People of New Zealand opposed to WHO Pandemic Treaty 28/05/22



I declare my right to how, where, when, and how often I care for my own health. I do not consent to any other power to remove my control. I do not consent to any powers outside my own body to tell me what to take, how often, or restrict my freedom to travel.

Joseph Collins (Hamilton , 2024-01-11)


The who is one corrupt organisation, always had been,, but we have been powerless to stop this stealing of our money for politicians palaces It does nothing good , why do we have to keep supporting corruption

Patricia Kimber (Christchurch , 2024-01-11)


I do not trust the WHO

Paul Smeets (Ahipara, Northland, 2024-01-11)


Unethical,tyrannical movement.

Chris Mackey (Auckland , 2024-01-11)


I'm signing because I'm a sovereign individual and will never relinquish mine or my family's God given rights.

Lance Doole (Gisborne, 2024-01-13)


I want a better world - not controlled by these tyranical idiots.

George Sanderson (Coromandel, 2024-01-13)


NOBODY has the right to delegate any part of New Zealand's sovereignty to an overseas body.



I’m signing because I do not want to be dictated to by an entity, such as the WHO, who are unelected by anyone in the member states and, therefore, cannot be removed from office by way of an election process. What is proposed in the amendment to the pandemic treaty is outrageous in the extreme and must not be allowed to prevail

MAXINE Woodhall (Tauranga, 2024-01-17)


I am 100% against this stupidity.
Do not do it.

Bridget Bucknell (Little River, 2024-01-21)


NZ public have a right to all the information and a right to discuss what is best for us as a country before any government signing

Toni Dwyer (Timaru , 2024-01-21)


I want electors officials to make decisions in our country, for our country, when listening to the people of this country.

Meagan McNamara (Christchurch, 2024-01-22)


I’m signing because I do not recognize the WHO’s authority in deciding matters of health on my behalf. They have time and again proven to be a corrupt organization that only caters to the whims of their funding sources under flimsy pretenses of promoting worldwide health and well-being.

Lesley Dalman (Cebu, 2024-01-24)


I wholeheartedly oppose the draconic Treaty.

Suryakant Patil (Auckland, 2024-01-30)


I dont trust the WHO

Krystal Hartman (Raetihi , 2024-01-30)


Im signing this because everyone in this world has a right of choice when one group has absolute power over every decision then we no longer have autonomy. It will have a huge impact on the people, our well being and freedoms to live. we will become even more disempowered to the people pulling the strings. A life filled with fear and dictation is no life for mankind. Please do not allow WHO uncontrollable power.

Jocelyn Taylor ( Elson, 2024-02-01)


I am signing this because I believe all countries need to abandon the WHO. The WHO is trying to implement the new world order. We will become prisoners to their evil rules

Sharna Butcher (Whanganui, 2024-02-02)


Outside sources have no authority dictating what we as a nation do in response to crisis

Sarsha Waite (Paeroa, 2024-02-03)


I love my country and all it stands for!

Janice Thomson (Whitianga, 2024-02-03)


The W,H,O was emboldened by their first world- wide Deception through fear and now they want to secure their future with total power/control over each countries Sovereignty. Everyone who was and is complicit in causing millions to die or suffer permanent injuries will ultimately have to face their Maker one day, that's a guarantee!

Manuel Curley (Levin, 2024-02-04)


I want to take responsibility for my own health. NZ does not need a committee on the other side of the world to tell us how to run our health system

Colin Wratt (Motueka, 2024-02-04)


I have been severely damaged and my quality of life ruined, because of lies and deceit about the Pfizer covid vaccine. Never, ever again.

Iain James (Tauranga, 2024-02-04)


Our sovereignty, our freedom and our lives literally depend on rejecting the WHO Pandemic Treaty. One world governance held by an unelected nefarious minority must never be allowed to happen.

WYNNE DE LAUTOUR (Waipukurau , 2024-02-04)


This is wrong on so many levels.
We are sovereign beings!

