I agree with three protest about ndlambe authorising what Rose wants, which is stupid and unscientificBiffy Moir (2024-12-19)
I believe the plan of KSNDA to be ill conceived.Toni Van Lennep (2024-12-19)
I'm signing because i dont want to cause more damage to the current ecosystemBrett Clarke (2024-12-19)
I care about the environment and I don’t believe that the sand dune should be touched.Robyn Clarke (2024-12-19)
The ecology and natural resources need to be protected from money hungry developers. They must not interfere with the natural flow of the river and the whole ecosystem. It will do irreversible damage!Debbie Lovemore (2024-12-19)
I'm signing the petition as I am a property owner in Bushmans Rivermouth.Andrea Anderssen (2024-12-20)
I used to have a house in Westbourne Road and was a frequent visitor to Kenton for decades. Even to think of bulldozing that dune is unacceptable. It WILL cause an environmental disaster, as anyone who has ever studied dune behavior and movement will confirm. This cannot be permitted. Such actions have already caused major issues at other riverine areas, Kleinemond being one.Karen Kohler (2024-12-20)
This will affect miďel beach and DBV very negatively.Charles Southey (2024-12-20)
It's interfering with the natural movement of sand. Also destruction of natural forest to do the moving of sand by trucks is going to cause major damage.Helen Lawless (2024-12-20)
Don't believe the community should be paying for those few homes.We will not pay towards a scheme that does not appear to be above board.
Will they maintain the access roads, definitely not?
Is there a current and thorough comprehensive EIA, for all to view for comments?
Howard Griffiths (2024-12-20)
I love Bushmans as it is.Rob GILLARD (2024-12-20)
I love kenton and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the fewJames McKenzie (2024-12-20)
Bushman's river estuary is too important to too many people, to be damaged by 3 residentsHBeth De Bruin (2024-12-20)
Break down of natural habitCorrin Piedt (2024-12-20)
I stayed and worked their and believe that nature must stay as isNico Scheepers (2024-12-20)
I am a home owner in Bushmans.Grant Anderssen (2024-12-20)
To save Bushmans estuaryGreg Sampson (2024-12-20)
I am a homeowner at BushmansJennifer Anderssen (2024-12-20)
To save the river!Zan La Grange (2024-12-20)
I am a homeowner in BushmansKate-Lyn Anderssen (2024-12-20)
Save the bushmans riverDesiree Morris (2024-12-20)
For the sake of the ecosystem I sign against the proposed alterations to the area.Joanne van der Merwe (2024-12-20)
I grew up in Kenton and have seen the changes over the years due to planting of the Jacksons on Bushmans side. The Bushmans river is no more what it was in the 70’s A definite NO more interfering with nature. Lands end should also never have happened. We have shifting dunes all along this coast from Namibia around the coast and up north. It will be a total waste of money that could rather be spent on current water issues.Mart-Mari Wilken (2024-12-20)
UXX4Piet Pienaar (2024-12-21)
I believe the environmental impact will be negative and am not satisfied that proper procedures granting permission have been followed.Helen Cooper (2024-12-21)
I value NatureSherilee Horsler (2024-12-21)
I am signing because the Kenton experience will be ruined not to mention the permanent damage to the ecosystem.Valerie Davies (2024-12-21)
Let Nature be Nature!!!Man constantly interferes which eventually exposes how they have caused an imbalance!!!
Pippa Wood (2024-12-21)
I care about kentonNicky Kingwill (2024-12-21)
Protect the natural environment and avoid unnecessary construction equipment around beachesStefan La Grange (2024-12-21)
It is an irrational decision by self serving individuals that takes no consideration of the environment and the sustainable future of kentonSian Neubert (2024-12-21)
Ridiculous!David McDonald (2024-12-21)
I have grown up enjoying the bushman's river and would hate for the estuary to be impacted to prevent future generations from enjoying the river too.Lindsay Steyn (2024-12-21)
This will create other disasters and I nature should goes its way. I agree that we must save our estuary from private abuse of a public asset and HALT an irreversible ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER.Tonya Drinkwater (2024-12-21)
I’m committed to support a community-based and scientific approach to ensure our estuaries and beaches are healthy, for the broad benefit of all stakeholders (including those upstream)I cannot support any initiative that benefits only a few select stakeholders and that is not backed by appropriate environmental impact studies.
