Rejection : City Power Electricity Service Fee ( Gauteng Province)



Unable to afford electricity before the tarrif hike 1 July 2024. And the R200 service fee charge added will leave me with no funds towards electricity. I'm currently unemployed

Donovan Cloete (Florida, 2024-07-03)


I think that the introduction of this service fee is absolutely ridiculous. Electricity fees have just risen to astronomical levels and on top of that embarrassment of a rise in price and reduction in power received, now we have to pay a R200 service fee. Absolute shambles.

Moneri Ramotebele (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


Rejection : City Power Electricity Service Fee

Xolile Shongwe (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


How must we survive if the cost of living get so high. This big jump is to much for average person

Alyssa DOS RAMOS (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)



T Silubane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


The price increase is too high

Mukelisiwe Mabele (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


To withdraw the service fee implemented by city power and NERSA

Smangele Mashiteng (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I'm unemployed and already things are expensive. This means I won't have electricity with this hack.

Pamela Malatsi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


The increase is unlawful and unfair in this economy.

Lebo Molefe (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


I am gatvol of having to.bankroll all the corruption. Get those residents and foreigners occupying buildings with illegal connections and/or not paying to pay their bills please insteadnof penalizing thpse of us that are

Sumayya Bhyat (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I'm against the monthly fee as imposed by city power

Gloria Nepfumbada (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


We are paying way too much

Victoria Ndlovu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


The 200 for payment service for every month is too much that i cannot afford,

Ofhani Ramurunzi (johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


We are being abused. Soweto has rich areas, our township Westbury is ignored yet we are much poorer than Soweto that gets all investment. We voted for change and we want to see more balanced politics, simple

Shari Mattera (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I'm signing because this service fee is too expensive and puts a strain on already struggling families to meet financial needs.

Keisha Williams (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I am a victim of the terrif

Emmanuel Mabuya (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


Electricity tariffs are already so high. They can't just impose more charges without consulting consumers first. Scrap the R200 service fee!

Christelle Viljoen (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


The tarrifs are rediculously high as it is, its too much to pay for electricity we hardly even have

Thembelihle Maseko (Gauteng, 2024-07-03)


I just cannot afford it as a pensioner, most months the units (used extremely cautiously) doesn't see me to the end of the month

Andrea Biggar (Gauteng, 2024-07-03)


I'm sin

Robert Lynch (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


City Power Gauteng has imposed a mandatory R200 monthly Service charge and I am demanding that this monthly service fee imposed by City Power be scrapped completely.

Mamaki Mothiba (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


We cant afford increases

Wynand Bergh (Jhb, 2024-07-03)


Of the ridiculous costs that is imposed on already struggling paying citizens where nothing is done to nonpaying rsidents

Herman Penderis (Johannesvurg, 2024-07-03)


The cost of electricity on its own has become unaffordable. We can barely afford buying it. To have a fee along with this is unacceptable.

Mpumelelo Lebese (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I am signing this because municipality is not doing theirs work properly including city power but they keep increasing electricity.

Lucky Matroos (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I am signing because i have been overcharged on my electricity.

Julia Koole (City of Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I am against the monthly service charge of R200 as this is crippling and unaffordable for me. And also to decrease the hike percentage.

Amohelang Pulumo (Fleurhof Ext 2 (Florida, Gauteng), 2024-07-03)


We are subsidizing non-payers, bad management and bad decisions. This is unjust. We challenge City Power to deal with the non paying residents, clean out the rot and corruption and maintain out infrastructure!

Gene Lapan (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I can't afford this shit man. We struggling already. We are been robbed of basic stuff now

Karim Nazeefah (Lenasia, 2024-07-03)


I am signing against this charge as to we ar prepaid and Normal electricity users and our cost of living is also getting out of hand this is unacceptable

Petrus Swanepoel (Gauteng, 2024-07-03)


It’s unfair I was not aware of this charge until I read all the complaints

Annelie Bendall (Randburg, 2024-07-03)


I do not agree with the R200 monthly fee or the 12% elec increase as this is more than inflation.

