PODPRITE Simfonični Orkester in Big Band Radio Televizije Slovenija -Support the Slovene RTV Symphony Orchestra and RTV Big Band
Ni kakovostne slovenske glasbene produkcije brez Simfonikov RTV Slovenija, brez Big Benda RTV Slovenija in ni prihodnosti te države, če ni otroške in mladinske produkcije v zborih in orkestrih. Tako preprosto je to. Zato zahtevamo korektno, konkretno in odgovorno financiranje tega naštetega!Marjetka Mihelčič (Sečje selo, 2023-11-28)
I am a professional musician and I have listened to this wonderful orchestra of the highest artistic level and must absolutely continue its activity!Luca Stocco (Vidigulfo, 2023-11-28)
Because the Big band and symphonies are our prideDragica Šilak (Ptuj, 2023-11-28)
Because the big band and symphonies are our prideVladimir Mesko (Ptuj, 2023-11-28)
I'm signing because my orchestra in Granada have passed through this painful and dangerous period more than once and due to solidarity and support of our audience we managed to overcome those crisis. Apart of supporting fellow musicians, this is an opportunity to give back some of supportt and solidarity which have helped us, Orquesta Ciudad de Granada. Best of luck, sretno!Frano Kakarigi (Granada, 2023-11-28)
-Katja Vodošek (Mihovce, 2023-11-28)
We must keep classical music art - forever!RTV Slovenia orchestra is high ranking in Europe!
Ljubiša Jovanović (Belgrade, 2023-11-28)
I cannot imagine not to visit concert of Big Band anymore.Urška Kovačič (Ljubljana, 2023-11-28)
As a musician, I deeply understand what means to close one orchestra. So, I strongly support my colleagues from RTV Slovenia and hope that they will continue with their successful work in the future.Mersiha Shukri (Skopje, 2023-11-28)
Ker je RTV orkester zakon!Nika Čelhar (Portorož, 2023-11-28)
I'm signing because these orchestras are a national treasure an have to be valued.Barbara Sinigoj (Vogrsko, 2023-11-28)
I'm signing because these orchestras are a national treasure and have to be valued and taken care of.Marija Maja Kojc (Ljubljana, 2023-11-28)
Ker sem proti ukinitvi Simfoničnega orkestraBogdan Česnik (Nova Gorica, 2023-11-28)
This orchestra (I have played with it) is an excellent orchestra and indispensable to the heart of Slovenia and Ljubljana.Rachel Silver (Sydney, 2023-11-28)
I love the RTV orchestraRonnie Ravid (Berlin, 2023-11-28)
Ho avuto il piacere e l’onore di collaborare più volte con l’Orchestra Sinfonica della Radio Televisione Slovena e sono sempre rimasto molto impressionato dall’eccezionale preparazione e dalla dedizione alla musica e dalla professionalità dei suoi musicisti che è cresciuta costantemente nel corso della sua storia . Auspico che questa formidabile orchestra sia salvaguardata, difesa e potenziata.Marco Feruglio - direttore d’orchestra
Marco Feruglio (Udine, 2023-11-28)