Hold Dr. Fauci accountable for lying about COVID-19



He has hurt people I love and acted treasonous.

Henry Hagerty (Virginia Beach, 2022-01-19)


Fauci has lied and caused harm and death to so many people. Has killed no one knows how many animals puppies etc...

eleanor cush (shreveport, 2022-01-20)


He lied

Michelle Flaherty (Tinana, 2022-01-22)


He perpetrated the worst atrocity inflicted on humanity,

Frank Thompson (Highland, 2022-01-23)


he is a lying political animal not a scientist. he is unelected and has too much power over citizens. A traitor!

Tad Lueck (Cottage Grove, 2022-01-24)


He is responsible for many deaths! We all know people who have died because of many things that even indirectly Fauci has been the cause of their death.
Supporting with money the experiments that caused the Covid19, avoiding/prohibiting the effective drugs to fight that virus or bacteria, enforcing the wrong protocol for Covid patients, encouraging the vaccines that are experimental and are already killing people, plus the businesses that had closed, lockdowns, lies about the number of deaths to earn money because of them, etc.

Mary Molina (Miami, 2022-02-22)


Fauci is a liar and pushing dems narrative to control us. Natural immunity is the science idiot.

Janel Odle (STOCKTON, 2022-07-14)


He lied about gain of function research. He lied about vaccines working. He lied about natural immunity. There is no studies showing masks work but yet gives statements that we should all wear one. He is misleading our government and citizens causing people to loose their jobs and mental health. He is a danger to society.

Tasha Sullivan (Arlington Heights, 2022-07-16)


Dr. Fauci needs to be held accountable for his blaitant lies told to congress while under oath.

Michael Small (Tucson, 2022-08-04)


Fauci has abused both the American people and innocent beagles. This monster needs to be prosecuted.

Aviva Shliselberg (Pleasant Valley, 2022-08-04)


Fauci lied. Taxpayers demand a thorough investigation into this matter. The money from Taxpayers paid to this fiend is unimaginable!! Now he is retiring after all he has done to citizens! We deserve some answers and immediate prosecution.

Beth Nordmeyer (Savage, 2022-08-22)


I'm signing this petition because Dr Anthony Fauci is a FAKE and has committed murder in unmeasurable amounts just because he's demonic and is trying to do the unthinkable bidding for his satanist master!!!!!
Yes, he's killed more people over the past 2 years with this COVID19 bull crap propaganda as well as promoting this FAKE COVID 19 killer jab!!!!? He with FAKE Quid Pro Quo Joe China Ukraine Biden are worse than a modern day Adolf Hitler!!!!!! Both these demonic satanists demonRats jackasses really need to be given the death penalty for murder and high TREASON against our US Constitution, president Donald Trump, our military, our men and women in blue and we the TRUE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!! But Fake Dr Anthony Fauci has committed murder all over the world, but then so has Quid Pro Quo Joe China Ukraine Biden (which of us know that he's NOT the real Joe Biden, he's an actor impersonating as a FAKE president)!!!

Margaret Thomason (PELL CITY, 2022-09-05)


He’s a KILLER !

John Bush (Manorville, 2022-09-06)


I want "Dr." Fauci to be held accountable for the deaths caused by these diseases from US Biolabs, and jabs he invested in!

Shirley Eliakis (Macon, 2022-09-06)


Someone who try’s to invent a disease made to take peoples lives is evil and needs to be held accountable

Eugene Ewing Jr (Hatfield, 2022-09-06)


The Covid panic has made life unpleasant. States mandate rules which are unconstitutional. Governments help make a life for us better, not tell us how to live it.

Bradley Guthrie (Gulfport, 2022-09-06)


I'm signing because what was perpetrated upon the people because of this man's criminal activities. Him and his cohorts must be put away for life!

Misty Santos (Atlanta, 2022-09-07)


I believe the truth needs to be exposed to prevent this kind of abuse of power from happening again. Lives were lost due to Greed and the cooperation of CDC .CHINA.MSM.NIH.FDA. and BIG PHARMA. criminal activity to make money and to prevent widely available cheaper drugs and therapy. China and Fauci owe the World the truth. RICO= Racketeering to sellout the health of billions of humans!

Gary Olsaver (San Antonio, 2022-09-15)


I am signing because it is way over due time for people to be held accountable. This is not the only case that needs to be brought up, but just the beginning.

Charles Wallace (Mannheim, 2022-09-19)


I'm signing because I truly believe he paid, knew and willing to kill many. Wrong Information to the public. He and many others here are against humanity. Sad time for America. Heck the whole world. There's no Brotherly love. What riches country, politicians make bad choices while the people suffer and most of them enjoy it.

Iris Pendleton (Wilmington, 2022-09-19)


He started the gain of function, and murdered humans all around the world.