Gavin Campbell (Krugersdorp, 2024-07-03)


I'm signing this because the price per kilowatt has already increased. We pay upfront so no billing required & no waiting for payment & it now feels like we being penalized for being paying customers. Also we were not consulted on this. Our incomes dont increase with 12% or more so where will be get the extra funds from???

Bev Wallace (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


I’m sick of paying more and getting less

Greg Jacobsen (Randburg, 2024-07-03)


Unfair price hikes

Sandy Mathebula (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


The council wastes and we must pay the price

Farouk Hassam (Jhb, 2024-07-03)


Affordable is not there and the interest rate is to high

Rhulani Mabasa (Joburg, 2024-07-03)


Pre-paid electricity rates are unreasonable and unacceptable.

Sharlten Du Plessis (Alberton, 2024-07-03)


The mismanagement of our taxes and service fees by the city must come to an end. We are being overcharged for services barely offered by the City and mismanaged by those in power and their overpaid government employees. I'm signing this to start a movement to end the mismanagement of our taxes and fees or to end useless taxes and fees.

Gustav Diedericks (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


This is ridiculous and ripping us off we are already paying so much. We can barely make ends meet,what does this government ever do for it's people that's in their best interests ZERO but knows very well how to rip us off. I am a single parent I applied for my account to be reviewed as I'm receiving bills as though I own a company R10 000 plus bills for 3 people in the house and that was declined you are bringing this country and it's citizens to their knees and don't feel a thing at all
Go to hell

V Ntzaki (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


The R200 fee is a lot of money.

Siseko Matomela (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I cannot afford any extra costs.

Surinthea Clark (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


City power electricity service fee.

Mpho Netsianda (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


Enough is enough

Michelle Dreyer (Gauteng, 2024-07-03)


I'm already overindebted and cannot afford any such additional fees

Venessa Bougaard (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I believe the cost are not fair . There is a lot of increases and some house holds only have one income which everyone depends on . Repid raise across all other things is a huge factor.

Kevin Manganyi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


We cannot afford the tariff hike including the month R200

Tebogo Dube (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


demanding that the R200 monthly service fee imposed by City Power be scrapped.

NONZAMO DOLO (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


This tarrifs hikes are insane .I can't even make ends meet as it is 😔😔😔😭

Lerato Ramadiro (Jhb, 2024-07-03)


Its unfair

Monique Pretorius (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


This is ridiculous and cannot afford it.

Thandi Phala (Witpoortjie, 2024-07-03)


I am unemployed and try so hard to make end meet. R 200.00 electricity is the least I could even afford now imagine not having electricity at all. Please do not do this to us.

Bongani Dlamini (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


Away with power levy

Zakhele Mdiniso (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I am unemployed and I survive with R200 electricity for the whole month an I cannot afford to pay an extra R200 every months.

Phumudzo Phephu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


It's a scam, they are trying to pay their debt by charging us more.

Lena Stander (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I cannot afford being billed service fee for this amount

Louisa Moriri (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


As middle class I cannot afford,struggling to make ends meet as it is

Tito Mboya (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I am signing this petition because electricity itself is so expensive and this is just plain day light robbery

Muhammad Bham (Lenasia, 2024-07-03)


Prices not affordable not thorough consultation was done

Mulalo Tshililo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


The fee is imposed on us as residence without consultation and not communicated in time.

Thobile Tseku (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


This is grossly unfair, I was hounded to install a prepaid a few years ago only to discover that it was never linked to their systems. We also get a spike of ±80k on our bill during 2020. We were instructed to install a new one, which was done with the provisio that the old amount will be investigated. Despite all our attempts to comply it has been 2 years and we get referred to new lawyers who send us letters of demand. The investigation will clear us and shed light on the shady dealings around the first installation. Now this, we are constantly extorted to plaster the gross incompetence and cancerous corruption our our civil servants. This smacks of the e-tolls and the Premier lacks integrity when dealing with Joburg residents. The reasoning for all this is shallow and we are being taken advantage of. Non prepaid customers are having electricity with exorbitant bills due and we are targeted after being sold the benefits and not having free power, it feels punitive for being good citizens.

Sean Naxhe (Eldorado Park, 2024-07-03)


This burden is shifted to the wrong people. we are law abiden citizens who pay for our services. hence it is known that other people are not paying

P Barhule (Jhb, 2024-07-03)


I cannot afford it

Fulufhelo Ramatshimbila (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


Financially straining.