Lee Moffat (Eltham, 2024-02-09)


I am totally against the WHO dictating health regulations for New Zealand's citizens in such a binding way as set out in the IHR proposed amendment. We are surrounded by sea with a small population and have the expertise to tailor health Initiatives independently to suit our unique circumstances. The WHO and other international organisations such as the UN and WEF played a big part in our approach during the Covid epidemic and this was detrimental to our country and citizens in many ways. These international organisations have been hijacked by big business and billionaires and have become corrupted. We need to make our own decisions in the best interests of NZ citizens.

Susan Gwyther (Northcote, Auckland, 2024-02-12)


I'm signing because I reject someone else, thinking they have total authority over my body.

Mel Roycroft (Eltham, 2024-02-12)


I want to decide for myself what treatments & actions I take if & when there's a pandemic, not some self appointed authority, giving me no say, or demanding I have some treatment WHO decide

ANGELA LITTLEWOOD (Turangi, 2024-02-16)


I am signing because I want to have freedom

Irene Peterson (Palmerston, 2024-02-29)


Women's rights being eroded here and internationally. What happened at the Posie Parker rally and I just read an article about services at Dunedin hospital where they referred to pregnant 'people'. Smh

Christine Henderson (Kaiapoi, 2024-03-04)


I am signing this because this needs to be stopped we do not consent to this in our country!

Ayla Quinn (MASTERTON, 2024-03-06)


Cos i dont consent this

Holly Kennedy (Masterton , 2024-03-06)


We have the intelligence to make our own decisions

ANN APIATA (Northland , 2024-03-12)


I AM Sovereign Being.. they have no power or rights to tell me what to do... and they are a bunch of evil fkers who need hanging g !

KIM HOWARD (Bayview, 2024-03-14)


I believe that the WHO are a corrupt & dangerous organization.

Allen Carr (Wgton, 2024-04-07)


Going by what Nicola Willis said at their Waikanae 2023 election meeting ,when asked if NZ would sign over our rights to the WHO ,she said NZ is a sovereign nation and will remain so ,just hope it wasn;t political jargon.

Graham Turner (Wellington, 2024-04-08)


W.H.O. it's a criminal corporation leading by person who is wanted by police in his own country of Ethiopia for genocide. We are the people of New Zealand do not have a contract and we do not give Our consent to any regulatory legislations from WHO and UN as well. WHO is unelected technocrats that relying on non scientific facts and results produced in questionable academia.WHO beaches it's own regulations by suppressed info of negotiation which shall be delivered to public for reading four months before WHO voting time for amendments. Therefore anything introduced from WHO is UNLAWFUL.

Irina Vundhiler (Auckland , 2024-05-07)


Loss of sovereignty

Colin Howison (Wanaka, 2024-05-17)


This is against the Bible. We must be able to decide what comes into our body.

Maya Liow (Auckland, 2024-05-22)


I do not want to be a guinea pig and 5-10 years after pandemic suddenly discover terminal illness caused by vaccination. AstraZeneca was recently forced to recall their vaccines because of this. And we were told that long term effects from vaccines were just conspiracy theories . It's just a matter of time when so cold "conspiracy theories" become facts. We need to stop WHO make decisions about our lives. Everyone should have a choice, not what WHO dictates to do, our own choice!

Inga Mark (Auckland, 2024-05-24)


I am vehemently against the WHO pandemic treaty being accepted by NZ. We are more than able to tailor make our own rules and support systems without being told what to do by Big Brother.

Tandi Lidgard (Northland, 2024-06-02)


Global takeovers of our healthcare can only mean bad stuff for all except those who profit from it. We’ve seen too much of this already these past few years.

Mike Vegar (Northland, 2024-06-10)


The WHO is acting as a terrorist organisation; using fearmongering based on lies to frighten people into submission on its dictats. It is not an elected body and has no right to tell us in NZ or anyone else in the world, what to do.
As a democracy, we the people deserve to be fully informed on the WHO's agenda and our views heard on the topics they wish to impose on us.

Donna Peters (Otaki, 2024-06-12)



Paul Bakker (hur, 2024-06-18)


Unelected WHO officials must not dictate to us

Jo Murphy (Auckland, 2024-08-19)

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