Koala Corridor Hallidays Point



I'm signing because I am concerned with regard to the impact this will have on the local Koala population

John Ford (Diamond Beach, 2021-10-25)


I am signing because it is important that a better solution is worked out

Belinda Clements (Red head, 2021-10-26)


I care about our wildlife

Sarah Callaghan (Taree, 2021-10-26)


Once our Koalas are gone, there is no going back. Development can be adjusted to save Koalas

Mary Graham (Wallsend, 2021-10-26)


Once they are gone, they are gone. This beautiful and iconic species shouldn't suffer because of greed.

Alicia Garbutt (Perth, 2021-10-26)


To Midcoast Council.
My name is Amanda Albury. I object to Midcoast Council approving any DA that would remove/degrade, the remnant Koala Corridor located between Maslin Court and Scarborough Circuit, Redhead.
I endorse; Halliday Point Community Action Group, for raising with us, the plight of their area. I would like to thank them for their hard efforts over all this time volunteering on this unique land parcel, that Council MUST preserve for all time, for the environment, for our precious wildlife, which MUST remain preserved in "offset in Perpetuity", forever.
No bushland should be ‘dealt away for clearance by taking money over the natural environment to approve inappropriate developments’, in that particular area of natural bushland. Regardless of who the person, company or the proposed purpose/development is.
Please to All Council Managers & Staff, (Directors, Managing Director, Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Councillors). STOP this approval, by rescinding the previous 'decision' made by Council. Accept this decision was a bad decision that was/has been made previously. Advise the DA Applicant that their request has been withdrawn.
Council MUST refuse this development entirely, and state out loud and in writing, that a dreadful error has been made, which would start an environmental catastrophe to this area of remnant Koala Corridor located between Maslin Court and Scarborough Circuit, Redhead, for all the wildlife and the Koala population living in this bushland.
The environment is being destroyed with each and every approval that gives individuals and/or companies, the ability to clear-fell bushland to the ground, with no care of consequences that their bushland clearance has on the wildlife they kill, the people they injure watching precious bushland/wildlife destroyed. It hurts and I know this because for the last 5 months, my husband and I have witnessed the destruction of natural bushland, old growth trees with hollows and wildlife killed, because of neighbour and her son (18 years living next to them), want to be cattle barons in Forest Glen Road Limeburners Creek NSW 2324, The Bucketts Way NSW Tourist Drive 2. In the last remaining natural bushland as a direct corridor to Karuah National Park (in total they are clearing 27+ acres approved and already clearing 150+ acres of bushland they have not been approved). This bushland in this area, as other areas is clearly seen on Google Earth or Six Maps. Watching, hearing trees being felled, wildlife flying at speed from the bulldozer at night, a bird hit me on the head as I stood there still in complete shock, watching this bulldozer at 9pm at night. Our neighbour had lied to us, saying she had one man with a chainsaw cutting trees for posts, now this was bad enough, as I asked how many and where near the fence-line etc. She did not answer me, and pulled a very strange face and looked up at the sky then around. The following night the bulldozer rolled in. They operate over 7 days a week from before 7am and still knocking bush down after 1am the following morning. The noise is dreadful, multiples of machinery, bulldozers, tractors, chain saws etc., while we sit inside with industrial ear muffs on, doors and windows closed, TV on loud, you can still hear the noise and hear the trees some 5 metres and bigger girth with a 20 metre canopy felled to the ground. We have been left with waking up 3-4 times or more a night, hearing the noise, thinking they are there from 2am to 5.45am when the alarm goes off, outside on the back veranda listening into the bush, to prove that they are not there to ourselves, yet your ears, brain, central nervous system, plays the noise over and over in our heads. And the sick feeling in our stomachs that wildlife, bushland and a major arm of Stony Creek is being killed and destroyed.
There is enough wildlife that has died in the catastrophic fires of 2019 and 2020 and land clearing regardless of the reason, should not happen, should not be approved or condoned by Midcoast Council, to keep destroying bushland and killing wildlife.
We won't have any wildlife such as the Koala/other wildlife species left, living free and wild within the bushland they are trying to still exist in, that we are destroying rapidly each day/night in some area of NSW alone is being destroyed by ruthless developments to our precious wildlife/bushland areas. Each time bushland is cleared, wildlife dies and the ability for wildlife to move around bushland areas (if they survive cleared felled trees), is therefore cut off as that corridor no longer exists. It’s a no-brainer, STOP authorising the destruction of busland areas.
Council MUST "honour the commitments made to the general public/ in the Biodiversity and Greening Strategies 2021 to preserve, enhance and value" our natural eco-systems. I add; stop approving developments that destroy bushland and kill wildlife.
• Every-time bushland is cleared, this automatically alters the climate of that area.
• Every-time bushland is cleared, wildlife die in numbers unknown.
• Every-time bushland is cleared by Midcoast Council's approval, it is a mockery of any Policy or any workshops you hold, or any work you do in partnership with Landcare, Rivercare, Land For Wildlife, running workshops for the Community and field trips, that I have always enjoyed attending, or Volunteering into Rivercare, Landcare at Mammy Johnsons River Reserve Stroud Road, Clean-Up Australia Day, then there is workshops where you work with property owners and their neighbours encouraging them to keep their bushland/tree corridors with each other for bio-diversity, fencing off creeks & rivers from cattle, planting trees etc. It all seems ‘two faced’, if Council continues to present workshops, encourages land owners to preserve bushland, yet continues to authorise BAD developments that destroy natural bushland and kill wildlife!
Council must preserve natural bushland, regenerated bushland and Bio-diversity for bushland/wildlife "Quoting directly from Mid Coast Council Biodiversity Framework 2021-2030. This land must be protected because:- “a biodiversity-rich natural environment is one of the regional goals of the NSW Government in the adopted Hunter Regional Plan (2016)" and "The MidCoast Council Local Government Area (the MidCoast region) is rich in natural assets and biodiversity features. The health of these underpin the well-being of the community, the strength of the economy and the way of life of residents and visitors to the region." I absolutely agree!
Please accept that if this bushland is destroyed along with the wildlife, that Midcoast Council on 21st October 2021 onwards, has made a catastrophic error of judgement.
Thank you and hope you do the right thing by the wildlife and the Community/Rate Payers, that have seen enough bushland destroyed from unacceptable developments, mining, quarries, housing and various other forms/reasons, for a DA in the first place wanting to destroy the natural bushland of an area and kill wildlife, seeking approval, is offensive and ugly!
Thank you
Amanda Albury
151 Forest Glen Road
Limeburners Creek NSW 2324
(M) 0403 645 521
& ICAG Inc. Secretary