Sipho Mabizela (Johannesburg, Fleurhof, 2024-07-03)


I'm tired of this corruption in this country, it's killing us who earn less. And remove all the third parties involved to be removed

Timothy Mudau (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I can hardly afford daily life as it is. I'm literally living day to day with food and electricity. The new pricing means I have to eat less or find money for transport to work for example. It's not right

Nadia Harris (Roodepoort, Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I am signing this because am tired of our gorvement taking advantage of us every chance they get.

Dibakiso Mosoeu (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I'm signing because I don't agree with the mandatory imposed to electricity bill of R200. I don't agree with the way the city is run and more specially the city power.

Ruth Malubana (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I do feel we are ripped off, already the economy is not favorable for us citizens and these prices of electricity will make us go hungry basically the government isn't looking after our wellbeing

Pamella Letlhake (Fleurhof, 2024-07-03)


The price adjustment is unjust especially considering the lack of service delivery. Where we wait up to 4 days for outages to be resolved. In addition the prepaid rates are already more than the post paid rate per Kilowatt.

Angelo Namhing (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


I think it is ridiculous that charges increase and service delivery is so poor.

Patricia Koeberg (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


We cannot afford this times are difficult as it is.

Karl Pailman (Discovery, Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


The mandatory R200 monthly Service charge fee over and above a 12.7% electricity tariff increase which both took effect 1 July 2024 while I'm already being charged Demand Levy Fee of R30 plus the total vat of all Municipal services.. So it's a total rip-off

Gontse Morake (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I reject to the R200 monthly fee being opposed to us residents.

Phindile Mogopodi (Randburg, 2024-07-03)


I don’t agree with the increase

Laila Petersen (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


I'm not working and i can't afford

Leonard Kgoane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


As 9 cannot afford these new electricity terrifs

Mduduzi Tshabalala (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


We cannot afford to pay R230 on top of rates and taxes and water and living expenses.

Aqeela Peters (Jhb, 2024-07-03)


I do not agree with the extra fee that is being charged..

Berenice Kruger (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I’m signing the petition because I don’t have money for this and we are already paying a lot of money for this electricity

Elvis Mogoboya (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


I do not agree with the fee for electricity eveey month

Lindi Badenhorst (Vereeniging, 2024-07-03)


I’m signing because I’m rejecting City Power Electricity Service Fee ( Gauteng Province)

Phindile Khoza (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


it's ridiculous and unfair.

Rhulani Shivambo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


Its ridiculously expensive

Motlhodi Sobopha (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I can’t afford the service fee it’s too much.

PUMLA MARAXABA (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


We are demanding that the monthly service fee imposed by City Power be scrapped completely and that proper consultation be conducted with the Province residents.
• The petition is calling for Gauteng residents to hold their municipalities accountable.

charity chauke (johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I am signing because I cannot afford

Nathi Ntuli (Mayibuye, 2024-07-03)


We are demanding that the monthly service fee imposed by City Power be scrapped completely and that proper consultation be conducted with the Province residents.
• The petition is calling for Gauteng residents to hold their municipalities accountable.

charity chauke (johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


The rates are too high and the reason is not understandable. We can’t afford this

Mandla Tshabalala (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


this is absurd and unreasonable, we do not have that kind of money

Spokazi Ndudane (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I'm signing this petition because I disagree with the R200.00 service fee implemented on our electricity prepaid account.

Mohammed Bhayat (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


They economy is not doing well and people are struggling where will they get the money for these new tarrifs.

Nthabiseng Makalela (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


I cannot afford this charge, it's too much. And already are struggling to make endsmeat, everything is just expensive from food, water ,bond installments. We can't live like this, we are law abiding citizens but somehow I feel like we're paying for those who have connected illegally

Nompumelelo Khambule (Fleurhof, 2024-07-03)


Opposing the R200 electricity fee .

Rene Magee (Roodepoort, 2024-07-03)


Don't afford services fee

Nkwe Collen Mokoatedi (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)


To withdraw the Service fee implemented by NERSA and City Power

Thembi Makhubo (Johannesburg, 2024-07-03)

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