The People V HM Government for False Advertising surrounding Covid19



False advertising

Stephanie Mace (Somerset , 2021-02-19)


Lockdowns aren't working and I am fed up of being told lies

Andrew Knight (Formby, 2021-02-19)


It's an disgrace the lies we are being told and the utter waste of our money that these politicians wantonly spend on false advertising regarding so called covid19

Sarah Booth (Barking, 2021-02-19)


I feel that the Government have handled this wrong & they have blamed the people of the United kingdom for their mistakes.
They have also allowed the media to scaremongering the people into thinking that all will return back to normal if they take the vaccine! This must stop!
We have been placed under House arrest by the government for their incompetence.

David James (NORTHAMPTON, 2021-02-19)


They have continuously lied to the public - I don’t believe a word they say 😡

Angela Wilson (St Ives, 2021-02-19)


I am signing because of all the lies spread using media surrounding the covid and vaccination scandal which has affected the health of the entire population.. mental and physical health and wellbeing.

ian wakley (Bristol , 2021-02-19)


It's been a lie since the 4 nations down graded covid 19 from an HCID 19th March 2020

Mark Fisher (Sudbury, 2021-02-19)


It's a disgrace what going on in this country. Fearmongering on an illegal mass televised way.. that's why....

James Sumner (Manchester , 2021-02-19)


This whole lockdown needs to end it is worse than the disease

Renos Sampson (London, 2021-02-19)


I am not prepared to be scared I to submission by elected officials who work for me

Julia Kitson (Glynneath, 2021-02-19)


There is false propaganda supporting the distribution of covid-19 vaccines. They should NOT be mandatory and we should not be having ‘vaccine passports’ it’s absolutely ludicrous.

Immi Martyn (Barnstaple , 2021-02-19)


Looking statistic of the covid proves that covid 19 fear mongering campaign its not true. It's lies to control the people not the virus

Pouria Bakhtiari (London, 2021-02-19)


The government advertising is weaponised fearmongering based on a psyops not on facts.

Jan Kitching (Stockport, 2021-02-19)


I have had enough of the government telling lies and wrecking lives.

Andy Baird (Lisburn, 2021-02-19)


I think these adverts are disgusting and extremely unhelpful

Elizabeth Coombes (Hayling Island , 2021-02-19)


I'm sick of fear mongering and false numbers.

Carol Raines (Liskeard , 2021-02-19)


This is criminal . They are knowingly causing harm.

Karen Scobie (Glasgow, 2021-02-19)


I am tired of all the one sided inaccurate fear mongering reports surrounding covid-19 and the vaccines from the Mainstream Media and the censoring of anyone with actual facts against or anyone whose opinion does not match the covid-19 narrative by online platforms. This is causing fear, suicides, unnecessary deaths/lack of medical treatment, job loss, poverty, mental health issues, it is against our human rights. Need I go on?

Marie Hough (Bolton, 2021-02-19)


I have been affected mentally and financially by government lockdown covid-19 regulations

Lorraine Rooney (Newry, 2021-02-19)


Clinical trials are illegal without informed consent. Since the government are pushing an experimental vaccine through political propaganda, without warnings of the possible side effects and making it explicitly clear that the vaccine is experimental, they are committing war crimes against humanity.

Mark Uren (Sittingbourne , 2021-02-19)


I feel we are being lied to and there are no excess deaths due to Covid. We should be allowed to have our lives back. Open up businesses and decinitely STOP wearing masks. As this is a form of control and has nothing to do with science.

Joanne Benton (Emsworth, 2021-02-19)


Sick to death of seeing and hearing absolute wrong information

Kerry Steers (WALTHAM ABBEY, 2021-02-19)


My children have been traumatised by theses ridiculous adverts.

Scott Jenkins (Pontypool, 2021-02-19)


I agree with the petition content

Doug Hall (Newark, 2021-02-19)


I do not believe a Government that cares about the people would want to terrorise it with these adverts, therefore I would like to replace the current Government with one that does care. I recently signed a petition on this site to remove Robin Swann from his 'health' minister position as I believe he does not care about our health and is deceiving us with the use of a PCR test incapable of diagnosing infection. The decline in normal respiratory deaths such as flu exactly mirrors the rise in Covid deaths. The Great Corona Swindle!

Tricia McGuigan (PORTSTEWART, 2021-02-19)


I believe in the government should be held accountable to fake advertising

Doreen Peart (Hither green, 2021-02-19)


Covid19 is a scam to bring in NWO, agenda 21 and 30, all those that have signed up to do harm to the people should hang.

Wobbly Wobbyn (Aickland, 2021-02-19)


Because we have a criminal puppet corporate government in charge of the UK

Martin otf Seers (Surrey, 2021-02-19)


The government is lying and killing people then blaming the public for their mistakes what are on purpose...I personally think the government should be in prison and a couple of them on the death penalty for death for treason is still active...I would pay to watch a public hanging...might get back some of the money they have wasted....

