Create laws that forbid dangerous weapons to be brought onto public transport



I wish the police in New Zealand would do something other than check for speeding. I wish the police in New Zealand would treat cases of other ethnic groups with the same enthusiasm they treat cases of white people. I want New Zealand's laws to protect law-abiding people, not shield those who commit crimes.

Bob Li (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Sam Huang

Sam Huang (, 2024-07-04)


It is essential for the safety of all public transport users.

Ishjit Sapra (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


We hope punish those who commit violent attacks and injuries, and create a safe and harmonious place in New Zealand where racial discrimination does not exist.

YUAN HU (AUCKLAND, 2024-07-04)


It’s everyone’s responsibility to make our community safe for the next generation.

Louis liu (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I have experienced similar case. I just moved to the place and parked on the street perfectly. On the second day I saw a note on my car. Saying “do not drive like an *******. Go to driving school before you become an *******”. That made me scared. I had no choice but left the place immediately. And I had to look for new places again. I still think about it sometimes

holly zheng (timaru, 2024-07-04)


May all of us live together in peace, regardless of race or discrimination.

Zhonghao Wang (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I am part of the asian community and I wish to feel secure in this country

Daniel Long (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


xuemei wu

Xuemei wu (, 2024-07-04)


We need a safe public transport system. Driver should take reasonable responsibility to ensure everyone on the public transport is safe.
I would recommend CCTV can be used to minitor or record as security reason.

Jennefa Wu (Auckland, 2024-07-04)



Yilin Du (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing because no one should be treated this way, with such discrimination and physical violence. It is common sense that weapons and objects that can be potentially used for harm should be prohibited and it is shocking to learn that it is not.

Arosh Kaluthanthreege Don (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Violence against race and children is not acceptable

Christine Liu (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


I am signing the petition because what happened is not acceptable for our children in New Zealand.

Erin Zhai (, 2024-07-04)


I want our NZ to be a safer place.

Jason Xu (Christchurch, 2024-07-04)


I'm signing this because I think the bus company should have measures in place and procedures to follow to protect passengers in the similar situations in the future. If the bus company already has these in place then the management should enforce them to protect your customers from danger.

Heran Li (Hamilton, 2024-07-04)


Zero tolerance to violence

William Yuan (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Crime needs to be stopped, justice needs to be done.

Daisy Wu (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Legislation to crack down on crimes and protect the safety of public transport passengers!

Wei Ying (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


We should feel safe on public transport.

Saber Xie (Auckland, 2024-07-04)


Totally agreed to forbid

Joanna Luo (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


As a minority myself, I feel the helplessness the victim must felt at the time of attack, and the fact the driver did nothing to stop the crime or to assist the victim in getting help afterwards is beyond my comprehension. If this behavior goes without consequences is a slam in the face of anyone who were and will cared to step up in time of needs, and shows Auckland Transportation’s attitude towards such crime.

Sharon Wang (, 2024-07-05)


Need to stop this kind of thing. No weapon on bus

bowen sun (auckland, 2024-07-05)


I don’t want to see this kind of things happen again.

Victor Gangbateer (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I'm signing this because it's horriffic what happened, this is the basic safety should be insured by our government!

Amber Huang (Auckland, 2024-07-05)



Yu Liu (, 2024-07-05)


I hope this kind of accident will never happen again on the NZ public transportation and can be dealt with properly. Stop Asian Hate!!

Jocelyn Jiang (Hastings, 2024-07-05)


Stop the crime

Caroline Wu (, 2024-07-05)


For our children.

Evans Li (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I am a mom

Helen Yang (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


i am signing duo to i do not want that to happen again.

youhao hu (auckland, 2024-07-05)


Auckland is our common home, we hope that the people living here are happy, not bad acts of wounding incidents, which makes us very upset, we love peace, love Auckland, hope that the police can punish the criminals!

JOEY YAO (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


To improve the maintenance of public transports order and ensure passengers safety.

Yannan Esdale (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


Disappointed. If we don’t urge the authorities to take actions and find the suspect, we could be the next to get beaten up, no one will help us in the future if we don’t help him right now!

Helen S (Rotorua, 2024-07-05)


It is not safe anymore, so do something.

Bin Xu (, 2024-07-05)


No one wants weapons on buses or trains etc

Jeremy Gallagher (Tamaki Makaurau, 2024-07-05)


Hope no attack happen again on the bus . We need safe .

Qiu Fan (Whangarei, 2024-07-05)



yu bao (奥克兰, 2024-07-05)


Hope NZ always peace and love

Jennifer Zeng (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


People shouldn’t be indifferent to the harm happening around them.

Jian Sun (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


I‘m the only white here

Jack Wood (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


Peace and love

Ronnie Tong (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


Must stop similar things happen from now on.

Xiangqun Zhou (Aucklanf, 2024-07-05)


Passengers should be prohibited from carrying dangerous equipment on buses

Cecilia Liu (Auckland, 2024-07-05)


Animal has animal right, not human right

Wayne Tu (, 2024-07-05)


Bus safety check is necessary.

Eason Qiang (Auckland, 2024-07-05)

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