Rezoning Petition for The Mini Farmers Sanctuary in Greenville County



I am signing because of what they stand for.
Love and kindness...I could go on for hours.
I brakes my heart to think this amazing woman would have to relocate.
Not to mention what it would do to her son.
Please allow them to keep the animals.

(South Bend, 2020-04-05)


Because this family is doing everything in their power to save these animals. Why not let them continue?!

(Markham, 2020-04-05)


The mini farmers are amazing people and what they do is incredible. I would be devastated to know that they can’t rescue animals anymore. It is unfair what is happening to them. Please let them rezone. They have 16,000 other people who would all agree!

(Lutz, 2020-04-05)


Please rezone this property to allow livestock so the sanctuary can continue caring for these wonderful animals that otherwise may have been slaughtered or killed. All animals need our kindness and love.

(Valparaiso, 2020-04-05)


I love animals and we must protect them

(hudson, 2020-04-05)


This mother and son duo are doing something positive with their land, rooted in nothing but love and the desire to help. They provide a safe and loving home to these animals, and the animals are well cared for. The life lessons that this little boy is reaping from this experience will serve him well throughout his life, and help to mold him into a productive and compassionate adult and human being. The benefits for these animals and their humans are mutual.

(Oklahoma City, 2020-04-05)


These people are doing no harm to their neighbors or community. In fact, they are enriching the community by having this sanctuary for all to enjoy.

(Washington, DC, 2020-04-05)


I believe the land was bought for the reason their were no restrictions. So the owner could have livestock. It is a sanctuary for animals, it should be allowed.

(Wellford, 2020-04-05)


I think they are doing great job for animals

(Denver, 2020-04-05)


I love the mini farmers and what they stand for!!! Friends not food!

(Auburn ca, 2020-04-05)


I'm signing because it's the right thing to do.
These animals dont have a voice so this sanctuary is their voice. Dont take that away. With all that's going on in the world, surely this is what we need rather than making them stop saving these animals.
I'm from the UK and love seeing the updates and following the page.

(Hastings, 2020-04-05)


I’m signing this petition not only because of the necessary refuge they provide for abused and neglected animals, but also because in turn, these animals provide necessary refuge for the owner’s son, who has autism.

(Culpeper, 2020-04-05)


I'm signing because this is a great family that has taken in these sweet babies. They humbled themselves to give these babies a chance in this cruel world, don't put them back out there.

(Inman, 2020-04-05)


Because this is a load of crap. A good person doing good things should be left alone.

(Greenville, 2020-04-05)


People need to realize that so called “livestock” is not always livestock. They are our pets and our family. As an owner of a pot belly pig I know this first hand. My pig is a part of our family just as much as my dogs are. This sanctuary is not raising “livestock” but saving unwanted animals.

(Inman, 2020-04-05)


I’m signing because I think this farm is a huge help. These animals are given great care. I think it’s a calling to be able to help animals who can’t speak for themselves. This farm is their “voice”.

(Riegelwood, 2020-04-05)


Because what she does is amazing. She saves many animals and is a blessing. Dont make her take her animals away!

(Greer, 2020-04-05)



(Marseille, 2020-04-05)


Please rezone The Mini Farmers Sanctuary at 445 Dallas Road Greenville, SC 29607 to continue their incredible animal rescue efforts!!

(Corte Madera, 2020-04-05)


I support the mini farmers!

(Kanata, 2020-04-05)


Animals need all the help
They can get.

(Forest Grove, 2020-04-05)


I’m signing because I relieve this wonderful organization is beautiful asset to the community!

(Wilmington, 2020-04-05)


I’m signing because this little sanctuary family bring so much happiness to so many people - all over the world. It is nice to see happy stories about animals rather than the awful ones we see every day. It would be such a shame for this little duo to lose their animals as the joy is not just for them but all of their social media community. I am sure their local community is also in full support of them.

(Melksham, 2020-04-05)


I’m signing this because what this woman and her family is doing is such a wonderful thing. Not only is it saving the lives of animals but it’s giving them a proper place to live.
Please allow this place to stay open and do not get rid of those animals. It would be detrimental to them.

(Barnhart, 2020-04-05)


Please allow this property to be rezoned so the livestock can stay. Thanks so much.

(Cuyahoga Falls, 2020-04-05)


The planet needs more places like this sanctuary not less. Please rezone them. T. Becker

(Brussels, 2020-04-05)


The minifarmers sanctuary is doing an awesome and important job. She's saving the lives her animals and her and her sons. She deserves to be supported

(Woodside, 2020-04-05)


People doing good things deserve to get wonderful breaks!

(Taylors, 2020-04-05)


This sanctuary should not be made to pay the price for a zoning mistake. They do so much good and are important to the community. This is a time in our country to stand together.

(New Hope, 2020-04-05)


The animals should get to stay and live out their lives at the Mini Farmers Sanctuary!

(Carmichael, 2020-04-05)


Let’s try to help each other out. Big businesses are able to get zoning laws changed. Maybe we should be kind and compassionate especially at this time.

(Silver Spring, 2020-04-05)


I am in support of the property be rezoned to keep this sanctuary in operation.

(Chesapeake, 2020-04-05)


Because this isn’t ok! This farm is to HELP animals, don’t take it away from them!

(Stanwood, 2020-04-05)


I'm signing because these animals deserve a happy home in which to live, which they now have. I disagree with any attempts to bully this lady into having to give up her home or give up the animals, especially when she was told there were no restrictions for the property. Live and let live, with love in your heart. This life is short, so let's make it sweet.

