Help to save The Doodle Caboodle Cafe & Play in Tring.



Areas for children and families and desperate needed

(tring, 2019-08-22)


Such a great and welcoming family friendly cafe for the community - the only cafe in Tring where parents can actually relax and have a coffee whilst the kids have facilities to play and have fun, very much needed and would be hugely missed.

(Wigginton , 2019-08-22)


I think it's wrong that you're closing a cafe that allows children to play in and it's the only one

(Leighton Buzzard, 2019-08-22)


We love this cafe

(Berkhamsted , 2019-08-22)


We love the cafe.

(Eaton Bray , 2019-08-22)


I wish to express my opinion on the matter

(London, 2019-08-22)


Would be a great loss to the community if they were to close

(London , 2019-08-22)


In my opinion small businesses should be supported. They provide variety for our town and encourage people to visit. The thoroughfare on Brook Street has always been busy and I would respectfully suggest that people will always park there. If traffic was ‘encouraged’ to slow down that may alleviate the problem.
Please don’t target a small business.

(Tring , 2019-08-22)


We the undersigned, support the application to Dacorum Borough Council for Unit 21, The Silk Mill Business Park, Brook Street, Tring, Herts, HP23 5EF to continue to be used by The Doodle Caboodle Café & Play.

(Aylesbury, 2019-08-22)


I'm signing because we should be supporting local businesses not shutting them down. And this is a friendly place to go

(Tring , 2019-08-22)


I believe the should be a communal meeting area for parents with young children

(Leighton buzzard, 2019-08-22)


The cafe is a fantastic place for parents to take their kids and catch up with other parents, there arent many kid friendly places go to in tring that can offer this!

(Aston Clinton, 2019-08-23)


I think this us a wonderful, much needed, community facility. After such a successful two years in business it would be such a shame to see it closed. It would mean job losses and have a huge impact on those people currently using it.

(Tring, 2019-08-23)


Love the stay and play parking has allways been an issue on that road even before doodle opened. I am a regular and allways just use the parking on site never has to park on the road.

(Wendover , 2019-08-23)


This is a great spot for young kids

(Tring, 2019-08-23)


This is a lovely independent community amenity and should be supported not undermined. Town parking is adequate and close enough for this cafe and has been my choice when I have been there.

(Ivinghoe , 2019-08-24)


This is a great facility for families in Tring

(Wing, 2019-08-24)


I support the cause & think little local businesses should be supported more by councils & governing bodies

(Dunstable, 2019-08-24)


The business is important to Tring and surrounding areas

(Berkhamsted , 2019-08-24)


It will be a huge loss to the community if it closes

( Boxmoor, 2019-08-25)


It’s a great little cafe

(London , 2019-08-25)


I am signing this because there are jobs at stake and these people need protection. Tring needs businesses like this.

(Bishop Auckland, 2019-08-28)


The council should support local businesses and stop messing around with 20mph schemes and focus on making the road control better in that area

(Tring, 2019-08-29)


I take my granddaughter there when I visit Tring. It’s a great place for both children and adults to socialise and there is nothing quite like it in the area. It would be a great loss to the community if it closed.

(Mansfield , 2019-08-29)


Doodle Caboodle Cafe plays an important part in making Tring the family-friendly place to live that it is.

(Tring, 2019-08-30)


Doodle Caboodle is the only soft play café in Tring! It's a great low-stress place for parents to socialise and especially great for toddlers on a rainy day.

(Tring, 2019-08-31)


The cafe is a lovely place which provides a safe place for children to play as well as providing quality food and jobs for the community. It would be a shame to lose it.

(Tring , 2019-09-02)


This is a great cafe for mums and their toddlers to meet and play. A vote for wellbeing and learning.

(CHESHAM, 2019-09-03)


I care.

(Chesham, 2019-09-03)


It would be unfair to close on these grounds

(Luton , 2019-09-04)


This is a great place for mums with young kids to get out the house, there is nothing out there like this - it needs to stay!!!

