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Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio

Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County,    We, the undersigned, residents and concerned citizens of Fairfield Township and Madison County, Ohio, respectfully submit this petition to oppose the installation of a biodigester facility at Wilson Rd. While we recognize the value of renewable energy, the proposed location raises serious concerns about environmental impact, public safety, and local infrastructure. These concerns include air a...
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Justice for LaVoy Finicum and the Malheur refuge occupiers,

                                A petition by “We the people” seeking redress of grievances from the United States government for crimes committed by the Obama administration. Dated 03/5/2025 For “justice” posthumously for patriot LaVoy Finicum , who was shot multiple times in the back while his arms/hands  raised and being compliant, but not limited to LaVoy Finicum. And for the illegal and brutal incarceration of specific patriots namely  Ammon Bundy,  Ryan Bundy, Mel Bundy, Davey Bundy, Clive...
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Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)

 The world has never been so divided.  We all take ourselves far to seriously and while everyone's beliefs and causes matter, there are times we all just want to sit down , shut off our brain and be entertained.    ENTER Weird Al Yankovic.   He does not discriminate, all forms of art are subject to being tweaked and made to parody.   When it comes to a halftime show , people enjoy a few things :   1) fun and interesting sets 2) Songs we know 3) A few incredible special guests   Weird Al cold del...




Sverige måste sluta att behandla människor på detta sätt. Det är en självklarhet att han ska bo och leva här !!!!

Erica Kjellman (Undersåker, 2021-10-10)


Har haft honom som lärare en fantastisk kille som vill in i de svenska samhället

Sonia Alfredsson (Duved, 2021-10-10)


Han är en del av Sverige.
Jag själv drabbades av en liknande situation innan

Halima Samadi (Kristianstad, 2021-10-10)


Låt inte principer styra. Familjer som arbetar och integreras är en tillgång för Sverige!

Anki Kock (Göteborg, 2021-10-10)


Låt han stanna.

Elsa Söderberg (Åre, 2021-10-10)


Tycker det är självklart att han borde få stanna.

Felicia Antfolk (Jakobstad, 2021-10-10)


Om han har sin familj här så e de obegripligt att han inte får stanna. Migrationsverket låter våldtäktsmän knarklangare å andra dömda för brott få stanna. Skäms å gör om å gör rätt.

Michael Hägglund (Duved, 2021-10-10)


Detta är omänskligt och hjärtlöst! Vi måste stå upp för varandra och allas lika värde!

Alice Lindgren (Örebro, 2021-10-10)


i’m signing because i think basit deserves to live in the land he grew up in, to live in the land where he has all in his loved ones, where he has a very bright future ahead of him and the *only* land he calls his ‘home’ (especially as a canadian that comes from an immigrant family, a south asian family and is now living in the united states)

anan (anonymous) (lexington, 2021-10-10)

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