email: icag.inc**********
email: saorb@outlook.com

Amanda Albury (Limeburners Creek, 2021-10-27)


I am signing because I care for our local environment of Hallidays Pt..

Steve Muscardin (Diamond Beach, 2021-10-28)


Biodiversity is important to me in my home area

Sophie Lillian Nicholls (HALLIDAYS POINT, 2021-10-28)


I care for the environment the koalas and their home. It is unique and it is our job to protect and care for it.

Julia Hume (Marrickville, 2021-11-01)


We need to protect drastically dwindling koala habitats. No trees no koalas

Julie ahlstrom (Rainbow Flat, 2021-11-03)


We need to protect the remaining koalas in this area.

Janeece Irving (Tinonee, 2021-11-03)


I agree with this full time !

Brian Mitchell (Diamond beach, 2021-11-05)


koalas are dear creatures and should be respected and cared for.

Trish Hodgson (Willagee, 2021-11-11)


Save your koala treasures Australia please.

Valentina Gorneanu (San Giovanni Rotondo, 2021-11-20)


I love koalas and they are in NEED OF OUR HELP in order to SURVIVE ❤️🐨❤️

Thomas Sobieszczyk (Oxford, 2021-11-20)


Our koalas and other significant wildlife have been decimated by the natural disasters that have impacted our region recently. Further loss of habitat will almost certainly lead to local extinctions.

I implore the Council to honour the committments made in the Biodiversity and Greening Strategies 2021 to "preserve, enhance and value" our natural eco-systems. The Koala Corridor is a unique and timely example of where Council needs to act with integrity and purpose to ensure the survival and flourishing of not only the koala, but the many other species dependent on our native trees and understorey vegetation within the corridor.
For the animals and their homes, Cheryl

Cheryl Forrest-Smith (Mona Vale, 2021-11-21)


I am signing because I want remaining Koala Corridor to be protected. Koala population is declining, and needs to be protected.

Nobuo Utsue (Nishinomiya, 2021-11-22)


Because every koala counts and so foxes every tree.
Are you seriously considering degradation of their home and food trees?

Please look at Campbelltown, Port Stephens, Raymond Island, the killing fields of Moreton Bay…and every other council and state governments who want to give greedy developers right of way because they get a kick back $$$

Leave our precious national icons alone. They are facing extinction for heavens sake and went through the Black Summer. Give them a break. Boost them , not kill them!!!!!

Every single day is another fight for them where I spend anything from 8-18hrs straight fighting for them.

To even consider this an agenda is utterly disgusting and reeks of greed.

Ursy Barnard (Newcastle, 2021-11-30)


I adore Koalas!!

Sheiman Susan (Plainview, 2021-12-03)


Development in this area is in the process of destroying wildlife habitats.

Cate Nelson (Diamond Beach, 2021-12-11)

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