Support the study associations VU Amsterdam in housing crisis
Ik teken omdat ik uit de eerste hand weet hoe belangrijk een studievereniging is (in bestuur gezeten).Hans Martens (Den Haag, 2024-05-03)
De VU ziet nog altijd niet in wat ze kapotmaken door de studievereniging geen ruimte te bieden om studenten écht te binden aan de universiteit. Ik gun iedereen de warme, gemoedelijke plek die ik zelf als student ervaren heb, maar ben bang dat daar weinig van overblijft.Auke Haver (Amstelveen, 2024-05-10)
A member room is a very important place for students to gather and vital for the existence of study associations.Jochem van Ierssel (Eindhoven, 2024-05-14)
I am part of study organisation myself and I know how important member rooms are.Koen Verheijen (Utrecht, 2024-05-14)
We believe that space for study associations is essential in keeping the association running, which in turn allows study associations to provide the students with important stuffBeeVee Nijmegen (Nijmegen, 2024-05-14)
Space is essential in keeping the important study associations aliveMichiel van Schie (Nijmegen, 2024-05-14)
Studieverenigingen zijn uitermate belangrijk binnen een studie en verzorgen faciliteiten die de VU niet verzorgt. Daarom verdienen zij ook de ruimte die zij daarvoor nodig hebben en wat ook afgesproken is.Roel Gaal (Amstelveen, 2024-05-15)
De VU hecht waarde aan inclussie behalve als het op studieverenigingen aankomtDavid Oldewarris (Amstelveen, 2024-05-22)
Study associations provide students with helpful guidance and much needed relaxation throughout their study. On top of this they help connect students with companies. This is an essential part of being a student and must be preserved.Joost Coppoolse (Eindhoven, 2024-05-22)
Every study association should have the right to have a member room and a place for general activities to take place. Especially the beta studies, as social support is important when it is not necessarily a thing promoted by the study itselfYnse Sterkenburgh (Roermond, 2024-05-22)
It is important for study associations to have a room for board members to have meetings, receive their members and have storage. This is essential for social coherence among students! That it is even considered to take away associations room is madness. From Leiden, we whole heartedly support this petition!On behalf of the Leidse Biologen Club,
sander van zon (Leiden, 2024-05-24)
I am signing because study associations are very important for student and i dont want them to lose their space.Nanne Dijksterhuis (Groningen, 2024-05-28)
Study associations are very important for social interactions at the VU and this contributes to the personal development of students.Marjolein van Oorschot (Amsterdam, 2024-05-30)
I think the Universities should realize how important student associations are to students. And with that an actual physical place to come together, for the ''huiskamer'' feeling. People need communities and this is what study associations offer.Silke Hulshoff (Groningen, 2024-06-04)
I feel it’s important for our science faculty to have its roomLukas Yang (Amsterdam, 2024-06-13)
I’m signing this because it’s super important for the BETA FACULTY to have their own space!Vaamika Rajsingh (The Hague, 2024-06-13)
BETA dient een aantrekkelijke locatie en bijbehorende faciliteiten te bieden om de toestroom te faciliteren en vergroten. De huidige voorgestelde ruimte reductie zet dit teveel onder druk.Ivo Opstelten (Sint Pancras, 2024-06-13)
ImportantArthur Bijl (Schoorl, 2024-06-13)
Ik geniet te veel met maten die ik heb ontmoet op deze plek, straks kan dat niet meer! Zonde....Paul Molenaar (HAARLEM, 2024-06-13)
I'm signing because student associations are a vital part of student well being during their education and also a social meeting point between peers which is invaluable for job opportunities in the future.Iris van der Werf (Luleå, 2024-06-14)