Velma Gonzales (St Louis, 2022-09-19)


He needs to sign over all documents and any info on his killing of thousands. He must be held accountable

Gina Pingley (Ashland, 2022-09-20)


Im signing because I am awake to all of the facts and information and corruption from this man. Everyday we learn something new. 1800 scientist got paid over 180million of our tax paying dollars to lie to the American people. He and ALL others involved are Traitors against the American people for holding back the cure of ivermectin. The Mandatory jabs will follow. Many more deaths. He has blood on his hands. He must be prosecuted for his crimes against the American people.

Jennifer Castro (Cape Coral, 2022-09-23)


Our government is corrupt and they need to be held accountable

Eric Tomsha (Jacksonville, 2022-09-24)


Because Fauci did the exact opposite of the the Hippocratic oath of do no harm. He did harm to millions of people by creating and releasing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. He needs to be tried in court.

LIz Von (Corpus Christi, 2022-10-06)


I’m holding him personally responsible for killing my boyfriend, because of his hospital protocols. He died from the serious side from the drugs they gave him, not Covid!

Bonnie Spencer (El Cajon, 2022-10-06)


He needs to be held accountable

Ruth Wilson (Prattville, 2022-10-09)


He's a frigging low-life, pos, scumbag of the first order!!!!! His bitch ass belongs in prison for the rest of his pathetic existence!!!!!!!!

Derek Christopher Nordbye (Central Islip, 2022-10-09)


Because Justice demands it!!!

Robert Carver (Leitchfield, 2022-10-10)


I'm signing because Fauci is a crook.

Scott Johnson (Middle river, 2022-10-10)


He shows NO signs of remorse for pushing his agenda instead of truly caring about people and doing what’s best for Americans. He needs to be imprisoned for financing Covid with OUR money.

Albert Peugh (Klamath Falls, 2022-10-10)


Why should a partition to investigate Fauci be restricted to Americans, I'm not American but I want this man investigated and punished for crimes against humanity.

Malcolm Davey (BEAUMARIS, 2022-10-10)


My mother was forced to take an injection that gave her worst side effects then the actual virus.

Rob M (Park ridge, 2022-10-10)


He needs to be accountable

Mary Hanger (Plymouth, 2022-10-10)


I'm in total agreement with this petition. NO ONE PERSON, is above the law. Fauci has "gotten away" with murder since the AIDS epidemic. It is time for ALL the truth to be exposed!

Sharon Campbell (Newington, 2022-10-10)


This little troll is worse than Hitler ever was

William Smith (Whitley city, 2022-10-10)



George Garrison (Bostic, 2022-10-10)


too many persons across the world have died due to mr fauccies research and empowerment of this harmeful vaccine my view is punishment of death for all the lives he has had a hand in ending !

gary seitz (las vegas, 2022-10-11)


I do not trust in the CDC, the mainstream news media, Fauci, definitely not Pelosi, the DNC and just about any other alphabet group. The DNC is so out of control, spiritually bent on destroying the US anything is possible.

Patrick Janecke (Grand Rapids, 2022-10-11)


"They" thought that they would have POPULATION CONTROL!!!!!!!

Diane Easey (Cape Town, 2022-10-12)


I’m signing because I believe Fauci, whether or not he’s involved with the Wuhan Lab, was President Trump’s & President Biden’s advisor before, during & after China’s Covid-19 release. Had the proper protocols been followed, this virus would have never made it into the USA, or have been spread by an obviously incompetent “Doctor”! Fauci is responsible for the deaths of all people in the 🇺🇸!

Sherie Taylor (Fresno, 2022-10-17)


this guy killed som many people in the world it is unbelievable. Noone should get away with this crime NO ONE. Hold him accountable for his crimes and show the Left we as GOP will not allow this to happen ever again.

Jay Bailey (Woodland, washington, 2022-10-17)


I know in my heart, in my gut, that this crap was unleashed on American people to destroy Trump and Keep him from staying in office!!

Candy Bruce (Perkins, 2022-10-18)


He needs to be held accountable for his evil deeds!

Leavy Riddlespur (Eastaboga, 2022-10-19)


He purposely killed people because he believes in eugenics. That we need to get the population down to 500 million people.

Charles Ducey (Raytown, 2022-10-19)


Because he's an criminal.

Doris Walther (Bay City, 2022-10-20)


We really need to clean house in this country. The nut jobs have taken over.

Albis Mora (San tan valley, 2022-10-23)


He has to answer for his part in all of this.

Mohammed Mohammed (Melbourne, 2022-10-24)


Evil is revealed and Fauci should have been jail back in the 1980's

Susan Anderson (Ruckersville, 2022-10-24)


He's an evil bastard

Gareth McCartan (Banbridge, 2022-10-24)


Iam signing this because of the innocent people who died because of the man made virus in Wuhan China that Fauci and Datche where a part of with the Bat woman in China and because Xi and Ccp covered it up Says IAM who Iam Amen and amen

Archie Lea (Dungog, 2022-10-24)


Fauci is a criminal

Keagan Sharkey (Lebanon, 2022-10-24)


Fauci needs to ne held accountable.

