PODPRITE Simfonični Orkester in Big Band Radio Televizije Slovenija -Support the Slovene RTV Symphony Orchestra and RTV Big Band



Podpiram kulturo in vrhunske glasbenike!

Tanja Udovč (Trebnje, 2023-11-28)


I love classic music played by Simfonični orkester RTV.

Trojan Kotnik (Vinica, 2023-11-28)


Per solidarietà.

Francesca Mussap (Venezia, 2023-11-28)


Culture is precious

Marija Knežević (Beograd, 2023-11-28)


Simfonični orkester RTV

Nadja Vozel (Ljubljana, 2023-11-28)


A friend requested me to.

Bernhard Angermayr (Taufkirchen an der Trattnach, 2023-11-28)


Ker sem odraščal ob vaši glasbi in še sedaj spremljam vse dogodke dosti aktivno.In želim, da bi naši otroci imeli ta privilegij.

Damjan Naglič (Vuzenica, 2023-11-28)


Suporting our colleagues im hard time for them. It is non option to make them to stop working and progressing, shame for one European Country, their Minsitry also, to make such unbelievable solution for culture and for finances.

Stefan Fuks (Pančevo, 2023-11-28)



Andrija Petej (Zagreb, 2023-11-28)


Le orchestre, come qualsiasi divulgazione culturale, NON DEVE CHIUDERE!!

Rosanna Romagnoli (Trieste, 2023-11-28)


In the last two years I followed your orchestra and I was really amazed by the quantity of your performances. Ear that you are risking to be dismissed is for me a terrible news.

Matteo Forla (Verona, 2023-11-28)


The RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra has played a vital role in promoting musical excellence, fostering talent, and providing the community with exceptional cultural experiences. Its closure would not only be a loss for the arts community but also a setback for the rich cultural tapestry of Slovenia.

Nevena Bisak (Novi Sad, 2023-11-28)


Zavedamo se, da glasba bogati in osmišlja življenje vsakega, ki ima privilegij, da ji lahko prisluhne v živo!
Skupaj tvorimo harmonično celoto novih dni kulturne dediščine!

Tanja Babnik (Ljubljana, 2023-11-28)


Podpisujem, ker je identiteta slovenskega naroda neločljivo povezana s kulturo. Zato se ne strinjam z ukinitvijo glasbenih sestavov RTV.

Natalija Šimunič (Celje, 2023-11-28)


Europe is soffering a dangerous spiritual decline. In the Old Continent any cultural activity is urgenly needed to avoid a serious collapse. Today any leader who ignore this fact probably doesn't profess his office responsably.
Studies already showed that any economical investment in culture produces wealth.
Not to mention the positive effects on society. Without culture the european average mind (and soul) will drift to an inevitable collapse.
If cultural institutions suffer economical problems, it "simply" means that there is a wrong managment of resources.

Every country must be responsible for our immense cultural heritage!
We citizens, many- many of us, do already our share! And it would be nice to witness that this effort is on every level of decision!

Alessandro Bravin (Pécs, 2023-11-28)

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