Gareth Homer (Llandudno , 2021-02-20)


Government properganda is just wrong

Paul Cook (Southampton, 2021-02-20)


Afeect on me seeing advertising it caused depression anxiety darent go park job gym

Mr John Peake (Barnsley, 2021-02-20)


Im sick of gov/bbc propaganda.

Daniel Hodgson (hatfield, 2021-02-20)


This farce has gone too far and someone needs to be held responsible.

Bill Hinchcliffe (Fife, 2021-02-20)


The lockdown and attempts to introduce an authoritarian digital identity system off the back of a immunity pass are a sight never to be seen in a democratic society ever.

Philip Crangle (London, 2021-02-20)


The government have over stepped and are not following their own admissions.
The science says open up now fully.
The vaccine was the supposed route out, so make it happen.

John ODonnell (Falkirk , 2021-02-20)


I am signing because this is the greatest fraud in history, the lie is collapsing and the criminals behind this monstrous hoax, at every level, must now be held accountable.

John Morris (Bolton, 2021-02-20)


I’m signing because many peoples lives are at risk as a result of the misleading narrative the government and media continue to maintain.

Rob Hayward (Manchester, 2021-02-20)


Our corrupt government is destroying everything worth having in the name of a "great reset" which none of us have asked for and no one except corrupt elitist *******s even want.
The UK government needs to stop all of its corrupt, fake pandemic bullshit and let the public get back to living our lives as free human beings in a true democracy instead of this fascist dictatorship.

chris rowden (Dorset, 2021-02-20)


I'm signing because the government need to be held accountable for their involvement in the fear mongering and pushing false stats and false evidence.

Kirsty Harrison (Leeds, 2021-02-20)


Stop the bs

Nazeem Dollie (Cape Town, 2021-02-20)


The measures are too harsh and are not based on any scientific evidence.

Adrian Bobocea (Babadag, 2021-02-20)


The abject waste of taxpayer money on policies that lack rationality and basic common sense is unacceptable to me.

Saul DE GROEN (London, 2021-02-20)


I believe there had been huge misinformation communicated to the general public by government members and agencies.

Tina Symes (Chester, 2021-02-20)


I believe this whole Covid thing is a pre-planned global scam to re-engineer society by controlling through fear whilst committing mass genocide through vaccines and denial of essential medical intervention for serious ailments.

Neil Davis (Sudbury, 2021-02-20)


The government has misused the law, legal and common, to terrorise me, my family and community with covert and overt tactics. Censorship of, blatant dismissal of any and all information such as The Great Barrington Declaration and that provided by high qualified professionals such as Professor Delores Cahill could of and should of been taken into account and applied. The government has no mandate and no consensus thus no authority to continue to coercively control and steal rights, freedom and liberty from me, my family and community.
The prime minister has also falsely promoted a 'vaccine' as safe, effective and the only way out of lock down, aka totalitarian rule by decree. There already exists proven effective and safe prophylactic therapy that has been withdrawn from regular medicines prescribing under the guise of being unsafe. The evidence based on patients being administered hydroxycloroqunin at 12 times the safe does - I reference Dr john campbell. Additionally johnathon Van Tam stated the vaccine would not eradicate the virus, that all the mask wearing, social distancing etc would remain. We were told there'd be no vaccine passport but that's being initiated, and now we have the data chip coming up. I've had enough. Please refer to the UK Column news for a good primary sourced base of collated information and discussion.

Deborah Casey (Sunderland , 2021-02-20)


I disagree with the view that this is a pandemic. It is a "virus" with over 99% survival rates and does NOT warrant the draconian measures being put in place, using fear to control the population unneccessarily.

Anthony Stacey (Canvey Island, 2021-02-20)


I believe the whole covid pandemic to be a fraudulent scam. I believe that the perpetrators should be held accountable.

Patrick Langford (Bedford, 2021-02-20)


I feel brainwashed and nauseated by the government adverts which I know have been created to create fear. They are affecting my mental health as they are gaslighting and dangerous

Tracey Beesley (Bournemouth, 2021-02-20)


The tyranny MUST end

Alexander Hall (Coleraine , 2021-02-20)


As proven so many times, propaganda costs lives. If you have legitimate argument, then allow for debate and give people informed choice.

Joanne Woolf (London, 2021-02-20)


I am extremely worried that these false claims being made have scared the public so much, that it has driven them to extreme anxiety, suicide etc. I don’t like what it has to our children by making them feel guilty for supposedly infecting the elderly.

