Grant film director Mohamed Jabaly a work visa
We screened Mohamed Jabaly's film Ambulance in documentary film competition of the 58th Nordic Film Days Lübeck (2-6 Nov. 2016). I think it is an extraordinary film and Mohamed Jabaly is a Highlight talented filmmaker.(Lübeck, 2016-12-25)
I have met Mohamed and seen his work (AMBULANCE) and he is a very good! Friendly! Hard working man! Who has a passion for film making and is very talented!(Oudtshoorn, 2016-12-25)
Det åpenbart ikke finnes grunn til forventningen om at Mohamed skal bli i Norge etter gjennomført turné. Han er en alt for viktig stemme på hjemmebane(Trondheim, 2016-12-25)
I was very impressed with Mohamed Jabaly's film Ambulance which I saw in a London cinema. How can anyone say he is not qualified??(London, 2016-12-25)
Dette er urettferdig og idiotisk(Stavanger, 2016-12-25)
I find it to be an inherent part of our democracy to allow the situation in Gaza to be made known to a wider audience.(Geiranger, 2016-12-25)
I am for artistic freedom and against deportstion(berlin, 2016-12-25)
Mohamed was a great presence and resource at NUFF 2016, and his film Ambulance opened my eyes further to the realities of the situation in Gaza. I believe that his voice is an important one to our culture. We cannot only surround ourselves with people with the same history and perspective as ourselves, which, the way I see it, is what we're doing by expelling Mohamed - and we're poorer for it. More important than this, though, is the fact that he's a highly competent filmmaker, and important to our industry.(Trondheim, 2016-12-25)
Mohamed sendes ikke hjem- for grensen til hans Gaza er stengt, han sendes på gata i Egypt Slik behandler man ikke gjester' han var invitert til workshop i Tromsø da Grensen til Gaza ble stengt.Han er en dyktig - svært dyktig dokumentarfilmskaper som jobber, betaler sin skatt og er en stor ressurs for lille Norge ..
(Tromsø, 2016-12-25)
It seems to me that this refusal is discriminatory as Mohamed meets the criteria for a film maker. If film makers support his application then that should be enough for the immigration authorities.(Ilford, 2016-12-26)
Norwegian film makers should be able to decide who they work with.(Sheffield, 2016-12-26)
han er en annerkjent regissør(OSLO, 2016-12-27)
Everythin is in the work for film of Mohamed Jabaly. Arts must be free in Norway!(Strasbourg, 2016-12-28)
I believe in freedom(London, 2016-12-28)
I'm signing because culture has no frontier !(Lyon, 2016-12-28)
Fordi dette er en resurssterk person som med ytring sprer et aktuelt og viktig budskap både nasjonalt og internasjonalt.(Trondheim, 2016-12-28)
for justice and peace in Palestine(Clermont-Ferrand, 2016-12-28)
Mohammed is my friend. We share the same passion of the documentary, journalism and film making. And we have both seen The Middle East in our own way and share What we seen to the rest of the world. It's important.(Ingå, 2016-12-28)
Iam signing this because I believe in equality, dignity and justice for all humans.(Gaxa, 2016-12-28)
He is my friend and i want him to stay in Norway if that is his wish. During many visits to Gaza as a medical doctor i acknowledge the difficulties the population there is living under due to siege, blockade and military agression. And i resepct and understand his need to get a breathing space and brake from the situation there.(Bergen, 2016-12-28)
I have met Mohamed at the Nordkapp Film Festival and seen his film Ambulance in Finnish television. I want to support his professional career and opportunity to work in Norway.(Tampere, 2016-12-28)
They who decide if Mohamed can stay or not has a choice. Mohamed has not.(Stockholm, 2016-12-28)
kan ikke sendes tilbake til gaza - gaza er lukket(Tromsø, 2016-12-28)
I'm signing bevise i think it is the only right thing to do!(Bergen, 2016-12-29)
Because we selected Mohamed's film at the Fipa, an International film festival in France, and it's our job to support his cause and to make his work traveling through the frontiers.(Paris, 2016-12-29)
Nous avons besoin des médias en Palestine(sainté, 2016-12-29)
Avgjørelsen åpenbart er feil, og at nemda ikke har brydd seg med å innhente fagkompetanse.(Nesodden, 2016-12-29)
We plan to screen his amazing film, his talent and bravery makes him an asset to any community but particularly to the Norwegian film sector.(Limerick, 2016-12-29)
If Norway doesn't give this man asylum he will be killed for sure by Israelis if he is deported. Of all people, the people of Palestine deserve asylum as their nation is continually oppressed by Israel. To attempt to send him back is to sign his death warrant and to deny the world truth via his work(Dublin, 2016-12-29)
I know Jabaly is very talented(Esbjerg, 2016-12-29)
Palestinian film makers must be free and helped to show their productions(Lyon, 2016-12-29)
Dette er en svært firkantet håndtering av regelverket som ikke holder mål i den virkelige verden.(Hell, 2016-12-29)
We should all support the young filmmakers an me as a palestinian young filmmaker support him more and more.(Palestine, 2016-12-29)
Free opinion, free art :-)(Hamburg, 2016-12-29)
justice et vérité !!!(saint-etienne, 2016-12-30)
J'm happay that Mohamed Jabaly from Gaza present his Film AMBULANCE. He help us to not forget the situation in Gaza and that he could work in Norway.Good Luck Kindest regards
(ANNEMASSE, 2016-12-30)
Because art should be a tool to cross borders worldwide, in the minds and landcards. I`ve seen this mans documentary "Ambulance", his talent is undeniable. I don`t see an argument of the UDI and UNE when they say he is "not qualified". He stands for the kind of filmmaking that shows the world in its true aspects. This real-life documentary style is important for political education and to raise awareness. His film has great potential to achieve exactly that.(Lübeck, 2016-12-30)
Han har en viktig jobb å gjøre med å dokumentere undertrykkinga i Gaza og Palestina!!!!I Tromsø får han mulighet til å jobbe i fred og ro og bidra med opplysning om situasjonen i Gaza!
Gaza er stengt!
Han kan ikke bare sendes ut til INTET!!!
(Tromsø, 2016-12-30)
Synes det er helt utrolig at UDI og UNE mener de er kompetente til å avgjøre om Mohamed Jabaly er kvalifisert til å arbeide som regissør.(Drammen, 2016-12-30)
Nå er det f...meg nok!! Nå må UNE begynne og se på enkeltindivider og ikke tall!de kan jo ikke fortsette å kaste folk ut av landet på denne måten!!!(oslo, 2016-12-30)
Et sannhetsvitne som kan bidra positivt både humanitært og kunstnerisk, bør fortjene tillatelse til å arbeide i Norge.(Holmestrand, 2016-12-31)
Han skaper jobber og bidrar i samfunnet:) han har fått et nytt liv her!(Oslo, 2016-12-31)
Norway needs strong documentarists !(Mytilini, 2017-01-01)
I have seen Mohamed's films and met him at two film festivals in the UK. I can certainly attest that he is a filmmaker, and a good one at that.(London, 2017-01-02)
fordi jeg kjenner mohamed; han er en kjernekar og fortjener uansettå bli
(tromsø, 2017-01-02)