Defending Linna



Linna is more than needed. It is the beating heart of TUNI and should not be taken away. As a doctoral candidate of TUNI Linna is more than needed a space for us who do not have an office of our own.

Marja Helena Sivonen (Helsinki, 2021-10-22)


I am signing because this is our university's library. It is part of the history of our university. It's dear to its students and staff.

Francisca Costa (Tampere, 2021-10-26)


Student library Linna is a space I actively use for studying and researching. Access to physical literature material instead of focusing on only digital content, which is very often unsatisfactory or non-existing in my areas of interest and research is a significant and necessary asset in my studies. Due to crowded “post-covid” premises of city central campus of students who search for student community and safe environment for their studies, Linna building is an essential space for all of us in the matter of well-being and mental health.

Adéla Nováková (Tampere, 2021-10-27)


Linna is a very important and useful building, it doesn't make any sense to get rid of a building that is so popular that facilities are often full.

Ashley Batesole (Tampere, 2021-10-27)


This is an essential service.

Victor Theoret (Tampere, 2021-10-28)


Haluan jatkossakin opiskella Linnas. Yt. Viola Linnas

Linnas Viola (Tampere, 2021-10-29)


I am in Linna building on a daily basis, I enjoy the space and want others to do so as well.

Sara Tobal Galán (Tampere, 2021-10-29)


I'm signing because, as a Master's student in Tampere University, Linna is the only place that really is use nearly always. The closeness to the campus makes it really usable. And honestly, all the colleagues that I have met since the beginning of the academic course go to the Linna as much as I do. That gives clearly and idea of the use that it's given from students.

Mikel Robredo Manero (Sestao, 2021-10-31)


Opiskelijoiden asemaa ei saa heikentää entisestään!

Iidamaria Vainiotalo (Tampere, 2021-11-01)


Tilojen karsiminen säästösyistä nykyisillä suunitelmilla Ei ole pitkällä tähtäimellä millään tavalla kestävää.

Julian Mäkelä (Tampere, 2021-11-01)