Celia Glenn (Cambridgeshire, 2021-02-20)


Our government have absolutely betrayed the people who they are put in place to serve. They have taken hard working tax paying money to fraudulently advertise misleading non-factual information, designed to create fear and panic among the population. I am signing this petition with the hope that the politicians in power are held personally accountable for the absolute disgusting abuse of position and power.

Sam Tanti (Sevenoaks , 2021-02-20)


Because people in positions of authority and power should still be accountable for their actions and decisions- truth and transparency is key

Stuart Grainger (West Midlands , 2021-02-20)


I support the fact that the UK Government needs to stop faking their advertising of the CV19

Al Mcintosh (Brisbane , 2021-02-20)


The whole thing is a scam based on a false positive rate of 97% due to the 45 cycles the PCR test is put through by our government .The W.H.O stated,back in December.that it should be no more than 35 cycles.Anymore and you do not have enough viral overload to spread it.Also the W.H.O and Dr Fauci have both stated that asymptomatic very,very rarely spread the virus,yet our government is adamant on testing for asymptomatic cases.

Jason Thomas (Ashford , 2021-02-20)


I'm signing because I believe the false claims and guilt inducing advertisements are gross manipulation and are causing a negative deep psychological impact on the minds of human beings.

Joanne Maylin (London, 2021-02-20)


The lies must stop and the truth finally be told.

Sara Haboubi (Edenderry, 2021-02-20)


I am signing because the lockdown have be use for the one that are betraying us.

jean Marc Degioanni (London, 2021-02-20)


Its ALL a big fat lie

Eilis Woods (Derry, 2021-02-20)


Matt Hancock is GUILTY OF THEFT !

Gerry Dawson (malaga, 2021-02-20)


I want to see something being done about these false adverts. I have reported many government adverts on Facebook, so I have a little list of all the baseless propaganda thathas been sold to the people.
As far as I am aware, it's highly illegal to advertise things that are not true, and the government is not above this law.
I am happy to hear that there is someone savvy enough to challenge UK Government Ltd or HM Government by Decree (not sure which body is responsible for the misleading information).

Barney Clifton (Totnes , 2021-02-20)


These liars need to be held accountable.

George Butler (Alton, 2021-02-20)


It’s unlawful mind control tyranny

Jill Sudbury (Marlborough, 2021-02-20)


I used to trust the government, but they have lied to everybody, promoted a GMO injection falsely called a vaccine, promoted daily reports of fake statistics re deaths and infections, used the PCR tests to create these numbers, the PCR is totally unabel to diagnose illness or infection. They have totally ignored real science and scared the ignorant masses witless with fake science and fear mongering. I could go on and on.....

Peter van Wyngaarden (The Hague, 2021-02-20)


Our government have Ben willingly handing out vast sums of tax payers money to advertise unproven information on radio, MSM, newspapers & television regarding covid 19. Things such as the vaccination of children as they carry the disease, and coercing people in to wearing masks, social distancing & serial hand washing yet we are now one year on from the start of this apparent pandemic yet by their records we have seen no change in the death rate. It’s is also apparent that the PCR test used for testing covid patients is not reliable with huge false positive rates. The inventor of the PCR test Mr Kary Mullis said this was not to be used as a diagnostic tool yet we continue to use it and spread false information on covid positive tests. The misinformation must stop and the spreaders of this information must be held to account.

Glenn Harris (Belfast, 2021-02-20)


I believe the U.K. Gov have committed fraud via advertising and promotion of fear via different avenues many are made up claims backed by nothing..pushing all ages of people into a constant state of fear because it’s everywhere
This is abuse and psychological torture which no doubt has contributed to many people taking their lives especially in the younger ages. There should be nurenburg trials for this ..

Emma a (Reading , 2021-02-20)


I’m fed up of the government propaganda about a virus that according to their own website is not a HCID and hasn’t been since 19 March 2020

Karen McDonald (Aberdeenshire , 2021-02-20)


I am very disturbed by government’s false advertising on Covid. Fear mongering and only one sided conversation, censorship and lack off human rights and freedom. These are thing I will never stand by.

Anna Paulova (Buxton, 2021-02-20)


The ad campaign is grossly misleading

Ian Griffiths (Walsall, 2021-02-20)


Government should hold itself to the highest legal standards.

Martin Budd (Burton On Trent, 2021-02-20)


I observe directly the lies, deceit and feel distrustful of the whole covid agenda.

Emma McMillan (Aberdeen, 2021-02-20)


I agree with all of the above .. let’s not pretend that it’s just about now .. this corruption has been going on for years .. I now realise to the extend, birth .. however the 4th revolution is upon us and if we close our eyes to the devastation then we are basically lambs to the slaughter ! Take back our rights ! Take back our free will ! Power to the people ! The movement is here !

Jenny Mullings (Birmingham , 2021-02-20)


Scaring my children where ever we go!

Yasmine Davey (Truro , 2021-02-20)

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