Paddy Gray (2024-12-21)
For the interference with nature to stopEmma-Linda Straeuli (2024-12-21)
The solution proposed is not viable in terms of cost or peaceful enjoyment of Kenton for all of residents.Nicolas Poole (2024-12-21)
I am totally opposed to the action taken by the said residents, as this is not a viable solution to the problem and is potentially an ecological crisis in the making.Brendan Smith (2024-12-21)
I'm signing because I don't watnt them to remove the duneCarla Du Preez (2024-12-21)
The only way forward is to let nature tale its course. Humans should not be allowed to interfere with nature. The proper environmental study shows that the sand should not be moved by artificial means.Michael Krige (2024-12-22)
Having worked as a scientist in that area in the 70s, it is clear to me that this proposal is costly, environmentally damaging and doesn't resolve the issues as well as the alternative proposalMike Christensen (2024-12-22)
As a civil Engineer working for a company that specialises in EIAs and engineering solutions to minimise environmental impacts, I cannot sit by and allow complete disregard for regulations, that should be adhered to. Proper planning and full investigations are required in these instances. To-date, no EIA, design report, risk assessment nor a construction plan have been put forward worthy of acceptance from the Kenton community. You are more than welcome to contact me for an EIA and alternative solutions that are best suited for the community and surrounding environment.Dylan de Bruyn (2024-12-22)
The environment matters more than a view.Caris Walsh (2024-12-22)
I don’t want tax payers money to once again benefit the select few who simply want a better view from their mansions. Nature should be preserved and allowed to thrive naturally. The annual inconvenience and pollution to all residents is not justifiable here.Gabriel Walsh (2024-12-22)
It’s madness and needs to be stopped nature must take its courseDebbie Horaj (2024-12-22)
Awesome part of SA. Natural landmarkSteven Fleiser (2024-12-22)
Nature should take its course and we as humans shouldn’t try interfere with the natural dunes and riversAshley Bessler (2024-12-22)
Man should not interfere with nature - we do not understand the fragile eco systems. The earth was here before us and will remain after we leave and we should pass through it leaving only footprints behind. Massive earth moving is not something we should do. Frankly it is arrogant and presumptuous for anyone to think it’s their right to undertake a project of this nature.Colleen Gouws (2024-12-22)
Environmental impact not researched adequately and questionable permissions grantedGrant High (2024-12-22)
Disagree with the project and inoactsMartie High (2024-12-22)
I think it is utterly selfish, presumptuous and short sighted by a few individuals to compromise, inconvenience and put a whole community at risk for their own personal immediate gratification.Chris Gouws (2024-12-22)
I careclaire wedderburn (2024-12-22)
I feel that it is incredibly shortsighted to allow property owners with little to no background in environmental science, move forward with plans that have massive ramifications for the health and future of the bushmans river.Jeff Allan (2024-12-22)
No person should be able to Interfere this heavily with nature…Sophie Smith (2024-12-22)
To protect the natural habitat from being interfered with unnaturally.David Hume (2024-12-22)
I am sorting this petition to stop Ndlambe Municipality/CES (Ted Avis, consultant)/KSDNA group (Directors: Robert Rose, Malcolm McKenzie and Steve Conradie, being only three residents who own property in Lands End) from proceeding with their disastrous plan to bulldoze the Westbourne Rd dune towards the river mouth and create a VEGETATED SAND WALL that will continue to GROW HIGHER and BIGGER, that will cause SAND BUILDUP ALONG WESTBOURNE ROAD INTO A FULL DUNE system. This will IMPEDE ACCESS TO THE RIVER AND EVENTUALLY OBLITERATE A VIEW OF THE RIVER AND MOUTH FOR MANY PROPERTY OWNERS.The aim of the underwriters and signatories of this petition is to save our estuary from private abuse of a public asset and HALT an irreversible ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER.
Margaret Morrell (2024-12-22)
It is nonsensical to fight against nature. Let the wind, sand movement be restored to where it was before artificial sand dunes were introduced. Those homes effected, I feel for you but take a chance the plan might work out.Nigel Castle-Ward (2024-12-22)
I do not want Kenton spoilt, a more natural course of action backed by an environmental study is warranted here!Nicky McConnon (2024-12-22)
The whole idea seems to be absurd. Blocking access to a public beach is unconstitutional. The project could have unintended consequences for those who own property in Westbourne road - from the noise factor to the high level of maintenance required. Our municipalities have a poor track record when it comes to maintenance. It is essential that an EIS is done by a credible independent person.Susan Robertson (2024-12-23)