(Aylesbury, 2019-09-04)


I believe that Sonia’s cafe is very important as a small business in our local Community

(Tring, 2019-09-04)


Tring needs this type of thing to be kept open.

(Chesham, 2019-09-04)


It looks like a lovely place for little ones!

(Chesham, 2019-09-04)


Doodle Caboodle is a fabulous venue for children and families. It would be a great loss to Tring to lose such a fantastic business.

(Trung, 2019-09-05)


Everyone should support local independent businesses that provide safe and enjoyable environments for parents and children!

(Berkhamsted , 2019-09-06)


I am saddened by Tring Town Councils short sighted and quite frankly bizarre attitude towards this business. It’s a thriving local family enterprise offering a valuable service to families of all socioeconomic groups. It’s a rare thing that as children’s social skills develop, a cafe like this crosses all boundaries, encourages personal growth with prejudice. Tring has recently become known as a ‘white elephant’ of failed small business ventures (look at the high Street) - since visiting Doodle-caboodle I have used two other businesses on Silk Mill that I previously had not known. Tring Town Council - wake up and literally smell the coffee - the benefits of this Cafe far out-way any negatives.

(Ivinghoe Aston , 2019-09-08)


It's a fantastic place to have in tring.

(Hemel Hempstead , 2019-09-11)


We love doodle caboodle! A wonderful cafe.

(Bedfordshire, 2019-09-11)


I love this cafe! Please don't shut it down! It's a hub of the community amoungst mums. I would be very sad to see it go, there is nowhere else like it

(Totternhoe, 2019-09-11)


We use this cafe very often and would hate to see it close

(Leighton Buzzard , 2019-09-11)


This cafe provides a much needed service in a Tring for families like myself with young children. There is nothing else like this in our town and without it we will have to travel to neighbouring towns to visit theirs. Like many of the cafes visitors, I live in Tring and always walk to the cafe when visiting.

(Tring, 2019-09-11)


Businesses like this do so much for the community and should be supported to carry on doing so.

(Ivinghoe Aston, 2019-09-11)


Doodle Caboodle needs to stay open!

(Pitstone , 2019-09-11)


This brilliant Cafe is a brilliant asset to Tring, my children have loved playing here and I’ve enjoyed the social side of meeting other mums here too.

(Aylesbury , 2019-09-11)


It’s a fantastic little cafe, just what’s needed, safe friendly environment for little ones and their carers, to enjoy.

(Chesham , 2019-09-11)


This soft play and cafe is valuable for local residents and families further a field. It's a great venue with an amazing friendly team that really care about the children and parents that attend.

(Aylesbury, 2019-09-11)


The cafe provides a safe and healthy, community environment for families. We need to protect our local resources which prevent isolation for parenfs and promote child development through play.

(Pitstone , 2019-09-11)


I am signing because Doodle Caboodle is a great venue to have within the community that many of us rely upon to take our children to play in a safe and welcoming environment. Without this we would have to use the poorly maintained play areas that once damaged by vandals are never repaired and so become unusable. As a father of twins, Doodle Caboodle is a great meeting place for me to take and contain my active children in a safe environment. I have never used the car park and have never seen parking being a concern with lots of free spaces. The owners of the cafe have always clearly identified where parking is permitted and I have never noticed any cooking smells when outside. I wish you the very best of luck and hope that I can continue to use your cafe for a number of years to come.

(Tring, 2019-09-11)


I'm signing because this area needs independent run places for children and parents

(Leighton Buzzard, 2019-09-11)


This is a well needed venue for children and parents as there is not anything else like this around here. Sonya always has the best interests of everyone at heart. It would be a shame to see this place go because of 'parking'.

(Bedfordshire, 2019-09-11)


I’m happy to park elsewhere safely and walk to the cafe. It’s a fantastic space that offers soft play and yummy food.

(St Albans, 2019-09-11)


This is a small local business that greatly benefits the community of not just Tring but also neighbouring towns and villages.

