ass net wirklech vill ze kritiseieren.

(Lintgen, 2018-02-19)


Mr Hulsbosch knows the subject that he teaches like the back of his hand. If you fail in his class it's because YOU chose not to apply yourself. He's great at his craft, and leaves his students wanting to learn more.

(bascharage, 2018-02-20)


I believe in Mr. Hulsbosch

(Lamadelaine, 2018-02-20)


Because it is an awesome teacher. I've never had so much fun in history class. He makes the lessons very interesting!

(Redange, 2018-02-20)


I m signing because he has been always a good teacher and kind to me.

(Schrassig, 2018-02-20)


He’s a good teacher, truly helps you to remember the information needed and makes it in a interesting way

(preizerdaul, 2018-02-20)


I'm signing because I think that Mr. Hulsbosch is a great teacher and one of the few to make his course intersting and really fun. He teaches us in way that makes us remember pretty much everything and always adds a lot of humor to it.

(Consdorf, 2018-02-20)


I like mr. Hulsbosch. He is a very good history teacher.

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-20)


Mr hulsbosch is a great teacher and one where I learnt the most, he definitely dosent deserve to be suspended

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-20)


I'm signing because I enjoy Mr. Hulsbosch's class and the discomfort of getting a new teacher after an entire year...

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-20)


Mr. Hulsbosch is a great teacher

(Collar-Berg, 2018-02-20)


Me. Hulsbosch is a great teacher

(Collar-Berg, 2018-02-20)


He was one of the best teachers I ever had and he should not be penalized by his sense of humor and sarcasm.

(Bettel, 2018-02-20)


I feel the reaction taken over Hulsbosch is exaggerated and due to his excellent qualities as a teacher, believe it is only fair for him to stay.

(Dalheim, 2018-02-20)


He’s a nice teacher

(Bertrange, 2018-02-20)


Mr.Hulsbosch is most definitely my favorite teacher in this school. He explains history in such a good way and connects it with our personal life which is the right thing to do.
He should not be fired because of a couple of students who do not evaluate irony and sarcasm.
( It’s a joke goddamit no need to take it personally or get offended )


(Dudelange, 2018-02-20)


I like the teacher and I don’t want him to leave

(Ettelbruck, 2018-02-20)


He is the best teacher.

(Dudelange, 2018-02-20)


I am signing I believe that he is a good teacher! I had history in my 4and 3 EC. He was a great teacher ! We can’t miss this kind of teacher

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-20)


Schéinen gudden Owend,
Naja wann een esou eppes liesen muss, war et dat wuel mam "Schéinen". Mee dat ass awer allerhand esou eppes, nemmen well do een Schüler wahrscheinlech net genuch Punkten op senger Zensur krut hued, direkt dem Herr Hulsbosch d'Liewen schwéier zemaachen. Den Herr Hulsbosch ass en wonnerbaren Proff, bei dem Educi emmer richteg Spaß gemaach hued an een och vill beigeleiert hued. Dei Art an Weis wei en och ennerriicht ass och genial, anstatt en dreschnen Kuer dohinner ze ...(mer verstinn ons), hued en dat emmer mad enger Leidenschaft erklärt, wou keen Schüler mei an der Lach war anzeschlofen, mee wou se all wollten nolauschteren vir alles mad zekreihen. Last but not least, hoffen ech den Herr Hulsbosch erem am Lycée Michel Lucius mad engem ,,Scccchhhéinen gudden Moien, respektiv Metten" begreißen zekennen.

(Vun Peiteng, 2018-02-20)


Salopp gesot wiist an mir eng Trauer, wei keng zweet. Beim Herr Philippe Hulsbosch handelt et sech em en Historiker mat duerchaus vill Grips an Verstand. Sein onverkennbaren Humor an seng fantasievoll gelueden Art, machen en zu engem Individuum bei dem "In" deck betount muss ginn (Individuum ass latengeschen Ursprongs, wat souvill bedeit ewei net deelbar woubei den "In" fir net steht). Dat Wessen wat en an sengen Kueren voller Bescheidenheet un seng Schüler vermettelt, kennt an der Regel och am Langzeitgedächtnis vum Schüler un. Des erfollegreicht Aktioun gelengt him virun allem duerch d'triggeren vun Emotiounen am eenzelne Schüler. Dat fördert natirlech d'Gedächtnisbildung, well d'Amygdala aus dem Limbesche System Arennerungen mat Emotiounen verknüpft ergo bleiwt dem Schüler villes erhalen. Vun sengen Fähegkeeten Kuer ze halen profiteieren also beid Seiten, souwuel de Schüler als och den Herr Philippe Hulsbosch den gudd Resultater erzielt. Op enger effizienzmoossender Skala wat de Kuer ubelangt, dei vun 1 bis 10, woubei 1 fir miserabel an 10 fir exzellent steht, geht, ginn ech dem Herr Philippe Hulsbosch eng 11. Et muss een mat an betracht zeihen dass gudden Humor eng extrem relativ Eegenschaft ass, dei eng Persoun och gären mol falsch ophuelen kann, dingt et nach emmer enger leiw gemengter Ennerhalung dei dem Kuer dach schon dei gewessen Würze verleiht.
Leiw Greiss, Hulsbosch Fan

(Éislek, 2018-02-20)


He is the best teacher.