(Greenville, 2020-04-05)


This mother &son duo have worked wonders with animals that would otherwise be in horrid circumstances or dead. Truly grateful to see good folk like these are still out there trying to make the world a little better.

(Kihei, 2020-04-05)


This is just one more example of government overreach. This once free country is being destroyed from within (along with our freedoms, liberties and our economy) by the expansive growth in size and scope of government at ALL levels.

(North Richland Hills, 2020-04-05)


Think it is wonderful what she does. An is an amazing person to take her time to care for those animals like she does. She has a huge loving heart.

(spencer, 2020-04-06)


This sanctuary brings a little light and love into the world that we could all do with.

(Oxfordshire, 2020-04-06)


This Sanctuary is home to so many animals who have come from horrific situations. Now they are safe. Now they are loved. Now they are home. Don’t take their home away from them. Please, show compassion for this woman, her child and the animals that they have rescued. Thank you

(Vineyard Haven, 2020-04-06)


This woman is an angel in all she does for animals and in the lessons she teaches her child and us daily! Please find it in your hearts to leave the sanctuary as it is!!

(Massapequa, 2020-04-06)


I'm signing because it was an error on the city's part that caused this problem. The tenants have done nothing wrong. Kindness should not be repaid by jurisdiction.

(Whitesburg, 2020-04-06)


I am signing this petition because these wonderful people are doing nothing wrong. They are standing up for innocent animals lives. They love and care for these animals and protect them!

(Ripley, 2020-04-06)


The buyers relied on the sellers when purchasing the property, and the sellers admit they were wrong. The buyers should not be adversely affected by this. The answer is to rezone the property to allow for farm animals. This action will result in good all around, including for Greenville.

(McFarland, 2020-04-06)


I believe in what the mini farmers stand for!

(Honolulu, 2020-04-06)


I am not a local resident but I truly believe in the work that the sanctuary is doing. Not only is her son benefiting from caring for these animals but these animals are receiving the love and care that they deserve. I know not everyone is an animal lover but allowing the sanctuary to remain open where they are is simply the right thing to do. Thank you.

(Wilkes-Barre, 2020-04-06)


Not only is this sweet lady saving animals and allowing them to live out their best lives, she is giving her amazing little boy the opportunity to be able to live his best life with the help of these animals. This property needs to be rezoned....PLEASE!!!

(Ottawa, 2020-04-06)


The mini farmers do so much good. They provide safety and sanctuary to so many animals and education to many people. They only ask to continue with their work.

(Jersey city, 2020-04-06)


They do wonderful things for animals

(Fort Worth, 2020-04-06)


This is a wonderful cause. These people are amazing for taking these animals in!

(Thibodaux, 2020-04-07)


I’m signing because I wish nothing but a happy ending for this family. Is there truly a need to end the care and compassion they’re providing to animals who have already seen the worst of humanity?

(Brick, 2020-04-07)


Im siging because firstly, they were lied to when purchasing the property and secondly they are helping save lives of animals and doing so much good in a world filled with evil. They should not be punished for being lied to. Please rezo e them so they can continue saving lives!

(Appleton, 2020-04-07)


This is a wonderful, and much needed sanctuary!

(Pendleton, 2020-04-07)


All animals deserve a home to live in!

(Winfield, 2020-04-09)


I believe that they should have the right to have the land because they deserve it.

(Greer, 2020-04-11)


I'm sending this because of my love for animals everybody and every animal needs a home and someone to love them. Amen

(Mobile, 2020-04-11)


A zoning mistake was made and the right thing to do would be to rezone the property to make it reflect what they thought they were buying.

(Oak Ridge, 2020-04-16)


This is a sanctuary for many animals that would have had nowhere to go. It has saved their lives. This would be a devastating loss. Please do the right thing and allow this sanctuary to continue to help these animals. Be a hero!

(Oak Ridge, 2020-04-16)


I’m signing because she helped me out by taking in my rabbit that needed a better home. she takes great care of all the animals, and isn’t bothering anyone.. let her stay!!!

(Simpsonville, 2020-04-16)


This is a wonderful rescue/sanctuary. We need more people like Jesse and Evans.

(Riverside, 2020-04-18)


Jessie Fender resqued a pig that I saved from being shot by the Sherriffs department because they thought it was feral - the Pot Belly Pig - named Rosie wasn't feral but I couldn't keep her. She had two babies and then Jessie was able to take her! I checked everywhere but NO ONE would take her because of the glut of Pot Belly Pigs. Jessie has a true heart for animals, she is responsible and lives to save them. Please find in her favor! Thank you.

(Hendersonville, 2020-04-19)


I want them to be able to keep farm and help animals.

(albuquerque, 2020-04-27)



(grennville, 2020-04-28)


These animals are in a sanctuary where they are loved and cared for. Please rezone. It’s the right thing to do and it hurts no one. This woman and her son should not be penalized!

(Miami, 2020-05-02)


The sanctuary is a very important and beautiful place. The animals are loved and well looked after. Without places like this many animals would be left to suffer abuse, starvation and ultimately death. We need more beautiful caring people and safe places for animals to live.

(Newcastle, 2020-05-08)


Its the right thing to do!

(fountain inn, 2020-06-04)


This was not their error, and the work they do saving lives is a big part of why this country is so great, please work with this family to help them in whatever it takes, thank you.

(BROOKLYN, 2020-06-23)


There are so many animals who need help, a home and loving care. Please do not deny these wonderful beings a chance for a happy life at The Mini Farmers Sanctuary.

(Aiken, 2021-05-25)