(Milton keynes, 2019-09-11)


People will complain about anything. This is a wonderful cafe for both child and parents. The area is lacking in good safe places, let children be children!

(Leighton Buzzard , 2019-09-11)


This is a lovely little play setting which is beneficial to lots of families in Tring with young children. Sonya has built up a lovely business which would be sorely missed.

(Tring, 2019-09-11)


Great family venue, v friendly

(Tring, 2019-09-11)


There is such a need for this service in Tring . We have used the facilities a number of times and found it v welcoming . Would be sad to see it go

(Hertfordshire, 2019-09-11)


This lovely little family run business brings smiles to children and coffee to parents! Why would you close it!!

(Tring, 2019-09-11)


This place is lovely and we need to support the little family run business

(Aylesbury , 2019-09-11)


I’m signing because this is a lovely place with a great offering and something different in the local area. they’re providing a great setting for kids and a great all round offering and are always considerate to neighbours.

(Aylesbury , 2019-09-11)


The owners of the cafe bring a much needed service and they are clearly passionate about what they do.

(Dunstable, 2019-09-11)


This cafe is an invaluable community resource for our community. A little place of fun, safety and sanity for young families. Please don’t close it!

(Tring , 2019-09-11)


To keep doodle caboodle!!!!

(Tring, 2019-09-11)


This is an amazing place and should stay!!

(Hemel , 2019-09-11)


This is the nicest, friendliest play cafe I've ever been to. My children and I love coming here, and it's top of their list whenever they get chance. Please let it stay part of the community.

(Tring, 2019-09-11)


Doodle Caboodle is a fantastic asset to our town and to Silk Mill Business Park. The business has quickly become a part of the community and should be kept as such. To blame DC for the parking issues in Brook Street and Silk Mill is ridiculous! They are just one of many businesses on the site and indeed one of the smaller ones so the parking issue is cumulative and not one businesses fault. TMA and Tring MOT easily add far more traffic to the site than DC. Simple road improvements, such as yellow lines opposite the entrance to Silk Mill and improvements to the entrance itself would greatly aid the flow of traffic. Th other point to consider is that the current traffic problems are far more caused by the closure of the high street during gas works than anything to do with Silk Mill businesses.

(Tring, 2019-09-11)


Lovely cafe, excellent resource for young families.

(Cheddington , 2019-09-11)


I am signing this because this is an amazing cafe and a great place for mums and toddlers to meet up and have some adult conversation. There is not anywhere else in Tring with similar activities for toddlers and parents to enjoy.

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


I use and enjoy the cafe

(Pitstone, 2019-09-12)


I love going here with daughter and grand daughter - a lovely family social amenity in the area.

(Watford, 2019-09-12)


I use this facility regularly, it’s much needed in Tring, and is ridiculous to say it’s the cause of the issues of parking on brook street. There is not enough parking on Brook street for all the house owners to have 2 cars which is the norm now, plus there are many other businesses in the unit which have several customers e.g the gym, garage, wedding dress shop etc. You can tell by the Prams outside doodle that many visitors walk there from local surrounds.

(TRing, 2019-09-12)


This cafe has a lot of value to the local community.

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


I live local and this place is essential round tring for our children

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


I back this company 100% Tring and the surrounding towns need more places like this

(Chesham, 2019-09-12)


Fantastic safe environment for anyone with youngsters to meet, eat, drink, relax and few child friendly places around!

(AYLESBURY, 2019-09-12)


The cafe benefits the local parents and children

(Hemel Hempstead, 2019-09-12)


There is nothing else like this in tring and it's a perfect little spot for mothers in need!!!

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


The cafe is a great place for families.

(Soulbury, 2019-09-12)


Doodle caboodle cafe is a great asset for the local community. I had never been to Tring but it bought me to the area and I have now been a couple of times to the town and I wouldn't have if it hadn't of been for the cafe.

(Great Missenden , 2019-09-12)


It is a great facility and well needed in the area. The council should support this enterprise and help with the parking issues not simply threaten to close the business.