GREGORY SAVOY (New Orleans, 2022-10-24)


He is a murderer and this country's threat

guy Grover (Stockton, 2022-10-25)


He is a fraud, lier, and cheat, he was not been honest with the American people and unlawfully gained wealth from his lies.

Robert Whitaker (Nashville, 2022-10-25)


I'm signing because I believe Dr. Fauci lied to congress, senate, & presidents about the effectiveness of the vaccines he was wrongfully pushing onto the American citizens, endangering thousands of lives. He is a criminal and needs to be held accountable.

Marc Cowden (Murrieta, 2022-11-03)


Destroyed people's lives!!!

Michelle Sephton (Oudtshoorn, 2022-11-13)


I’m signing because I’ve observed his methodologies and the military’s mirroring of them from AIDS to the Ebola “outbreak” in Syria. We’re done humoring these predators.

Vance Akins (Littleton, 2022-11-18)


Because of Fauci’s practice and lies many people have died especially his lies about Remdisiver!!

Carol Bogle (Wagoner, 2022-11-26)


Because he's evil and lied about everything on this shot

cynthia webster (Elreno, 2023-02-26)


Fauci should be put trail

Manuel Carrilllo (Hacienda heights, 2023-03-07)


Dr.Fauci MADE MILLIONS while we, the people suffered,lost jobs, lost money.vont

Dave Ackerman (Frostburg, 2023-03-31)


This “pandemic” was the great crime against humanity in history.

Andrea Quinn (New York City, 2023-04-20)


I am sure that the vaccine kills people. And Fauci should be punished for misinformation about Covid

Nataliia Kravchuk (Brooklyn, 2023-04-22)


His incompetence killed my wife and my mother.

Frank Gibson (Gallatin, 2023-07-31)


If it wasn't for his death protocol in the hospital. My friend would still be alive

Teresa Perry (Lawrenceville, 2023-08-01)


Because of all the horrendous things he's done over the decades.

April Ingalls (Buxton, 2023-08-01)


Dr. Anthony Fauci is a criminal and a menace to our society for unleashing this lab concocted virus on the entire world and rumors are that it is supposedly "coming back" just for the sake of putting more lethal doses of deadly "medicine" with the "vaccine" into people's bodies. The virus and vaccine are both deadly bioweapons intended to depopulate the world and for this, Fauci needs to be tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. He should preferably be publicly hanged for his brazen, barbaric, treasonous, genocidal actions against the world. He is an inhuman monster.

Clifford Bruber (SAINT PAUL, 2023-08-23)


Dr. Anthony Fauci has spent his career lying and deceiving people. But his deplorable actions regarding gain-of-function research and his insistence on pushing the POISONOUS "vaccine" to "treat" COVID19 deserve an accounting. He needs to be arrested.

Patricia Scholes (Durango, 2023-09-23)


Been a huge part of WE THE PEOPLE behind the scenes doin this properly and legally and a ton of training on this legal takedown. This madness must end and now

William Chesebro (Cornwall, 2023-12-11)


He coerces people, is a liar and all the info stated above I agree with.

Maria Lenhard (DE, 2024-05-18)


He should pay for the many many people he has harmed.

Sharon Schoepp (Burley, 2024-09-12)


We need to be investigate the origins of this horrific man made incident. Only way to find the truth is to question this puppet and hopefully obtain the higher ups who created this.

Victor Laudadio (Cranford, 2024-10-30)


I am signing because I am appalled and disgusted by Anthony Fauci's crimes against humanity. The man needs to be brought to justice for the damage and suffering he has caused an untold number of people globally.

Andreas de Boer Moran (Barcelona, 2024-11-20)


Because he lied about Covid and lied about vaccines helping people.

Allie Haney (Knoxville, TN, 2024-12-06)


I believe Fauci needs to be investigated for crimes against humanity.

Justin Fennell (Amarillo, 2024-12-23)


I want Fauci held accountable

Michael Demars (Claremont, NH, 2024-12-23)


This is a major crime against humanity and it is highly likely that this man and his team are responsible.

Olivia Hetzel (Marquette, 2025-01-21)


He is personally responsible, as well as others at N.I.H. and W.H.O., for the WRONGFUL DEATHS (MURDERS) of tens of millions of human beings by injection of MRNA poison. This is a crime of MASS MURDER and GENOCIDE. Sadly, there are many many more in the U.S. Government who should go to the Hague and stand trial there for not only this Genocide, but the ongoing SLAUGHTER of innocent lives in Gaza, using U.S. weapons.

Dennis Cimino (Pomeroy, 2025-03-12)

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