(Dudelange, 2018-02-20)


Gudden Prof

(Rodange, 2018-02-20)


He‘s a good teacher and his lessons are interesting .

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-20)


I'm signing this petition because I think the accusations are exagerated and the way the school is trying to "solve" the problem, by suspending history lessons only a few months before the exams, is absurd. It doesn't only potentially harm the career life of a professional as it does also put the students in a very stressful and unfair situation. I never had history in this school but I attended a few of Mr. Hulsbosch lessons on my free time because I heard by very close friends he was a really good and fun teacher. He was really attentive in letting me attend the lessons and his reputation did not disappoint. I am confident in saying that every student who has had Mr. Hulsbosch as a teacher for a long time knows that he is a joker who means no harm at all. I can also understand why the accuser might interpret Mr. Hulsbosch words as offensive if they don't know him and maybe he should be advised to be more careful with sensible people but unemployment is not the best way to do this.

(Junglinster, 2018-02-20)


Mr. Hulsbosch is actually a great teacher, I don't know why you would do this.

(Beggen, 2018-02-20)


Mr Hulsbosch is a Legend

(Sunshine Coast, 2018-02-21)


I'm signing this because Mr. Hulsbosch is the best history teacher I know of in this school. Moreover, the reasons he is losing his job for are not big enough, and he is accused based on jokes he made which should not be taken seriously.

(Mertert, 2018-02-21)


Because I want to

(dudelange, 2018-02-21)


He is one of the best teacher.

(Strassen, 2018-02-21)


im signing this because he didnt say anything that can offend people he just making the class awake and thats it

(luxemboug, 2018-02-21)


Mr husbolch is the best history teacher our school has ever got so he should stay

(Esch, 2018-02-21)


he is a great teacher nevertheless a perfect one

(luxembourg city, 2018-02-21)


I'm signing because he is a good history teacher and all my friends are talking positively about him.

(Walfer, 2018-02-21)


Mr.Hulsbosch is one of my favorite teachers and in my opinion he doesn’t deserve to be fired. He makes his lessons very interesting and not a lot of teachers can be so close with their students, so that students will want to study history. He’s the best teacher in LML in my opinion.

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-21)


I'm signing it because he's the best teacher in LML, and I want to still have the lessons with him

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-21)


Because I know he is a good teacher

(Esch/Alzette, 2018-02-21)


good teacher, doesn’t deserve to be fired

(mertert, 2018-02-21)


Great teacher, I had him for 1 year and he really brings history to life. P.S. His talent week courses are the best!

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-21)


I'm signing because I have to admit that he is a great teacher. I've gone through many types of teachers in my life, and I personally think that he is far from anything they claim to be 'bullying' the students or a 'bad' teacher.

(Esch sur Alzette, 2018-02-21)


The accusations where completely out of context, he was just making harmless jokes with no intention of offending anyone and to be honest I wish that my maths teacher had his sense of humour and had the ability to teach as well as him

(Luxemburg, 2018-02-22)


He is a good teacher and that he should stay and have a 2nd chance.

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-22)


I have nevee had a teacher that would explain the subject so well. I absolutely love Mr. Hulsbosch

(Koerich, 2018-02-22)


Stop ripping of the papers from the wall by students instead be honest with urself

(No, 2018-02-22)


Because you actually learn something in his class

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-22)


He is a great teacher and doesn't deserve this

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-22)


I am as I belive Mr hulbush is a great teacher

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-22)


Im signing in because i want mr hulbosch to come back

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-22)


He a playa

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-22)


Mr Hulsbosch is one of the greatest teachers I ever had. His lessons were always very interesting. You really can learn something during his lessons.

(Schëtter, 2018-02-23)


Good teacher who keeps his lessons interesting. He was my favorite teacher last year and he doesn’t deserve to lose his job.

(Lintgen, 2018-02-23)


Good teacher and keeps his lessons always interesting. He doesn't deserve to lose his job.

(Bous, 2018-02-23)


I’m signing this because I had Mr Hulsbosch last year and I find that he is doing a great job and he was my favorite teacher last year

(Luxembourg, 2018-02-23)