(Aston Clinton, 2019-09-12)


It's a lovely cafe providing a unique place for young families to go and play safely

(Aylesbury, 2019-09-12)


It is a lovely place for little ones to play much needed.

(Aylesbury, 2019-09-12)


The cafe is one of the safest, friendliest, reasonably priced premises to take my grandchildren. Whilst visiting I have used several of the business which others I wouldn't have known about.

(Buckingham , 2019-09-12)


I am a regular user of the cafe. I have never parked anywhere dangerous. If there are no visitors spots on site I park in the town car park and walk down. Don't close a much needed place for many because of the stupidity of a few!! There must be a way to work together to solve the parking issues.

(Berkhamsted , 2019-09-12)


Tring needs doodle caboodle cafe. Tring is full of children!

(Herts, 2019-09-12)


There are few places around that are aimed at families and within walking distance of the town centre. It is a great space and children (and parents) love it.

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


It’s a great place to go with my son

(Tring , 2019-09-12)


Me and my family have enjoyed many days at Doodle Caboodle, including friends birthday parties and coffee mornings

(Aylesbury, 2019-09-12)


The cafe is now an established business and has a vital role in the community by providing a venue for parents and their children to relax and play.

(Amersham , 2019-09-12)


I want them to stay open

(Aston Clinton , 2019-09-12)


There are very limited places to go for parents with young children in Tring and this is an invaluable resource. It would be very sad to see the only cafe suitable for children closed down.

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


I’m signing because.
I’m a childminder and the children love going here it’s local lovely place to meet up with other mums and childminder. and we like to support our local family run business we 💖 it. It would be very sad to see it close.

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


This is a great community space

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


I am signing to keep this lovely business running. We are from outside of Tring where the cafe is based but hired out and traveled here based on its facilities and were over the moon. Such a great business and very unique!

(Dunstable , 2019-09-12)


The cafe is the perfect venue for the happiest and safest of young children’s birthday parties and it would be sorely missed.

(Hayling Island , 2019-09-12)


This place has been amazing for the youngsters. There is nothing else like it in tring.

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


This is a brilliant facility without equal in Tring and the biggest losers from its closure will be children. The complaints raised by the Council apply to 90% of shops, cafes and restaurants in Tring. Be fair and grant Change of Use or close down all the others businesses that cause traffic congestion in Tring.

(Chesham, 2019-09-12)


It is a really lovely place and I love going there with my daughter. We would be so sad to see it go as there is no other similar family place in Tring!

(Aston Clinton , 2019-09-12)


I love taking my little on to Doodle Caboodles cafe. I have used it as a carer when I nannied for two small children and I have continued to use it to meet friends with small children for a play date it’s a lovely little spot and I’ve never had any issues with parking within the grounds there’s always been a space when I’ve visited.

(Dunstable , 2019-09-12)


This much needed amenity for parents cannot he blamed for lack of parking in an industrial estate with many businesses who have customers parking there. There are never smells of food lingering as you approach the area and the staff and owners have worked tirelessly to create a fun and accessible place for parents to use, whilst still serving great quality, delicious food. There is no other amenity like this in the area and if it were to close it would be greatly missed.

(Aston Clinton, 2019-09-12)


It’s a lovely place and the cafe are not responsible if people park unwisely.

(Hemel Hempstead , 2019-09-12)


I use the cafe as I have friends over that way. I like how small it is and u can keep eyes on your kids all the time.

(Hitchin , 2019-09-12)


Absolutely one of a kind, I have recommended this place to so many Mums over the years would be so sad to see it go!

(Bushey , 2019-09-12)


I’m signing because this cafe saved my sanity during the early days with twins. The cafe is safe, friendly and exactly what I needed to get me out of the house. It would be a tremendous shame if this was to be closed as me & my girls have made some great memories there.

(Hemel Hempstead , 2019-09-12)


I think the DC cafe should remain open. Tring needs it.

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


Because we Love the cafe

(Aylesbury , 2019-09-12)


we should all support small local businesses

(Princes Risborough, 2019-09-12)


Myself and my family have enjoyed Doodle Caboodle on so many occasions and would love to continue doing so.

(Aylesbury, 2019-09-12)


This is an amazing place which has catered for birthdays and family gatherings and offers something different to other places around

(Wendover, 2019-09-12)


Children should have a safe, nurturing environment in which to play, and parents deserve the support network opportunities that places like this offer

(Cheshire, 2019-09-12)


I work in Tring and there are very few places you can meet friends with children, let alone let the children have the freedom to play. This is a great facility and yes people do come from all over to use it for that reason.

(Brogborough, 2019-09-12)


To keep open

(Broughton , 2019-09-12)


It is a lovely cafe that I thoroughly enjoy visiting and would be sad to see it go

(Leavesden, 2019-09-12)


It's a much needed resource in Tring.

(Pitstone, 2019-09-12)


I regularly visit this lovely cafe withplay area. It is a safe friendly environment for adults with small children. Provides healthy nutritious foods and supports breast feeding Mums. Many play areas are too big, noisy and on the edge of towns. Doodle Caboodle is central and easily accessible and small enough to cater for a reasonable number of children without being overwhelming. I and my friends totally support this enterprise

(Hemel Hempstead, 2019-09-12)


I love this cafe and use it regularly it’s a god send! Staff are lovely! X

(Greater london, 2019-09-12)


I think it’s a much needed venue for parents with young children.

(Berkhamsted, 2019-09-12)


This is needed in the community for families

(Pitstone , 2019-09-12)


The cafe is absolutely brilliant. It's a wonderful place for people to meet and the town needs it!!

(AYLESBURY, 2019-09-12)


A much valued facility in the local community.

(Tring , 2019-09-12)


You are a fabulous facility xx

(Hyde Heath , 2019-09-12)


This is a lovely Play cafe which has done so much for the local community and should stay open.

(Pitstone , 2019-09-12)


Doodle caboodle is a fantastic cafe and soft play, we have enjoyed many visits with friends and on solo plays! Location is great, would be a shame to see the cafe close.

(Tring, 2019-09-12)


I want to support a local business that provides a much needed support, place of comfort, play and fun for young families.

(Tring, 2019-09-13)


I don't agree that there is a parking issue near Doodle Caboodle. The cafe provides a much needed facility for children and their parents. A place for young parents to meet with their children is crucial for the health and mental wellbeing of adult carers.

(Tring, 2019-09-13)


We absolutely love doodle caboodle, it’s a friendly place I can take my son too and it’s gets me out of the house. There is nothing quite like it in the area.

(Tring, 2019-09-13)


I love coming here with my children and have never had a problem parking.

(Luton, 2019-09-13)


This is an invaluable refuge for parents with young children.

(Ivinghoe , 2019-09-13)


I use this facility for my young children and live close by.

(Tring , 2019-09-13)


This cafe is a great local cafe for mums and dad to come together with their little ones. It’s friendly and if you’re having a bad/lonely day, it’s great. I’ve never had a problem parking in the allocated spaces. It would be so wrong for this cafe to close

(Leighton Buzzard , 2019-09-14)


This is such a fantastic place and a real asset it Tring and the surrounding area. Please don’t let ridiculous bureaucracy prevent people from setting up businesses and enterprises which give so much more to communities than the big companies on every high street who can fight battles like so easily but don’t contribute half as much to their surroundings.

(Leighton Buzzard, 2019-09-14)


I always park further down the road in car park so as not to restrict parking for other businesses. All the businesses in the Silk Mill estate generate cars, why should this one be singled out.
This is a lovely business and I use it frequently, I also like to support local businesses.

(Leighton Bzzard, 2019-09-14)


Doodle Caboodle is a brilliant local establishment and as a local resident the parking issue claims and their cause made by the council strike me as quite inaccurate.

(Tring, 2019-09-15)


This is a much needed facility, I wish this had been around when my kids where tiny.

(Tring, 2019-09-15)